Time Magazine: Drumpf is killing our democracy


>In a warren of low-ceilinged rooms on the ground floor of the West Wing, down the stairs from the Oval Office and next to the Situation Room, Donald Trump’s lawyers are waging war.

>They’re locked in battle with Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, who has indicted 19 people over the past 13 months, five of whom have pleaded guilty. Now he is homing in on the investigation’s most powerful subject: the President, whom Mueller wants to testify under oath about what he knows.

>It’s a dangerous moment for Trump. If he agrees to talk, the notoriously undisciplined President risks making a false statement, which could be a crime like the one that led to Bill Clinton’s impeachment. But if he refuses, Mueller could issue a subpoena, instigating a long, high-profile court battle over whether Trump could be forced to testify. The two legal teams–Mueller’s squad of top prosecutors and Trump’s rotating cast of advocates–are haggling over what an interrogation would look like: how long it would be, what topics would be on the table and whether the session would be recorded. Before the President talks to investigators, Trump’s team wants to see the authorization letter that established Mueller’s authority, according to Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani. They are also demanding the special counsel’s report to be issued within 60 days of any interview.


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So is it literally Time spamming this? Or is it more like CTR just seeing if this MSM OC will catch.. Or just someone trolling for (You)'s.

>Jack (((GOLDSMITH)))



we need to make trump president for life

El Trumpeto

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Trump is a 24 hours meme

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Trump bends reality to his will with a mere tweet.

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Trump won't be impeached little libtards, SAD!

This is literally fanfiction, and not good fiction.

He's just an attention whore

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>killing (((our))) democracy.
>and saving ours.

Thanks donald

>attention whore
No he isn't. Everyone gives him attention because he's the God Emperor.


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if only.

Love the fiction, it's almost as good as pizzagate, though not as entertaining.

Funny how all Time's "DRUMPF BTFO" covers seem to wind up being the banner image on T_D within 24 hours...


>Years ago, watching science fiction magazines and newspapers of various sorts come and go, I identified a process I called “roll hard left and die.”

>When a magazine or a newspaper or any news or entertainment media was in real trouble, they went hard, hard left, then died.

>It took me a little while to realize this was a sane strategy. In a field completely controlled by the left, when you knew that your job was in peril be it through missmanagement or whatever, your last hope was to go incredibly hard left, so you could blame the failure on ideology. And instead of not being able to find a job, you found yourself lionized by all the “right” (left) “thinking people.” New jobs were assured.

>It got so bad, I could identify when a magazine was in severe trouble, because it would go from “left leaning” to “To the left of Lenin” in nothing flat.

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Trump unironically is killing your democracy.

>President can pardon himself (thus making the President literally above the law)
>President can end investigations into himself
These are both existential threats to your democracy.

But on a more practical level, he has utterly gutted the State Department. All of the senior and effective diplomats are gone, and his public bashing and private disdain is sapping morale and making it hard to attract or retain talent. It takes decades to build capacity in organisations that large and fundamental, and it will take decades to rebuild it to.

This is happening not just in the State Department but across a range of US institutions as Trump "the builder" runs a wrecking ball through US government.

Good. State is an enemy department anyway.

>>>President can pardon himself (thus making the President literally above the law)
>>President can end investigations into himself
>These are both existential threats to your democracy.
What is impeachment?

>But on a more practical level, he has utterly gutted the State Department.
Fucking good.

The US cannot be secure in an insecure world, anons. All your tanks and guns didn't prevent 9/11 - military strength alone will not keep you safe.

The cooperation of countries like Pakistan and Iran in not providing safe havens for terrorism is something that helps you stay safe, but those countries have intractable problems and conflicting desires that need to be managed if you want to get anything out of them.

Diplomacy is essential to achieving US interests abroad - including US security interests. You're giving up the ability to effect the world outside the country in exchange for literal macho posturing, and nothing more.

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>Drumpf is killing our democracy




>runs a wrecking ball through US government.

the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness present in the drumpftard is astounding

Hillary may still go to jail
The wall is being designed
ISIS is basically gone at this point
Obamacare personal mandate is history

Also tax cuts for business is a good thing.

>pic is retarded on every level

No, State is bad. State is a core Progressive department. Run foreign policy out of the Pentagon.

Trump monarchy when?

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heres a little more tds for you folks


>Auscuck unironically thinks gutting the state is a bad thing
Some of us aren't weak effeminate s.0ys who need the government to have complete control.

im a fascist so that works for me.

>he doesn't want the US government to have complete control over other countries

Simply a coincidence, think nothing of it.

The media had no problem with a prospective coronation when it was Obama.

after ig report and noko summit.

The USG controlling other countries just spreads the POZ everywhere.

Faggot you realise in our own country everytime we vote for somebody as PM over the last 11 years they just replace that person with somebody else right?
The biggest joke is that voting here is compulsory because its a 'democracy'.

And this?

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Trump slammed in numerous conservative judge appointments and saved the nation from Hillary. That's all I fuckin' wanted, aside from the free Awoo I get in the afterlife for voting for him.
Everything else he's doing for the nation is frosting on the Fuck You cake to Liberals.

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Oy Vey! George Soros is a Saint and not at all a diabolical puppet master pulling the strings of the press!

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You don't vote for the PM.

Weinstein ties to Epstein and Clinton foundation which is connected to NXIVM AND PizzaCult

This is a unique take on the VILE people!!!!
>NYPD connects the dots with Weiners Laptop and bringing their empire down

>this also connects to The A.I grid thei are building and worshiping
The elite will use the SATAN A.I skynet too monitor, and censor ALL info THEY dont like

Which connects to QLarp and fraud
>Q at one point was real
>white rabbit SAGA
GOOD INfo but dated but helps paint a good picture

We are being distracted away from major happenings like Weinstein and PedoGate tuscon
We need real warriors of light to defeat this BeAst System

Only a king can fix this

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I ironically would wish this image were true.

I mean hell look at Julia Gillard that ear lobe drooping faux kike lawyer.
She had 2 terms and not once did the people even vote her in.
First time was because her party voted to remove Kevin Rudd as PM and put her in. The second time it was because of a hung Parliament and she bribed 3 of 5 independents. Then 2 of those independents she even renigged on their bribe agreements. The absolute fucking audacity. Then when we the people voted in Tony Abbott both the kikes and Saudi's fucking hated him so he was removed for good goy Malcom Turnbull who, like Shorten doesn't give 3 fucks about the average person.

Also I don't even know if you're being ironic or not but yes we are supposed to vote for our PM. If we were a republic then the PM would be treated the same as our PM is treated now.

>Wanting the Empire of Faggotry worldwide

Because you hate America!

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He's not a jew tho en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Goldsmith


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>yes we are supposed to vote for our PM.
No you aren't.

Sorry I didn't realise you were a special needs person from Melbourne and I was talking to you like you were normal.
Drumpf bad Hillary good.

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You seem to have no understanding of a parliamentary system, so I'm not surprised that you are confused and intimidated by it.

This is How Hillary Can Still Win

Is there anything more loathsome than a journalist?

What did the 5 people who plead guilty plead to?

They all "plead guilty" to convoluted technicalities that had nothing to do with anything.

If it was actually important then you probably would have found out about it already.

Was it process crimes? They never mention that mueller team asked for a delay after the russian company they indicted showed up to court ready for a speedy trial.

This can't be real..

I have no idea what they were, to be honest.

The point is, the FBI was was spying on Trump from day one, and these were the only "crimes" they could find.