I'm going to post Hitler every day until you love him

I'm going to post Hitler every day until you love him.

Attached: Fishler.png (480x480, 152K)

you could have stopped 20+ years ago

K but I already love uncle A.

You can stop now

I hate it!

>You could have stopped 80 years ago.
fix'd 4 u.

There's no need my Japanese friend

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Would you like a log with your slide?


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Fuck off kike.

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Attached: 60718.jpg (900x606, 95K)

He was an excellent leader for being an old man with zero experience in military strategy.

Attached: oldman.png (625x435, 414K)


Attached: 7.jpg (3000x1869, 868K)

At least 4 of these are SHITTED edits lmao. Kys shill.

Fuck too jew

Attached: IMG_0149.jpg (700x970, 317K)

You such an expert on dick you can spot the fakes?

I already love him, but keep them coming senpai.

>He can't tell difference between a nigger and a literal piece if shit.

Whelp, back to the drawing board, Sholmo.


Attached: 1526796099050.jpg (487x311, 29K)

>No Reddit???
>Butthurt about all the mean words
Jesus Christ if I had a teacher like that I'd gas them instantly


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I hope you enjoy hell, kike-bastard.

Attached: 5a.jpg (540x787, 143K)

I HATE him!

Attached: hitler_happy birthday.png (566x642, 316K)

Attached: heil hitler.jpg (819x461, 38K)

New variation on an ancient meme.


kek, good job making me look through a bunch of nigger dicks you faggot

But I like him

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Attached: jew_hitler_oven.png (1123x820, 1.02M)

I already love him Nip-user.

They all look like they're swallowing shit from a gay man's rectum

Attached: hitler_jesus.jpg (669x439, 72K)


Attached: 10101.png (731x709, 48K)

I already do love him

The funny thing is that you've chosen your own future and you don't know it's real yet.

Attached: easy bake oven.jpg (259x194, 19K)

How can you even spot them? I unironically can't tell the difference

Thanks, I seen the one Tuesday, but I missed yesterday's.

Attached: Hisler.jpg (789x694, 56K)

I never will, Honorary Aryan-san, but I hate the commies way more.

Attached: hitler_animals.jpg (1274x1286, 682K)

Hitter is never going to be socially acceptable. I know Jews are behind pushing this (((Nazi))) meme. God help us all, the future does not look bright.

This man was no monster

Attached: my_leader_hail_hitler.gif (358x202, 1.08M)

A great man

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>implying i don't

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Attached: hitler_army2.jpg (1024x767, 106K)

Attached: hitler_21.jpg (1992x2259, 868K)

I would cry too tb.h

I love him already

Attached: adolf_achievements_unlocked.png (1575x1302, 2.41M)

Truly a titan.

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So is this the only thread then?

carry the flame brother

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Attached: look_faggots.png (390x600, 127K)