Suicide is up 30% since 1999

What is going on in America?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>and that’s a good thing


I'm sure if we just destroy traditional values a little more and move further left it'll totally fix itself.

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>Men die by suicide 3.53x more often than women.
>On average, there are 123 suicides per day.
White males accounted for 7 of 10 suicides in 2016. [Only about 31% of the total population.]

What, surprised?

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>What is going on in America?

Mental illness for starters. What's causing that is up for debate.

>government sieges your own city
>forces everyone to play along and pay up to go fuck shit up in the desert
>america now has no middle class and the country is steamrolling toward brazil-tier civic culture

The pills and retard media probably causes it. But the jews don't want taxpayers killing themselves, I'd have to imagine. Unless maybe this is a secret white genocide, which is likely. Sorta eugenic, but at the same time, selecting for the most servile people who ignore oppression is making a chinese race of us

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Real talk, if men die so much more than women, then why are there more women in the US than men?

Who just posted this that there's two threads about it within 5 minutes of each other

> Religious meaning gone
> Nihilism
> Forced diversity
> Mental illness
> Over-reliance on drugs to treat said illness
> Liberalism

??? You answered your own question

this but unironically.

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My bad I’m high af rn lmao

The Mormons (Book of Mormon cult) and Jews (Talmud cult) will rule.

Why do you say that friend

>1 post by this ID
>meme flag
GOD damn it

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Judgement day

>tripfag complaining about meme flag

On a serious note it's not wrong to ask about the increase of suicide in America since 1999, that's a serious issue. The short reason this has happened is because of the jews.

>What is going on in America?
we don't want to talk about

>suicide is the leading cause of death in the us
>not heart disease, cancer,
What fucking hyperbole faggotry is this?

You best start believin in satan, user

abortion is the leading cause of death in every western country

The government is waging psychological warfare. Tyranny no one can see.

Only retards will be left. And only retards will be left.

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Burn hollywood to the ground. Soak the stars in blood.

And what percentage has the population as a whole , increased? More people more an hero. Git.

The beauty of diversity, degeneracy, faggotry, inclusion, and multi-culturalism.

This is the explaination, it’s 45 min long from an ex KGB agent, enjoy.

>What is going on in America?
Accelerated natural selection

Information overload. It requires a special kind of coping.

about what?

rent is too damn high

>suicide is A leading cause of death in the us
Reading is hard

America is dying.

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Most people aren't depressed because of chemical imbalances. Most people are depressed because their lives fucking suck. They can't do what they want to do. They can have what they want to have. They can't fuck who they want to fuck. Life isn't going their way and they either don't have the means to turn it around or they're just too lazy to do so. So they tell doctor sheckleberg they have depression and get over medicated with all kinds of psychotropic drugs to the point where they are later found swinging in the basement.

Can't have*

Im going to cash out some time this year.

>What is going on in America?
Stop pumping out threads like a pregnant bitch , you fucking kike excrement.

People who don't feel that they belong can tend to be suicidal.
Diversity is the opposite of that.

>95% ((transgender))

>or they're just too lazy to do so
What if we are lazy all the time. It's not like we want to. I for example have no energy for doing things and when I do, it goes away fast. I've gotten to the point where I'm too lazy to even get up and play videogames or even eat breakfast. That isn't normal.

malthusian crisis except concerning quality of living as opposed to just food

>What is going on in America?
We live in a society.

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Male suicide.

i might have a couple of years left

Good point, and they're trying to cover it up, too. (Pravda means truth by the way.)

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I've taken the black pill, and all I'm doing is shivering in the corner trying to vomit it up.
I'm a faggot I know, but I'm trapped.

>Men die by suicide 3.53x more often than women.
>White males accounted for 7 of 10 suicides

i didn't know this
love it

Rule what?

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>What is going on in America?
family courts

blackpill is fun, but it's what the jews want. whatever

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>when you jew too hard and too fast

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a kingdom of mulatto shoppers who produce wealth for them? sort of like what they've done with south america

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nice ziggurat in that pic you posted. Wonder what it means?
What you're referring to is dysgenics not eugenics and yes it is intentional and habbening.

Bernie 2020
Gas the whites, race war now!

>american education

Fucked up women, meaningless jobs, and the Kardashians

Social disintegration...convenience leads to isolation and isolation to despair.

it's up huge in canada as well, a lot of these fentanyl overdoses are not accidents. i think a heard suicide was number one cause of death under 30 for white males for uk and Australia, i'd bet it's the same in Canada but good luck getting those stats.

Trannies castrating themselves and dumb whites having quadroons is dysgenic? Well yeah, but it's eugenic for the white phenotype, which has rid itself of racemixing genes in that instance, or tranny genes

This is why your girlfriends left you.

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Mostly autists, so no one cares. Besides, it keeps the gene pool pure.


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how many were commie faggots?

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Shaming white males for being male and white

>what's this then
idiots like (You) turning everything to shit for 'reasons'
its enough to make everyone kill themselves and its all your fault

They seek a pile of shit and a pile of shit they shall receive. They thought they understood things. They were wrong.

The biggest group offing themselves are whites. Nice try kike.

Yup. White autists. No one cares. Btw, life is for the living, and if you can't understand that, the you need to get busy dying. Because all you are is a burden to society, your family and your self. In the end chalk it up to natural selection. Good riddence.

The real answer is that this is the result of the heroin / opiod problem in the United States.

Most people don't die of an overdose but usually put themselves in such a bad place with dope sickness suicide is the best answer.

Retarded argument. We all die.
>You are a burden to society
Yeah I'm sure apathy is very helpful to society
>no one cares
Yet you are here

society isnt helpful to a lot of people so why would they bother with it

Crowding is root of all evils, decrease the surplus population, etc.

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says it all.

I think so too. The whole mental health story is vacuous. There is a reason people are depressed and it's because of what's happening in their communities.

Why do I just want to leave then?

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Dems have literally been on suicide watch since the election.

>Belgium has the highest rate of any West-European country
>At the beginning of 2012, people of foreign background and their descendants were estimated to have formed around 25% of the total population