Is approaching women in the street, supermarket etc. a solution for incels?

Is approaching women in the street, supermarket etc. a solution for incels?

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Forced meme reddit word

Ok, betas or something then

nightclubs are where the easy whores are

Not easy for everybody

certainly easier than sober girls going to work, or shopping

*wakes up*
I made eggs for y-you

Not true, you're competing with top tier men there. The bottom 80% of men are practically invisible to females. If you're not in the 20% as far as SMV is concerned, you are not even a human entity to a female.

The solution for incels is to fuck prostitutes. I can tell you that I became comfortable with sexuality somewhere around 30-40 times having sex. If an incel fucked a whore 30 times, it would massively boost his self-esteem and place him into an upward spiral of self-improvement.

What's your source? At clubs they might have a bigger bitch shield due to being approached a lot?

>Not true, you're competing with top tier men there
Yeah but it's dark & they're drunk so they don't notice you're a loser.


They're not chicken's eggs.........

Former incel here. I want to make my situation known in hopes of improving the situations and mindsets of others.

First and foremost, know that no one owes you anything. The reason that you have no friends, don't work at a good job, or can't get laid is because you are a disgusting person that no one wants to be around. This may or not be your fault, but it IS your responsibility to improve your situation.

Having sex or a girlfriend will not make you happier. It will not magically make you stop feeling depressed or lonely, it will not make you rich, and it certainly will not make people respect you.

What you need to focus on, and what you need to do, is figure out what you can to do improve yourself. When I was 15 I was absolutely filthy and had the worst hair imaginable because I didn't know how to manage it. I learned. I was a fat fuck. I learned how to eat better and lift. I was unsocial. I learned how to talk to people and be interesting.

I was amazed when I stared realizing that women started talking to me, being cute and friendly and around me and checking me out. And it was wonderful.

Do not envy Chad. Become Chad. You have NOTHING to lose for genuinely trying to improve your situation. It is all on you, buddy.

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>improve yourself
Ok, but the question was is it good for incels to approach women in the street, supermarket etc.

No. That's fucking creepy. Might even get you killed.

If you improve yourself enough, women should come to you. There's a reason you don't see Chads picking up women in the streets.

Maybe you're just making excuses?

>women should come to you
How? Where?

There's a reason chads are so vague about it when it happens. It could be pretty much anywhere.

Its better than waiting for them to talk to you...

>women should come to you
Hey there Elliot.

It should happen naturally. They'll smile at you, hang around you, make eye contact, that sort of thing.

Then they are approaching you. By street, supermarket ETCETERA I meant pretty much anywhere. So let me get this straight, men approaching women is creepy but women approaching men is not?

>should happen
But probably won't, that's why you need to be proactive.

actually think about it, who the fuck wants that? that's bizarre and creepy even for chad let alone YOU

Well I got an escort for an hour and in that whole time my dick was limp so basically theyre a waste of money

People don't fucking like being "approached" while they're just going about their business at the store or on the street. Even if you're a hot tall white guy in Japan women would mostly be put off by you accosting them in that context.

legalize prostitution!

make it acceptable to shame people for stepping off their own lines

I knew a guy that did this at ANY opportunity, he failed 99% of the time, but it still worked due to that 1% success rate, you have to have zero shame to use it as a strategy, and you have to be ok with constant rejection too.

Well this guy tried it at least once, did not work out now, did it.

Why is everyone so obsessed with incels anyway?
If other dudes getting laid is really so important to you, how about you offer up your services concerning dating advise and hanging out as a wing-man, then you might actually make a difference in the world and one day in the far future you can say "well, I wasted my life away on the internet, but I probably prevented a couple mass-shootings by helping get a couple dicks wet".

>Well this guy tried it at least once
Did he ? when ?

no women in the world wants to be approached by an ugly creepy manlet incel.
a better solution to escape inceldom is suicide.

Weinstein ties to Epstein and Clinton foundation which is connected to NXIVM AND PizzaCult
This is a unique take on the VILE people!!!!
>NYPD connects the dots with Weiners Laptop and bringing their empire down

>this also connects to The A.I grid thei are building and worshiping
The elite will use the SATAN A.I skynet too monitor, and censor ALL info THEY dont like

Which connects to QLarp and fraud
>Q at one point was real
>white rabbit SAGA
GOOD INfo but dated but helps paint a good picture

We are being distracted away from major happenings like Weinstein and PedoGate tuscon
We need real warriors of light to defeat this BeAst System111

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You go to the clubs with more women than men, women will settle they're horny too. World statistics get thrown out in a controlled environment.

If they are ugly, no, they will get thrown into jail because of the fake rape allegations. But if they are decent looking and not absolutely autistic they should be ok.

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>Why is everyone so obsessed with incels anyway?

When virgin shaming stopped working they made up a new word for it and started spamming threads non-stop to get it on your psyche.

Are you sure? Maybe some single women go to coffee shops to have guys approach them? Might be good to look for signs of openness and interest before approaching though.

Sorry Lachlan, you're gay

Yeah, something like a coffee shop is a little different. Approaching women on the street or a grocery store though? You think you're a youtube prankster or something? No.

I like little girls, dude.

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I just want a daughter... and if my child finds me sexually desirable I would have sex with her. Unless she's off age. Daddy can't take care of your needs forever.

Ask her if the peaches are ripe.

>Having sex or a girlfriend will not make you happier

You sure? I mean sure it wont make you less insecure and it wont fix your issues or whatever but i fail to see how a relationship provides 0 happiness

Likely copypasta though I concur, have had sex with dozens of women.

The OP is true incel. No, unless you are some kind of player with mommy issues, you will not pick up women at the supermarket, the laundrymat, sidewalk, etc. These are public spaces, practice being friendly and with everyone. Women generally dont fuck with men they don't know and sexual relationships start with regular, light weight associations with others they have shared interests and experiences with, which is the opposite of being approached by strangers in public

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No . The solution for incels is to stop playing vidyas and go outside and play. Learn social skills that I had when I was 5.

I find it easy to understand. If you can't connect with normal people around you, a relationship won't bring you lasting happiness. You will just ruin it by being yourself who happened to be a dislikable person.

No. Cold approach only works for fairly attractive guys. Most incels aren't attractive enough or else they wouldn't be incels.
The solution is 2D waifus.

I see what you mean. thats what i meant that it wont fix insecurities or whatever

Maybe if it was the same whore, this would work. But fuck, if some incels are that far-gone that is not even worth the effort. If you can't come to grips with reality with having real sex with a willing whore after 10 times or less, you're not even worth existing.

Wew lad this is some top tier degeneracy

You want to fuck?

I'm being serious when i say this.

Go to any major city in Britain on a Friday or Saturday night at any nightclub - i recommend Glasgow if you want guaranteed fucking.

Done. Seriously, you will fuck some chav even if you have social anxiety and can't speak a word in front of women - that's how fucking slutty are women are here.

what if you are a chad?

asking for a friend