How is 'Sicario' praised as a film

But policies like the wall, ICE, and mass deportation demonized?

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It wasn’t actually that big a blockbuster. And liberals like to pretend it’s an exaggeration.
>it’s not
>including the fucking based US removing spics

>muh strong female lead
>my POC main characters

Did you even watch the movie you dumb cunt?

They got put in their place hard.

Judging by that post, we all know he didn't. It's a severely underrated movie.

This movie was so good but a sequel is coming I assume will be awful.

You watched the trailer, saw Benicia Del Toro and started fucking screeching didn’t you.

Good movie - the special forces guys .. felt pretty accurate from any of those types I've met in my life.

Back on topic I honestly have no idea. It requires a lot of mental gymnastics and all sorts of big words just to say they're stupid.They're leftists, if they could think, they wouldn't be.

But when Emily got shot and whimpered it made me weewee hard.

I like tragic endings to movies

>strong female lead

The fuck movie did you watch?

Entire movie showed how naive she was.

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I think the mayor of Juarez threw a fit because of the movie. I Legit believe the city is built on cursed land or some shit...... violence and missing women on a crazy scale. Not sure how it is now.

Are they that fucking based in real life too?
>dreamy Steve with the glasses

>not sure how it is now
It's mexico. Just go to one of /gif/s rekt/cartel threads and it's probably happening right now.

Emily Blunt's character got btfo

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What didn't make sense to me is why they wrote her so weak. Like what kind of female FBI agent who witnessed 2 coworker's die in the opening scene... would be all like "stop it guys! this is wrong"

>those spec ops veterans who always talk down to you and expect you to be useless

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It really is.

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The actual CIA nigger was unironically the best character.

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Some leftist site had an article about the Ohio ICE raid, and painted the picture like they were breaking up families and shit. These leftards are actually endorsing crime.
Locally, there was a facebook post trying to warn (as if they read English facebook posts) illegals that some raids may be coming and not to answer the door or some shit. I mean, how is that not aiding and abetting criminals?

So here's my theory. Bare with me.
Christianity spread across the world. But it only melded with the host religion, and adapted to it. For instance, idol worship is not allowed in Catholicism, but Central and South America are rife with the worship of saints. For example Santa Muerte, or Saint Death, is a popular saint in Mexico. She's basically a left over Aztec death goddess turned saint.
Mexico in general has always had this pervasiveness of death about it. Every major Central American civilization worshiped death. They all engaged in some sort of ritual human sacrifice on a regular basis. And now, what we see is a continuation of that with a shiny catholic veneer.
The short answers is narco-satanist death cults. For example
Just google "Mexican cartel death cult" and you'll see what I mean.

Did you even watch the movie? She is reduced to a blabbering crying weakling on all fronts. Getting beat up by her "allies" at times.

If anything it shows how fucked up Mexico is and why we need to violently remove these mutilating rape-obsessed spics from the US at all costs.

She gets BTFO on all sides, by allies, enemies, friends it doesn't matter. She's a weak pansy that is just that, a pansy with no gumption to stand up for what she thinks is moral or right, because she knows deep down it is wrong.

Even the Spec Ops Spook Squad demean her, and guess what. SHE FUCKS EVERYTHING UP.

There is an agenda here:

>Fight Fire with a lot of fucking Fire.
>Women are weak
>Blacks are sidelined
>Never piss of any man, whether Mexican or American, by destroying his family. He will haunt you.

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Last I heard from a co worker they started to machine gun people at bars again over there. And to think I've been drunk a couple of times over there back then....

Politicians in California do things like that publically and proudly.

This State is a shitstain

Because it makes them feel bad for them and therefore better than someone else, aka liberal catnip.

>those poor Mexicans. See, they're only trying to live a better life. Gib money now.

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In the end yes, sort of, maybe.
No I don't watch trailers as that will spoil the film.
At the start she was strong, then she faced "hardships" that females could relate to.
By the big evil man taking advantage of her kind nature.
To appeal to the female audience.
That just goes to show how hard it is for a woman to succeed in such a male dominated industry.

Listen you Turkey's I'm not saying I didn't like the film because "muh female lead and muh POC".
I'm saying LEFTIES LIKE the film because of that, regardless of whether it also showed women as weak and mexicans as animals.

Goddamn right

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Well she did have this scene.

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>woman would have died had it not been for blind luck

You still have to be strong to be FBI you shitdick. She got btfo by 50 year old CIA guys.

Their night vision optics reminded me of Roman centurion helms in this scene

What the fuck kind of hardship can women relate too in this movie? Is it being shot? Or almost blown up? Killing a guy on the Mexican-American border? Or the gun fight in a human trafficking tunnel?

They even chalk it up to that.
I think Leftists like it because they think it supports their ideals. But in reality those ideals are Emily Blunt's characters ideals. Look what happens.

They're thermal optics because night vision won't work in a tunnel.

You mean plot armor. Can't have important characters dying so soon in the movie.

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Sicario spelled backward is OI RACIS

Cool. I like the symbolism there though. Even if unintentional

it was retarded fiction, you twerp

Sicario 2 soon bois


Being taken advantage of and dismissed as useless by powerful white men.

It was intentional though.
They suit up and descend into the darkness/chaos/violence.

Because you're a white male, and therefore, the biggest problem the world faces. They want you dead, and your legacy buried. Check my fucking digits.

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I don't disagree with your summarization at all.

Yeah, but then she was so useless she almost ruined the entire operation.

She is anything but strong lmao

Fair question. When I told my Mexican friends that I enjoyed my time I’m Mexico City they were incredulous

I need a suppressed mk23 so bad

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Well she's not at home looking after the fucking kids now is she?

Yeah. Fun fact, night vision is a misnomer. Traditional night vision optics require some light, any ambient light, to amplify and render your surroundings visible. Usually the stars and moon are enough for this. In environments with absolutely zero light, like deep inside buildings or tunnels, thermal optics are a better choice as they don't have such requirements. During that scene you can actually tell the Spec Ops guys are wearing thermals. The parts where everything is grey scale is the thermal optics, the green is the FBI agent's night vision. Also, you completely lose your depth perception wearing either set of optics.

Symbolism is often a happy accident, as the conditions that create it by circumstance in reality still exist in fiction.

Either way it's a great scene

It really is, and the sequel is out next month. Can't fucking wait

IR flashlights exist dude.

Actually, did you even watch the film? The film reveals how the US and its policies are integral pieces to the very problem itself in all its dimensions. That naive woman, as it turns out, is more like you than not.
It must suck to be an abstracting brainlet.

What’s the scene and synbolism. I don’t watch tv/movies.

IR flashlights work for you and everyone else with night vision optics you mong. They're fighting the mexican cartels in tunnels, you think the Mexicans are going to skimp on the $1200 night vision optics?

The women who feel that they can relate to being dismissed as useless are also useless irl. Goes over their head tho.

Mmm, I can tell green from grey yes. It's been a few months since I last saw the movie, so I didn't recall the tunnel scene optics shading off the top of my head.
Not only do you have shit taste, but apparently you can't follow a reply chain either. Apply yourself

jews play both sides. Sicario is (((intersectional))) in this sense. It appeals to everyone for all the wrong reasons.

Are you saying that we only like this movie because they gun down mexicans?

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You juat got urself on a list, fucking autistic video game playing retard

Great film, I highly recommend

I came

You are fucking stupid. Didn't even watch the movie

Yeah and the commies love it because they love learned helplessness of chaotic narcos versus corrupt and blockheaded goy bureaucracy. It has something for everyone in a bad sense. You'll notice the movie's a downer. It's the devil at work. Any instrument that plays off-tune like that is his.

Lol what? You've got to be shitting me user. Murdering a bunch of fucking Mexican bangers, deep-state money ops... Shot was hardly political. The first one was epic. Not sure about the second one though...

This movie is very cool, one of the few recent movies I actually watched and didn't clock watch and was sad when it ended.

This movie has so much good imagery.

i forced every boomer idiot to go see this movie.

>"this is what the fuck i have to deal with because of you careless selfish taco eating boomer fucks!"

can't fucking wait for the sequel. been waiting since i walked out of the theater. knew they were making 2...

It really does. I wish the "fireworks" scene was longer. I loved seeing Juarez light up hours after they got the Guillermo out of the city.

Because normies think it's 100% fiction and things aren't really that bad.

Second movie needs more of these two operating together.
New movie will have a different director and cameraman, so it might be a different animal entirely, more action packed, but overall dumbed down. Hopefully not.

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I should note that feminazis/SJW types have a love/hate relationship with Sicario.

The SJW mafia made a HUGE fucking push to bury De Toro's comeback performance before the film came out. Pretty much EVERY hype piece made a huge fucking deal about Emily Blunt being the "star" of the film and how she was finally going to be the big breakout action star that would force studios to do more action films with female leads.

Then the film came out.....

SJWs and feminazis started shitting all over Sicario because Blunt turned out NOT to be the ass-kicking, bubblegum chewing bad-ass but a worthless, bleeding heart liberal douche who spends the film getting shitted on by the men who get shit down, culminating in her letting Del Toro force her to sign a paper that would lie about all of the murders and torturing done in the film. Also the scene where Blunt has sex with John Bernthal's corrupt cop character, only to nearly get raped and murdered when she realizes he's crooked triggered the SJW/feminazi crowd mightily.

This combined with the pro-torture elements of the film, basically made the SJW/feminazi crowd wholesale bury the film when they realized that they were NOT getting the feminazi propaganda film they wanted from the film.

The only reason why they couldn't completely bury the film and kill it/Taylor Sheridan's career dead? Del Toro's performance. His performance stole the film, dazzling critics who have always had a soft spot for the guy and caused them to champion it as a great film that everyone had to see. And it leading to the film doing gangbusters at the box office as a result.

>short sleeve shirt
>flip flops
>"are you married?"
lloloollolool mother fuckers

benicio stole the show though

Also, it should be noted that the Mexican/South American Drug Cartels are still treated as sort of mythical big bad type villains in most modern pop culture films and shows. They are sort of like the Borg; you can't kill them, you can't destroy them like you could Al Capone and Gotti.

This makes it harder to do a lowest common denominator type film with them, since you can't do a happy ending. The cartels are kind of like the modern version of the Cthhulu mythos; most average normies know they are monsters, but they are unspeakable monsters who if you were to truly want to destroy them, you'd have to cross a SLEW of moral event horizons to wipe them out and kill thousands of people. So most people have a level of cognitive dissonance with regards to acknowledging the evil of the cartels and them needing to be stopped, but not wanting to even think about their role in illegal immigration or how a border wall might stop them

>But policies like
did you even watch the said movie

>female protagonist the only character in the movie with actual integrity

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>It wasn’t actually that big a blockbuster.
because shitlibs were too afraid to promote it knowing it would draw attention to the shithole sur del rio

Nothing wrong with integrity. You (she) just have/had to realize that not everything is black and white, the criminals dont abide by your arbitrary rules, they dont play fair, and at the end of the day, you may just have to kill a motherfucker or several dozen to save thousands of others. This may include killing of children who would otherwise grow up and continue the vendetta endlessly.

Sicario is a shit Hollywoodized piece of shit
If you want real shit watch Tropa De Elite

female agents are fucking weak that is why.

female prison guards end up cheating on their husbands with murderers and death row inmates

females are fucking weak and the movie showed it very well

she was great bait

It's almost as if

1. The US population is incredibly diverse, ideologically as well

2. Not everyone judges art solely by its political content or utility in political championship

I would unironically watch a glow in the dark buddy film

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He's coming back in the sequel.

Deserves more screen time

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Actually no. The movie explains that the US must control the cartels, since destroying them is impossible. So to keep the peace they do less than legal shit. Doesn’t mean the US is growing the criminal element

They should appreciate Emily blunts character for being a woman in law enforcement, a male profession. The rape scene was fucking realistic and although she was the moral fag in the group, she felt very real. She was in over her head and that’s not because she’s a woman, if she just randomly became a badass operator it would cheapen the inherent vulnerability of women that shouldn’t be ignored. Her character was good and well acted