Is chiropracty a jewish scam?

Is this shit even real medicine? It seem to me like chiropractors are snake oil salesman. People who see a chiropractor then stop going regularly seem to get worse.

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isn't that the same as people who stop taking their medications?

Looks like it was created by some jack ass that thought he could talk to ghosts:
>Chiropractic care, I’m sorry to say, is little more than the buffoonery of a 19th-century lunatic who derived most of his medical theory from séances. It has not evolved much since its creation. Chiropractic beliefs are dangerously far removed from mainstream medicine, and the vocation’s practices have been linked to strokes, herniated discs, and even death. Chiropractors can’t replace your doctor, and I’m amazed that they’re still even allowed to practice. You shouldn’t trust them with your spine or any other part of your body, and here’s why.

Over the last 20 years or so, insurance companies have started covering it.

Seems like a legit business to me

I'm a PT who works in a chiropractic office with 4 chiropractors. I get adjustments usually once a month. Due to any number of injuries(muscular, bone, spinal, joint) the body can get out of alignment. This happens when the person, in order to compensate for the injury, stops stacking the skeletal frame properly. By stacking, I mean posture. If the body is not stacked properly, misalignment happens withing the joints(neck, spine, knees, hips, feet, arms, shoulders.) Chiropractic simply realigns(temporarily) the skeletal frame. Ideally, the injury gets fixed and rehabed properly(that's what I do) and then ongoing adjustments aren't needed.

yes. The guy who started the practice was a complete quack peddling miracle cures. Her claimed chiropractic care could cure blindness. claimed he could heal people with magnets, etc. There's no evidence that chiropractic care is better for your spine than massage. or that it does much of anything otherwise.

A chiropractor adjusted my back after I fell off my mountain bike and it hasn't hurt in 2 years.

you sound like you memorized that off a brochure that handed you with your new employee orientation material.

While I wouldn't say necessarily the science is all there, when you have a person that is smart and palpates people's spines all day, he can know pretty well what might be able to help you before you go to five surgery consultation meetings and a doctor doesn't even touch your back himself with his own hands beforehand, instead just looking at mri and xray with you. I ain't got not beef with chiropractor

>The guy who started the practice was a complete quack peddling miracle cures.
Jesus Christ?

I have seen referrals from chiropractors that found things really really wrong with people's backs and sent them on to us for surgery.

Chiropractics is a literal meme. Someone I know is a chiropractor and I roast him for being a quack whenever I see him. Now everyone around me hates him.

No. Because I work in a chiropractic office I get constant questions about what it's all about. I usually just say it's realignment of the skeletal frame. I will say though, it's extremely important to find a good chiropractor, preferably one who has a history in sports medicine, kinesiology and who is also an athlete.

Under the umbrella of Maximized Living, 100% trust! Natural pathic way

Subluxations are not real. They are scammers who often only know it's a scam on a subconscious level

I visited a chiropractor after throwing my back out sleeping on a pull-out mattress and the stupid fuck made it even worse. Chiropractors are literally the dentists of physical therapy.

>Is chiropracty a jewish scam?

God, I love this board lol

Nah just a regular scam. If the jews were behind it, chiropractic work would be covered by insurance.

Some people swear by it, but i would argue that cracking my knuckles feels great too. It doesn’t mean its good for me or helping me in any meaningful way. Placebo is a hell of a drug though, im not going to try stop anyone from getting their knuckles cracked professionally if it improves their quality of life.

There’s shit ones and true ones just like any doctor.

Chiropractor has helped me out several times. Pinched nerves, misplaced jawbone, ect. Good results at a fair price in my experience.

So it doesn't make sense that the body can get out of alignment due to injury? You understand that injuring a muscle has a chain reaction effect, right. Neck to the shoulder to the spine, to the hips to the legs.

But it is covered. You must have low standards.

It's literally just the medical field pertaining to the spinal cord. Are dentists and orthopedists crazy too? Of course not. If you can twist your ankle or your finger and have them snap it back into place, why is it ludicrous to believe that a doctor doing the same thing only on a bone structure used far more than any other in the body is different?

Stay away from chiropractors that graduated from Life Chiropractic. Only see Straight Chiropractors that graduated from Palmer after 1973. Do not get decompression or cold laser therapy, and never see a Chiropractor more than two times a week, and no more than five times a month. They're scamming you otherwise.

>dentists of physical therapy

i think you mean orthondontists. now THAT is a scam. and one that you can make 200,000 a year easily. go to any other country but america and maybe 1-1000 kids gets braces, and their teeth were really fucked up before. then look at the adults, everyones teeth are fine.

In the US, 1 out of every 3 kids gets braces, which costs thousands of dollars... fucking scam!

peoples teeth straighten out naturally as they get older and the wisdom teeth come in and pushes everything together. There is zero reason to be giving every 8 or 9 year old kid braces. Its one of the biggest scams going on in this country.

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I have scoliosis. My spine is literally bent. I see a real doctor and real physical therapists about it. They use real science based practices. Chiropractic doesn't have the power to alter your spine. They are scam artists who think they are legitimate because they call themselves doctors.

Insurance companies aren't scientific institutions and are subject to political pressure.

I know actual medicine, yes, very rarely you can actually have a plate pinch a nerve or get misaligned. But this is so rare that there would be maybe only 5 chiropractors in this country for the amount of people that actually have that problem. Injuring you thumb or even your abdomen wouldn't cause it to become misaligned. Generally it is in plane crashes and car accidents it happens.

Chiropractors just go out to suck up unsuspecting people's money. There is people who get crippled from having their back "aligned."

It's a scam, I heard it on Joe Rogan's podcast.

No, an osteopath is a doctor for your spine. Chiropractic is not related to medicine in any way.

In the 60's it was a 6 month course to become a chiropractor.

I've seen both. Quacks that sell their purifying vitamin shakes and weird magnet remedies, and therapists that genuinely believe that adjusting joints leads increased blood blow and fluidity. If you're in pain, it might be worth it when you consider how low invasive it is. A good exercise regime that includes stretching fixes a good percentage of joint problems, imo. If you've got a belly, change your diet and exercise regime to get rid of it while strengthening your core. It's amazing what losing un-needed pounds will do to your overall well-being. It's better on your joints, and God forbid you have a mechanical injury like a car wreck, theres that much less force fucking with your body. Get it shape folks, and there wouldn't be a need for the majority of lost work time, and thus less healthcare costs.

Also chiropractic makes pinched nerves worse, and they cannot fix a misaligned vertebrae.

Get a nerve pinched in your back and tell me chiropractic is a meme. And people who stop going regularly don't do anything to help the reason why they are hurt. If you are a obese hog beast that throws its back out picking up that chicken nugget you dropped and don't lose any weight and strengthen the muscles you'll be going to the chiro for the rest of your life. If you lose the weight and exercise with proper form, you can get away from the chiro eventually. It's not a meme, it;s the lazy fucker that isn't helping themselves.

Depends on your insurance provider. Mine does cover it but a large majority do not. If it was the jews it would be nearly universally covered, like dentistry.

is popping a disc back into alignment necessary?

maybe. I have a bone arthritis so I can't try it or I'm fucked kek

I know several people who are very educcated that had back problems Dr.s told them required surgery. They are pain free from visiting a chiropractor.

Jesus Christ was the Original Doctor of Osteopathy.

Dr. Jesus Christ D.O.

I had a chiropractor diagnose me with an ailment he could not fix through after seeing a dozen doctors who milked me for cash and did nothing to help me. Pursued the surgery and got tremendous relief.

Only went out of desperation, changed my view on chiropractors.

I don't think there's any valid reason for anyone under 16 to get braces. It's a shit expensive meme otherwise

That's why they call it the ring dinger

what informed your original view?

This. Had a pinched nerve in my neck and a recurring chronic muscle injury in my upper back that was exacerbating it. Been going Once ever two weeks for past couple months with regular exercise and lifting, injury is almost healed and posture is better too.

Chiropractors are glorified massage therapists without the happy ending

I had a chiropractor do this to me, in a single day after a cross-check. Ther''s scammers in there, but I guess mine wasn't.

you're fucking retarded.
it originated in china & it's a godsend.
do your goddamned homework instead of asking stupid fuking questions.

>it originated in china
now that a seal of approval i can depend on

Shit like you see in this thread; everyone calling it quackery and a scam. I had just heard the meme so much I internalized it.

Popping someones back + massage therapy is not some magical science that "they" don't want you to know about, it's popping someones back and giving them a massage.

You feel a little better and it releases tension. You are not being healed by these procedures and if you actually look into the claimed """""""""science""""""""" behind it you will realize it's a scam invented by quacks on the same level as homeopathy and crystal healing.

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I couldn’t sit in a chair for more than 20 min for about 15 years. I did 3 sessions with a chiropractor and now I can comfortably sit for a couple hours.
Healthcare is so individual, you have to find what works for you

I can't speak for the actual back alignment stuff they do, but I know at least some of them exploit the placebo effect by selling people quack remedies. There's one in my area that "treats" allergies with an electrode that supposedly sends impulses to your liver and removes "negative energy."

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Osteopaths also do the spinal manipulations like chiropractors. The Osteopath have similar fantastical claims in it's origins.

If Chiropractics isn't related to Medicine because they don't prescribe pills to mask your pain, they help alleviate the source of the pain in relation to the skeleton.
Stop being insufferable to logical thinking. Modern medicine causes many issues in it's own wake of existence. Hence the oxy epidemic aka pharmaJew

Bullshit. Palmer Chiropractic of Iowa has existed since 1897 and was the first school of Chiropractics in the world.

>chiropractors are snake oil salesman.
They are literally all joos. Some jew cured some other jew of hearing loss, and that started it all.

no way dude but it has to be legit chiro that addresses the entire spine. the douche bags that just fuck around the area that hurts are bullshit. but just buy a fuckin inversion table if you have the means, i have one and it works fucking great it feels so good

>Is this shit even real medicine?
Yes, its osteopathy.
>People who see a chiropractor then stop going regularly seem to get worse.
Thats because most chiros don't address the muscular cause of the bony structure displacement or altered position and pattern of joint movement.
>It seem to me like chiropractors are snake oil salesman.
The general rule of thumb is never let a chiro that has less than 10 years experience touch your neck or hips. Those are the two most common points of kinetic chain dysfunction that lead to back associated pain.

If a chiro ever tells you to get a massage to help treat your dysfunction consider seeing a different chiro. They are being fucking lazy and dumping shit they should be treating onto another modality so they have to do less while having you come in constantly.

back was super fucked up, went to a chiropractor, gave me exercises and helped me train my muscles to let me sit up straight. Now I can look like my height,

Chiropracty is bullshit. Plain massages are better for you than that shit.

They're not doctors.

There are, generally speaking, two types of chiropractors. One type cracks your back and shit and makes you feel better. The other will do that and then try to sell you quack medicine and other pseudo-scientific treatments. If their literature mentions anything about subluxations, run away.

stop spamming this jew crap

Also things I’ve found helpful for various ailments and a lifetime of sports
Adaptive Body Work
Electro acupuncture
Don’t live in pain, find something that works

hard working canadian here. i spend time outdoors and have a norco bicycle, im 29 years old and i self adjust daily. once you start adjusting as much as i do the only problem becomes sitting posture while being inactive

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it feels good to get your back cracked.

beyond that, yeah, it's snake oil.

My dude...

How is this related to politics?

Also yes it's a scam and if you are to stupid to type this question into google you should go back to plebit faggot kys.

>I get adjustments usually once a month.
Jesus dude, people aren't jenga blocks.
You're learning and regurgitating crackpot garbage.

Watching the hockey game my bad

>Chiropracty is bullshit.
all the chiropractor boards are more than 80% jewish, 4000x overrepresentation. It's all to trick the goyim. "Doesn't that crack feel good you dirty goyim?" - thats seriously what every chiro thinks, I know one personally.

Paying $60 to have someone crack your back in ways you simply cannot achieve on your own and feel like a million bucks after isn't a bad deal. I had bad sciatica after some landwhale coozed on my cock for 20 minutes amd a few weeks of adjustments had me NOT screaming in pain trying to put on work boots.

Worth it if you ask me. Better than seeing some board certified kike that gets charges $300 for 10 minutes of light conversation and gets comission peddling you the latest synthetic opiates.

I think a lot of it is quackery but some of it may work for some people. My high school girlfriend's dad was a chiropractor. Some of my friends would go see him for chronic sports injury type stuff. I never let him touch me and he known I thought he was a quack.

I've always had bad headaches and one night I was at a BBQ and got a headache. My gf asked him to look at my neck. I told him not to do any "adjustments" (I think that's what they called it). He said he wouldn't. I relaxed and he kind of moved my head around and felt parts of my neck. Out of the blue, while I was totally relaxed, he pulled up on my head and twisted. Almost like in a movie when someone snaps someone's neck. My neck and upper back made an ungodly series of popping noises and it felt good. About 5 minutes later my headache was gone.

I never let him do it again but at least that one time it seemed to helped alleviate my headache.

The good ones do adjustments in addition to adding stretching exercises. It doesn't cure everything but I've managed to unfuck various back and hip injuries from one chiropractor that knew her shit and saved me from my GP that wanted me to chug Ibuprofen for the rest of my life since "Pain or liver, your choice." was the best he wanted to do.

>a few weeks
Congrats on healing naturally over a period of weeks. Like almost everyone with a sciatica does, regardless of whether or not someone is cracking their back.

Totally untrue

Med student here. It's not really a scam any more than massages but it's not exactly medicine. Most doctors I know aren't absolutely against it but it shouldn't replace going to a real doctor. And never get your neck adjusted by a chiropractor. Ever.

>Better than seeing some board certified kike
youre a moron if you think the chiros arent kikes. and dont get angry at me for "naming the jew"

Chiropractor saved me from having to pay for a shoulder replacement. Cost me $45 per visit cash.

No Obamacare

It’s not witchcraft

Isn't that the point? to see someone next time your neck is fucked up to simply do a simple maneuver to save your 8 days of sharp pain and immobility ? is it quackery to get your chipped windshield filled before the weather changes and cracks across the entire wind screen? hmm...

It’s bullshit and they can cause serious long term damage

From what I've heard most chiropractors are overpaid massage therapists.

At least doctors have to show a level of competency before being allowed to practice. Sure you get some wackos like the dancing surgery lady but all doctors know basic medicine.

Chiropractors don't have to do anything and can just SAY they're chiropractors so 90% of them are total frauds who hurt people instead of helping them. If you feel you need a chiropractor what you need is actually a doctor.

The man literally had a blonde flat-top and hazel eyes. Nice try.


In Canada it’s like 5 years of school

A good chiro does help. The trick is finding a good one though. I had borderline scoliosis in the middle of my back, and I experienced chronic heartburn because of it. After a couple of months of adjustments, the problem was gone. No changing my diet or anything. Considering you central nervous system basically communicates throughout your body via the nerves in the spinal column, it's a good idea to keep it in good condition. But like others have said, don't buy the quack gimmick shit they try selling you as well.

Sciatica is caused by impingement of the S2 nerve, so if he had a landwhale jumping on his dick its a good chance he had an anterior pelvic tilt with anteriorly positioned pelvis. That doesn't just "heal over time" naturally. The pain decreases because you assume an even more shitty posture.

Sounds like your chiropractor scammed you out of a lot of money, bro.
>inb4 you call wikipedia unreliable/jewish

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>anterior pelvic tilt with anteriorly positioned pelvis.
Stop the bullshit jew talk

>I had borderline scoliosis
Borderline scoliosis is any curvature of the spine less than 15 degrees. So you had a mild scoliosis and it took a couple months of adjustments to correct? Sounds like you got scammed.

Someone wants the underclass to stay injured, kek.

>Jesus dude, people aren't jenga blocks.
they literally are.
what the fuck do you think bones are?

this, it is the homeopathy of physical therapy. no lie, if a joint slipped they can pop it back into place, the good ones will also be able to rub your neck so that your sinuses unclog, but allot of the wierd spinal shit is low grade massage therapy, the right stuff but with the wrong scientific backing (or none)

I never had sciatica
Everyone is different, people feel pain differently
If someone finds relief, good for them

>Stop the bullshit jew talk
learn biomechanics goy

Had a pain in my neck, got cracked then had a pain in my hip. So it works, but they don't really know what they are doing

It does what it claims to do. People always overstate what chiropracty attempts to do.

dude, bipeds are not normal in this world. We all have shit posture, especially now and these things will fuck you up especially if you play sports. I played handegg, on the line in highschool and it did absolutely no wonders for my hip and ankles. Now im 23 and already have nerve pain and shit but mainly when i wake up cause my bed is shit. I could really use a readjustment or something and these guys are who you need to go to for that. There's one in my city of about 130K people that's been there my whole life. Never had lawsuits or anything

i bet half of you fucks in here have reverse curves in your necks lol.

Dude I’m 33.
It only gets worse, take care of yourself

I did till I got a proper pillow

Oh! So that's why when I stand up my fuckin arms fall off. Guess I wasn't stacked right.

>Is chiropracty a jewish scam?
No, it cured my cancer