Irish Slavery

I'd like to become more redpilled on irish slavery in america. From what I understand, the british were catalyzing the patato famine and using it to starve the irish to death. Rather than starve to death, many of the irish elected to sail to the colonies and become indentured servants. They were potentially force bread, and never allowed freedom. Am I correct on this or no? Does anyone have any images of the Irish living among the black slaves at the time?

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You can't enslave animals

Edgy and everything. But animals like the blacks were enslaved. Anyone actually educated on this matter? I found this link and it has a lot of good info. Google, of course, immediately covers up any information of the Irish slave trade with "the irish slave myth" type stuff and snopes, blah blah. Odd that bing is the only way to research wrong think topics.

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Bump with milkies

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If you ever see anyone using a picture to show "Irish Slavery" they a full of shit. The Irish Slavery was over by the time film was available. They were treated worse in the coal mines of appalachia then most black slaves in the south but they had "freedom" no food but they had "freedom".
The bulk of the Irish slave trade was done by Cromwell when he destroyed the catholics in Ireland. They were then sent to the caribbean as the first set of slaves for the english colonies.
But Irish are not good in the hot sun. Additionally the Irish are generally unruly and did not take to slavery very well. Frequent escapes and poor performance in the sun led to the English choose the african slaves. Even though Irish slaves were cheaper.
Also these were slaves not indentured servants. They were taken as prizes from war.

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>If you ever see anyone using a picture to show "Irish Slavery" they a full of shit.
Not sure what this means considering the rest of your post describes Irish slavery.

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man I was born in the wrong age. I could have had a stable of Irish lasses for my personal pleasure while Sean and Connor could be my trusted house boys

He's saying, if someone presents a picture and says "this is a picture of Irish slavery", then they are wrong or lying. He isn't saying it didn't happen.

ahhh ok thx. Well, perhaps newpaper images of the time like pic related

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Yes but not photographs.

A common tactic to discredit white slavery is to attack the picture used. Frequently these are just poor as dirt white people or serfs in Russia. White slavery in the West was gone before the camera. It still went on in Arabia but not in Europe or the Americas.
There is an Irish prick in Liam Hogan who tries to debug it by point at the pictures and saying they are fake. But there is more than enough evidence of what Cromwell alone did to blow his "whiteknighting" out of the water.
I am Hogan's mother is jewish

Very interesting user, thank you. So stuff like this is legit?

Attached: irish slavery2.jpg (960x627, 99K)

British traders would go around Ireland kidnapping orphans & then sold them as “indentured servants” in southern U.S. states

Anything after 1800s with "White Slaves" would be suspect.

Virtually any time you've had one group able to dominate another, the dominant group have enslaved some of the subjugated. You can say "x enslaved y" and insert any combination of race and it would have likely happened at some point. Even Africans managed to procure some white slaves.

why does user still care about shit that went on before we were alive?

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I'd trust a nigger before my irish cousins. Fuck those commie cunts, ashamed we have the same grandma.

honestly if I did not have to hear niggers do nothing but ask for gibs I would not care about it beyond autistic curiosity.
Also seeing your flag tells me why you would want it forgotten.

Which is why I hate the whole reparations shit.
Rule for all future gibs for bad stuff should be limited to one generation of kin. Past that its too late it did not happen to you and you are taken it from people who did not do it.

People need to stop living off the past, especially when it didn't happen to them. Plus, I couldn't give a if Britain's past was forgotten or not. We had concentration camps before Hitler, but want you want me to do about it? Build some Phineas and Ferb looking time machine and go back there?

We don't give a fuck about this or the famine btw

Q: How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman?
A: none

yes user! lets sit back and have a beer

Jews and Muslims engineered your famines.

>Does anyone have any images of the Irish living among the black slaves at the time?
They were sent to different regions, user. Niggers were preferred for hot climates. White slaves for the cold ones.

>We don't give a fuck about this or the famine btw
That's because you're fucking awesome and basically unkillable.

der ewige anglo

At least the Irish knew what part of Europe they came from

>thinks Irish are white

Irish are niggers and that’s why they were slaves.