So how diverse will be our first mars mission? I know that we need a black guy to die first, but what about women? Should we allow them to fuck things up? Who owns Mars btw? Isn't the space property of no one by the law?
So how diverse will be our first mars mission? I know that we need a black guy to die first, but what about women...
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It will be diverse enough where they won't have to worry about genetic fuck ups for a long time.
Basically any American with the rule none of them being related.
What about gays?
Do you think the left will push for them?
How about crippled trans people?
The first Mars Mission
VERY (((diverse))). A black guy, his white wife, a crippled Asian woman, a gay muslim. Diversity all over the place.
The first SUCCESSFUL Mars mission? Straight white men.
1st colony: 100% ethnic Boer. 50% men, 50% women, all married.
2nd colony: 100% Anglo Mormon. 20% men, 80% women, all married.
I see nothing wrong with some gays going. They would probably have to generate kids with another gay couple of the opposite sex. Yes of course the more liberal crowd will get uppity about numbers but in the end it will come down to one's physical and mental capabilities. Everyone would have a purpose.
>The first SUCCESSFUL Mars mission? Straight white men.
>Implying that wouldn't turn into a gay mars colony.
Have you not been on Jow Forums? Now everyone is lusting for feminine twinks or wanting to be the feminine twink.
I wonder this also. They will no doubt insist on minimizing the number of whites.
>but what about women?
You're going to need women to make more colonists, OP.
>So how diverse will be our first mars mission?
Are you form the 1950s? Because we've had Mars missions since the 60s, and it's unlikely that we'll have a manned mission any time soon.
>I know that we need a black guy to die first, but what about women?
It's a good idea to have some diversity there. Pure probability points towards a mixture of white, Hispanic, Slavic and Asian women. Highly depends on how the western world looks in 20 years.
>Should we allow them to fuck things up?
There are risks involved either way. It's highly likely that things will get fucked regardless of our input.
>Who owns Mars btw?
Surely might makes right. So whoever can enforce their claims. If someone can enforce the fact that space belongs to no one, it will continue to belong to no one.
>our first mars mission?
I didn't see France 2.0 (aka Poland) up there...
>I see nothing wrong with some gays going
we need not base who goes on orientation, race, gender or any other bullshit. only people that are smart and can do whats pull the nigger dildo out of your asshole, lick it clean and hand it back to your mom and tell her thanks for letting you post on here tonight.
>Surely might makes right
Will burgers nuke Mars to prevent Chinese from colonizing it first?
Also, colonists will need lawyers. How can you move anywhere without lawyers?
Nigger if you read my whole post, I stated:
> but in the end it will come down to one's physical and mental capabilities
If it turns out some gays make this requirement than why the fuck not?
Not much because the first Mars mission will be carried out by Elon Musk, not NASA.
NASA turned into a bunch of pussified faggots after the Space Shuttle, plus, they have no money.
>only people that are smart and can do whats needed
You are so 1986 user
Screenshot this. The first diverse mars mission will end in a murder. Imagine the notoriety of that shit. (((They))) will cover it up surely, and declare the next mission the first.
Why isn't Musk helping his fellow whites in Africa who are being slaughtered as we speak?
Because he's thinking of the greater picture.
Earth is lost.
You want whites to thrive?
Spread throughout space, kikes might control the western world, but nobody can control an entire galaxy.
How many kids does this scam wigger have again?
6, and he said he wanted some more.
Now you know why he isn't working for humanity. His space program will go belly up just like his tesla 3.
>Now you know why he isn't working for humanity
Because he has plenty of children?
>His space program will go belly up just like his tesla 3.
Except SpaceX has already achieved more in only 10 years than every other space agency in the world combined in the past 40 years.
Then again, we could blame the cancerous Outer Space Treaty for that, which only lets private companies or individuals from owning extraterrestrial territory, and not nations.
They already announced it.
They found organic microbes that are the foundation blocks for life on Mars, proof that there's a methane cycle.
>mars exists
I don't believe the earth is flat. read a bit on the highly competitive nature of astronaut selection. some of these people are guaranteed sociopaths. it isn't likely but I would not be surprised if violence broke out on a mars mission from stress. the likelihood of violence is only going to increase as spaceflight democratizes in the next several decades. replace NASA psychologists with some bullshit app survey from virgin galactic, and there will be people that slip through the cracks and make history.
SpaceX wasted a ton of tax money to reivent technology that NASA had for decades. How the fuck can you still make exploding rockets in XXI century?
>It will be diverse enough where they won't have to worry about genetic fuck ups
>Basically any American
pick one
god damnit stop posting your shitty food I will kill you fucking polakc shit
>They found organic microbes that are the foundation blocks for life on Mars, proof that there's a methane cycle.
They rarely fail to disappoint.
>NASA had for decades
Maybe because NASA is doing fuckall with their money?
SpaceX is working towards reusable rockets and to put people in Mars.
NASA is wasting the little money they have on satellites to take pretty pictures of space and sending robots to planets.
They don't even have their own rockets, they rely on SpaceX to launch their stuff, and before that they relied on the Russians.
>How the fuck can you still make exploding rockets in XXI century?
As opposed to having no rockets at all, like NASA?
And lets not talk about "wasting tax money", because NASA has spent billion trying to create their useless SLS which has been delayed almost a decade now, and it will probably get delayed even more.
And even then, they'll end up with a shitty, non-reusable rocket, worse than the Falcon Heavy and much more expensive, in the late 2020's.
NASA is completely unreliable.
>Implying mutt ethnostate doesn't have all the good genetics.
Stay mad bong.
>reusable rockets
Retarded idea.
You need to replace almost everything in the rocket to use it again safely. Material stress will make sure that they will blow up sooner than later.
They found organic matter thats it
Organic matter is produced by the Sun itself. Nothing special really. Still no god.
>Isn't the space property of no one by the law?
Nah, I think it's just that sovereign nations cannot claim that space land is in their jurisdiction. Not aware of any restriction on private enterprise.
They didn't still have the rockets and technology, though. The Saturn program had been scrapped half a century ago. And in all fairness, SpaceX has been pioneering some new stuff and improving on what NASA had (with respect to reusability, for example).
>You need to replace almost everything in the rocket to use it again safely.
And yet it saves a shit ton of money.
>Material stress will make sure that they will blow up sooner than later.
Sure, they eventually need to be replaced, but its still much better than any other solution that came afterwards.
That's one of the biggest problems with space, the money you spend, and the government is not willing to spend as much money as they used to back in the day because their pissing contest with the Soviets ended lon ago.
It's not just about reusable rockets, it's about, eventually, developing entirely reusable spaceships and having space access independant of rockets.
Something that NASA has never worked on.
NASA is doing nothing at all, they are simply sitting by, smelling their own farts and trying to appear useful just because they took a picture of a galaxy in the other side of the universe.
>taking pretty pictures of space is bad
Nigger, making maps is the essence of navigation. What, we should launch shit into space blind?
>shitting on reusable rockets
We'll see just how reusable SpaceX rockets are come the mission later this year. Besides, even if you have to replace a lot of shit, it still cuts down on costs, which is the whole point.
>Nigger, making maps is the essence of navigation. What, we should launch shit into space blind?
Well, much as I'd like to colonize other galaxies, spending the little money they have to take pictures of the other side of the goddamn universe is not going to be too useful to help us start colonizing other bodies, mainly the ones we have nearby like Mars or Venus.
Hi Pole. I expect more potatoes tomorrow.
Except they arent cheaper it's just that NASA is burning tax money because burgers let them.
Btw, you can send shit up with a baloon and then launch a small rocket for final push. Hindus proved that it works some time ago.
If not NASA, then who's been charting Mars with satellites, rovers, and other probes for the past several decades? Do you unironically think we could go to Mars today without a generation's worth of NASA's ongoing efforts on Mars exploration?
No cheap potatos now. Those retards at the store ordered imported potatos instead of buying polish ones.
If the sun feeds the Earth, what feeds the sun?
Yes because NASA would never actually get us there.
They would just keep sending drones and doing retarded tests on Earth about how to live on other planets (which makes no fucking sense) until the Sun swallowed Earth.
It will be settled as New Zion, sadly.
How is life in Poland? It's depressing here, surrounded by shitskins
>Who owns Mars btw?
No one. I guess in these new times someone decided that no one would get to own anything out in space. I know, it's dumb.
Israeli potatoes? Because it's pretty hard to find non-Israeli potatoes in our supermarkets. They're shit quality, sprout very quickly and become soft inside.
Nothing. Once the fuel runs out we are fucked. Of course we can buy some extra time with baby sacrifice.
My question is, why the fuck aren't we launching nuculear waste to the Sun?
Whenever I think of women in Space I think of that scene from Interstellar where the dumb bitch nearly gets everyone killed over surfing data, and of course it was the one guys privileged to sacrifice himself for her.
Why are you buying jewish potatos?
Is this your obiad today przemek?
Kurwa disgusting, is that sour cream?
They come in small bags so they don't spoil within merely a week. Now I buy French potatoes in another supermarket.
Nothing feeds it. As a matter of fact, it just keeps burning through hydrogen and shit until it finally fucking dies. When astronomers talk about "oh the star will be gone in X billion years", they're talking about when the star runs out of elements to burn, and the physical processes that follow
>I don't understand how physics experiments work or how to ensure they would work on other worlds, therefore NASA is wasting money.
>I-it's not like that's literally how astronauts survived the moon landing!
>Thinking SpaceX wouldn't literally be sending a rover to Mars this very second, instead of planning a colony, if NASA hadn't already done it and gathered data on the planet.
Glad you thought your opinion through.