Patrick Little General /plg/ DONE BEING NICE, WE'RE SCARING KIKES Edition


>Who is Patrick Little?
Rockwell incarnate, a man who took a stand against the jewish elite and managed to gain more than 50k votes in commiefornia.


>Spitting on the flag of the the Oppressor
>Supporting 2A at a Gun Grab March
>Nationalization of Twitter at their HQ
>Message to the German Embassy with a Bullhorn
>In front of jewHQ in Washington DC
>Redpilling outside of GOOGLE HQ

>1st AMA
>2nd AMA
>3rd AMA

>A Comfy Tangent With Patrick Little (6/1)
>Luke Ford (6/1)
>MSNBC Halley Jackson /ourgirl/ (5/31)
>Dr. David Duke (5/31)
>Luke Ford (5/29)
>Patrick on JFG LIVE (5/28)
>Ryan Dawson ANCreport interview (5/27)
>NBC BTFO //jew loses mind (5/22) **MUST WATCH**
>Previous Audio/Video (32 sources)

>Previous thread

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Other urls found in this thread: clayson


>The jerusalem Post (6/2)
>Forbes (6/1)
>The Hill (6/1)
>Engaget (5/31)
>Previous Articles (53 sources)

>Republican Party admits Patrick is polling 2nd (6/2)
>Joseph Sigur (6/2)
>Shawn Jones (6/2)
>Black Lives Matter endorses Patrick Little (6/1)
>Patrick Little BEST MOMENTS Compilation (6/1)
>Dick Eastman -Shut it Down (6/1)
>Previous Clips (22 sources)

>Does Patrick support President Trump?
>Patrick goes full Chad on Antifa at a gun grab rally

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nothing can diddle the little

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i was watching Patrick's stream from Japan Town and someone in the chat wrote this:

>Someone called NPR this morning and got on the radio and endorsed you!!! NPR had to issue a public apology!!! --- Search - onpointradio on twitter!!!!!!!!!

Could anyone find that call?

>Civil Rights Acts the US has do matter.
Nothing he is saying is false, he's not committing libel.

>He didn't actually get anything. In any election, a small percentage of votes do not mean anything
Its more than enough to split some states

>And you assume that both would win the primaries, which is FAR from guaranteed.
You don't need to win primaries to run as president if you're running independent.

Ahahhahah I looked it up, I need to find the recording!!!

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>hurr de durr no arguments the post

Also interested, for the lulz.

hahahaha that's hilarious.. should be from the June 4th morning episode if it's available online.

Hey, Swede. You haven't still haven't pointed out how him getting 500 votes in fucking San Francisco of all places is proof of vote shredding.

Patrick Little CATcerto Edition

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listening to this right now clayson
might be there, not sure tho

Based cats

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>Nothing he is saying is false, he's not committing libel.
In one of the videos, he literally said that "traitors with dual citizenship must be hanged by the neck in the public square". And he's ready to say the same thing on an actual rally. Are you sure that doesn't violate any hate speech laws?
>Its more than enough to split some states
What I said is that him getting those votes was incidental. It's not a trend, it's a coincidence. Saying this is fair when you're dealing with such tiny numbers. Pretty much all candidates below Fernstein (or whatever) and others in top 5 got those same incidental votes in various amounts.
>You don't need to win primaries to run as president if you're running independent.
Trump still has to win those. And if Republicans did their homework, they should have a candidate who would beat him at his own game of sucking rural folk off (that is if they don't want to push Trump again, but I'm not 100% certain that they will).
And even then, independent candidates are only used as an excuse for the losing party. They don't actually make any difference, let's be honest here. Little blackmailing Trump to "name the jew or suffer the consequences" sounds like a Monty Python skit at best.

I'm starting to believe his current defenders are false flags. Nobody is this delusional. Especially since at the first sight of real discussion, they disappear or stop replying.

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>In one of the videos, he literally said that "traitors with dual citizenship must be hanged by the neck in the public square". And he's ready to say the same thing on an actual rally. Are you sure that doesn't violate any hate speech laws?
iirc that´s actually in the constitution for how to deal with those who are designated as traitors.

we arent blackpilled faggots like you and we dont leave people behind who sacrificed so much for the truth

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>Are you sure that doesn't violate any hate speech laws?
>hate speech
HAHAHA gtfo of here with that nonsense. Also dual loyalties are completely unexceptionable and that applies to more than just the Jews!

>What I said is that him getting those votes was incidental
You can keep believing that. There was interest, actually quite a lot (which is why people think there was fraud). Google and Youtube searches are evidence of nothing, but at the very least provide some frame that these casted votes were NOT incidental. Never mind the sheer amount of ballots posted on Jow Forums alone. These votes were deliberate.

>independent candidates are only used as an excuse for the losing party
That's totally okay, winning the presidential election isn't the aim.

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As i understand it the US supreme court has ruled that there is no such thing as a hate speech restriction to freedom of speech in the US.

You still haven't address my point. Don you seriously believe there's tens of thousands of shredded Little votes in San Francisco, probably the bluest part of the state?

>actually in the constitution for how to deal with those who are designated as traitors.

Exactly, hate speech is free speech. Being "nice" doesn't need legal protections in the first place.

im staying neutral on the topic, I think over 50k votes are good enough
but there were some strange (((coincidences))) during the election but nothing solid

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I guess the shill finally google Streisand effect after all.

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I would like a quote then, because that would be hilarious.
He's being realistic, unlike you m8. And yes, in three or four months you will forget about him. These threads are already dying and it's been two fucking days.
>HAHAHA gtfo of here with that nonsense
Am I wrong? Would he not get screwed for screaming about hanging the jews on a CNN broadcast? Be realistic please.
>You can keep believing that
I don't have to believe that because it's true. The numbers talk for themselves.
>Google and Youtube searches are evidence of nothing
You are correct.
> but at the very least provide some frame that these casted votes were NOT incidental
You don't need any evidence for that. Of course some of those votes were not. I'd say maybe a few thousand. But it's still nothing. Remember Cali has 33 million people. A few thousand of them voting for someone like Little sounds extremely plausible.
>Never mind the sheer amount of ballots posted on Jow Forums alone
You mean like 20 since the very beginning? And Jow Forums was his main base of operation, so that does not surprise me.
>That's totally okay, winning the presidential election isn't the aim.
It's an aim for him. That's something you have to understand - yes, he ACTUALLY believes everything he's saying. He actually thought that he would win in Cali, and he actually thinks that his immense power can influence Donald fucking Trump. The dude's autstic, his grip on reality is shaky at best.

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Right, hate speech is solely a post modernist marxist invention where they want to restrict the 1st ammendment in the US so they can throw people in prison for saying things they don´t want them to say, by labelling it hate speech. They are trying same thing in europe. And including actually at the UN the islamic OIC (representing 57 majority muslim nations in the world) wants to enact islamic blasphemy law upon all UN members by labelling critique of islam or muslims as islamophobia and hate speech. This is btw. straight out of sharia law in which you critique the islamic religion or the prophet muhammad etc. You are to be executed. So there´s a lot of that going on. And ofcourse jews are simultaneously pushing for hatespeech falling under antisemitism, so if you critique jews they want to send you to prison.
">Jews attack anyone they call a Nazi after the war
>In the early 2000's Jews get a great idea, call everyone right of center a Nazi! Brilliant Schlomo!
>In the current year Jews call even people in the center Nazis
>Anyone that isn't a gender-queer non-binary double nigger faggot a Nazi
>Now kikes can attack anyone that isn't for their globo-homo plan
>They killed Patton because he realized the truth. The USA fought the wrong side and now they are completely dominated by those bloody parasites."
Patton was so dismayed seeing how the jews were taking over the media in germany after wwII something the natsoc had put a stop to. That he didn´t even want to live anymore and regretted serving the US military during the war. Pic related.
Just notice how similar it is to what they are doing now what patton wrote in this pic related.

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>I would like a quote then, because that would be hilarious.
I don´t actually have it but there´s clear things of what can be constitute as treason. And the response to that is public execution as far as i know. Probably some burger can help me out with this?

>Shills say Patrick Little threads are spam and need to stop
>Botter makes /ptg/ threads every waking minute

If Patrick Little threads aren't a threat, there wouldn't be so much shitposting and shilling against them. Just this alone proves that /ptg/ is full of Hasbara Jews and that Patrick is a threat to them and their wallets.

alright they're talking about the california senate election right now and taking callers

Little should really get on some show or whatever to be interviewed and talk about this whole thing. Anyone have some new links to him talking about the aftermath of all of this?

You don't need to break down every point and reply like you are, its just annoying. California doesn't have 33 million registered voters, you're denying deliberate voting "muh 20 on /pol" I have about 50 saved on my PC alone. That's just from people who actually took the time to actually take a picture and then post on Jow Forums, so stop grasping over deliberate action.

You're still failing to realize the objective of him running against Trump or whoever else in a presidential race and you underestimate Jow Forums's ability to spread his message. Reminder we literally only campaigned for him for 3 and a half weeks. Before that he was unknown on here and this is with over half the board not paying attention to him. There are still people to this day that stubble across Little threads not knowing who he is.

Also he isn't calling for hanging Jews, hes calling for hanging traitors, get your facts straight.

The sad part is, if we don't get guys like Little in office sooner rather than later we'll find ourselves stripped of our rights. Jews are extremely overrepresented in pushing for gun and speech restriction laws. Which shouldn't surprise anyone, because that's what they do, then they purge people.

>Anyone have some new links to him talking about the aftermath of all of this?
yeah he posted this

>Also he isn't calling for hanging Jews, hes calling for hanging traitors, get your facts straight.
Mhm. They are acting as if he is saying. Get a lynchmob and go find some jews to hang. What??? heh. There´s clear procedures and things for which constitute treason under the US constitution. And that´s what little was arguing. The thing he said consistantly with jews is the israelie lobby is too powerful and control the US politics way too much. And that jews with dual citizenship in US supreme court and in US government is a conflict of interest.

Ah great thanks, appreciate it.

Entirely, they are trying to (((shut us down))). Its more than just Little, its his platform. Which needs to be pushed hard for 2020 for others to follow suit and run in their districts.

The Founding Fathers would be calling to arms if they could see this shit. Its absolutely disgusting.

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alright the link I posted doesent include a pat little endorsement call, a real shame, cant figure out where else it would be
the host name is Jane Clayson

>You don't need to break down every point and reply like you are
I hate people who ignore their opponent's points in a debate. Its makes them look like they're ignoring those points deliberately, which makes their overall position much weaker.
>California doesn't have 33 million registered voters
True. Cali has 18,055,783 registered voters, if Google is to be believed. My point still stands though.
>you're denying deliberate voting "muh 20 on /pol" I have about 50 saved on my PC alone
And all of them are from Jow Forums. It could've been a hundred and it still would've not changed anything. The amount is tiny, and it doesn't contradict anything that I'm saying (remember - I'm not denying that there were people voting for him).
>That's just from people who actually took the time to actually take a picture and then post on Jow Forums, so stop grasping over deliberate action.
Yes, and all of them were from Jow Forums. You should see the problem with your logic here. You're only talking about Jow Forums users, the only people representing his voter base. And they are a small fraction of an overall community, they do not represent a bigger picture, they only represent themselves.
>You're still failing to realize the objective of him running against Trump or whoever else in a presidential race and you underestimate Jow Forums's ability to spread his message.
No, I think you're overestimating it.
>Before that he was unknown on here and this is with over half the board not paying attention to him.
Remember that these threads started because Little was polling good in the early election polls and Jow Forums noticed. Jow Forums came to Little, not the other way around.
>Also he isn't calling for hanging Jews, hes calling for hanging traitors, get your facts straight.
He wants to hang those with dual citizenship. Of course, he's talking about Israel. You can ask him, I'm pretty sure he would confirm.

>Jews are extremely overrepresented in pushing for gun and speech restriction laws.
I got this pic related. Of jews in US politics.
Look how many of them are for gun control, there´s like 2 of them that aren´t. Heh.

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You´re not getting trump to name the jew, he has way too many jewish business interests and they like him so they let him do a lot of things that is positive for white americans. In exchange of doing some things for israel like moving the embassy to jerusalem. But this is why they were so panicked over him because he wasn´t fully controlled like hillary.

Business friends etc. And a jewish son in law. kushner. This is why i laugh so hard at the stupid far left who claim he´s literally hitler. He is like the worst hitler ever. Doesn´t even make any sense.

Good pic

ill be posting some more crybaby reactions from the election

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It´s also funny to claim that it is antisemitic to state that the jews control the US press. They are so overrepresented in all relevant leadership positions in the US media that it´s almost ridiculous to call it a free press whatsoever. It is more an instrument for the people who own it to do propaganda on behalf of those who own that media. I´ve seen videos of 50 different reporters saying word for word the exact same sentences on different US news media. And americans pretend they have freedom of the press and they are independent objective journalists. And ofcourse the daily show with trevor noah (a jew) taking over for john stewart (jonathan leibowitz) a jew. Every single week for the last 1½ years have been shitting on trump or trying to make him look like a clown. So it´s very obvious those who control the US media are mostly democrat oriented and wanted hillary as a candidate. And it was funny to see how fast they softened up when trump wanted to move the US embassy to jerusalem etc.

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Obviously you're not going to come off the possibility that a majority of his voters were deliberate. Despite his massive internet footprint compared to his competitors and people on Jow Forums, so I'm not even going to bother arguing it anymore. I'm not overestimating Jow Forums's influence. I never implied whatsoever it was enough to win him the presidential election, but just enough to thwart it. Its members are decentralized all over the world and mostly in the US where they take to the streets and get the word out.

>Remember that these threads started because Little was polling good in the early election polls
Check the plebs. He was unknown until he got thrown out of the GOP conference. There were a few threads before that which had literally no traction.

>He wants to hang those with dual citizenship. Of course, he's talking about Israel
Primarily, because its clear Israel has the most influence in our government, but he's also applied that to all dual citizens in government. He's also right to do so. There is literally nothing wrong with hanging traitors.


I don't expect he would either. I still support Little's move to do it though.

the state of the US today dominated by these jewish parasites who have by nepotism and control of money installed themselves in all relevant positions. So if a candidate does not say what they want them to say. They are cut off.
And the way they have installed themselves in the US and betray the american peoples interest for their own interests. Is only compounded and realized when you realize they have dual citizenship with israel. Which is a nuclear power with a samson option to nuke the entire planet if they are attacked. Israel is a super power because they have stolen the technology from the US as they steal and take credit for things they don´t create. It´s a common thing with jews. IMAGINE someone with dual russian citizenship running the US supreme court, controlling your media objectively and having a lobby so powerful that even politicians who want to think they want what is good for america.
>well better do what we say first, or you don´t have a chance in hell.
And then americans fucking turn around and say.
>oh but you can´t critique that situation or you are antisemitic.

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We just need more people like little asking the jq and not retard skinheads

Haha yes that´s one of those videos. Freedom of the press right? Independent objective coverage right? Just reading from a fucking script is what they are doing.

The US has a critical issue with freedom of the press. It´s not that the press is under attack and not allowed to objectively report the truth. Is that their press is not free and is not reporting the truth. But is pure propaganda for the few jews who own it. Who are overwhelmingly democrats. And peddle basically overwhelmingly one oppinion so if you tune into any of those. That´s the oppinion you might come away with as an american. Funny how that works.

Just giving you guys a head up..use extra security when posting here. Not joking.

It should be mentioned that libs who think this way are no better than some anons in this thread. They do not know what those 1.2% mean, but they are always ready to sperg out about evil nazis infesting our gay little state of minorities radiating sunshine and rainbows.
>Obviously you're not going to come off the possibility that a majority of his voters were deliberate
I really doubt it. There's no real way to prove it, but that's how the statistics go. If you get such a small percentage, it most likely means that anyone who gave a fuck was in a tiny minority.
> Despite his massive internet footprint compared to his competitors
The footprint was bigger compared to his competitors but that doesn't say much because his competitors made no footprints, except for a few tiny examples (all of whom overtook him in the vote).
>but just enough to thwart it
I'm not going to try and prove you otherwise, we'll just see how the election will go. No reason to argue about this stuff since we'll be able to check it later.
>Check the plebs. He was unknown until he got thrown out of the GOP conference. There were a few threads before that which had literally no traction.
That Israel flag video and him polling well was what made Jow Forums take notice, yes. Still, I doubt that Jow Forums had much influence over his campaign, we're too much of an airtight echo chamber.
>Primarily, because its clear Israel has the most influence in our government, but he's also applied that to all dual citizens in government. He's also right to do so. There is literally nothing wrong with hanging traitors.
Well, if someone is proven a traitor, then he should be judged according to law. I'm not an American, so that law is not for me to write down, thus my opinion in this matter is irrelevant.

Whatever, time go to sleep, it's 2:30 AM in here for fucks sake. If you have any responses - don't waste your time, by the time I'll read them this thread will be long dead.

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Remember you lazy faggot, pat doesn't want you posting here on /paul/. he wants you in the real world redpilling normies

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>I doubt that Jow Forums had much influence over his campaign
Pretty much all the propaganda for his campaign came from here. Good night, user.

Wow, ANOTHER Patrick Little thread! I'm here to help guys. Lets get this recount done! here are some red pills for the supporters.

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Pat hates niggers, post your best boys.

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>150 posts by this ID incoming

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I'm here to help you guys out. You need more red pills to wake the people up. Patrick Little is the best, and he took a whopping 1.4% in the election! He'll get the nomination in 2020 for sure guys!
More memes for you guys to use.

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so is there any real proof that ballots we're discarded/switched/uncounted or are we really getting meme'd this hard right now?

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Lol this nigga still spamming

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Could be the latter. I'm not calling fraud without proofs, no matter how much I want it to be the case.

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Patrick, when you talk to the CA SOS about a recount, please be sure to video it and put it on YT. /b/ needs more rekt videos.

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Hey /plg/ staff, im sorry little lost it's TRUE the ballots were rigged

I work on behalf of some politicians in the DMV & maybe I can help you guys out.

[email protected]

I'll wait for 10 minutes for you guys. If o dont get anything in 10 minutes I will assume you all dont need my help

Dont worry guys let patrick know that pendulums swing without any hiccups, it happened dir a reason & ultimately Patrick will make it to the top

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