Okay, no joke. Can we have a serious conversation about whether or not Italians are white?

Okay, no joke. Can we have a serious conversation about whether or not Italians are white?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They are not. They are glorified arabs. Nothing more, nothing less.


only if you answer this: is this guy chechen?

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Italy isn’t a homogeneous society and you’d be a fool to think Venitians or florentines are the same as Sicilians.
Also, it’s idiotic to knock Mediterranean European societies. How can someone look at what Portugal, Spain or places which are now known as “Italy” has accomplished/produced and not consider them fellow Europeans?

No. Even Arabs like Zidane are whiter than them. Here, we can't even distinguish Italians from Spics. I'm sorry, but there's something with their gene pool. They must have mixed too much with sand people. Notice how Italy is closer to North Africa than actualy white countries like Norway?

Most Italians I've known are White. That guy is NOT

>Look white? Close enuff
>Act white? Mostly
>Fight white? Yes, invented fascism
I give it to them

define white

Sigh. This old thread again.
>globalist EU nordcucks thinking Italians want anything to do with them

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Italians don't need validation

Who cares if he's tanned? His face is very Italian.


Italians don't need Aryan validation

Why are americans so obsessed with this "muh white" thing
Here in Europe we are not "white", here we have our national identity and ethnicy, not "muh white" or "muh spic"
"White was just a colonialist term, a spaniard would be considered white in south america but not in north america.
So stom medeling in Europe's jobs, le 56%'s

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>beaner thinks his brown skin has anything to do with Italy

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This. They’re white in my book.

Italians are poor fighters though.

They begrudgingly faught in WW2. Hitler had to send Germans to Greece cuz Italians were.getting raped. Then again Hitler also later commended the Greeks for their fighting.

Italians couldnt even occupy Ethiopia lol

>he then proceeds to samefag

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>be swiss, german, english, irish, scandinavian, french

I suspect theres a little Latin blood in me. Got the good nose though. Euromutt power.

Northern are more white, southern are a mix, my family comes from Italy (and Germany) so I am a European mutt


Because Americans are all mixed so they can’t define themselves as Germans, Irish, Italians, etc.
They just go with ‘white black asian’ etc.
it’s self-hatred at this point. I’m Italian & I don’t give a fuck if people consider me white or not. I am what I am. At this point I don’t even want to be associated with these nordcucks.
>muh pure blue eyed blonde hair aryan mastard race

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Varg says no youtube.com/watch?v=zsqoZ3oP4X0

Nobody on the Italian side of my family looks like him. He literally looks part Arab. It's not just his skin color it's his phenotypical traits.

Not only Varg, all white people. The only people who see Italians as white are Italians/Part Italians themselves or non-white such as Portuguese.

>drives 50 miles to his friends house
>stabs him 23 times in the back in self defense
>hides the knife & acts like nothing happened
>burns down 3 historic European sites
>escapes prison
>steals car
>turns himself in
>expects to not be punished
>didndunufin, snow nigger edition

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It falls within the Neolithic Anatolian Caucasian Phenotype so yes he is white.

Damn look at his wife btw.

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>He's white

Are tou fucking blind? You're part Italian, aren't you?

I've travelled Portugal. Sorry to break it to you, they're as White as most Europeans I encountered.

All Europeans have some Anatolian Caucasian (Early Neolithic farmers) genetics btw even Nordic peoples although Baltic people have the least amount.

Sassanians are the "purest" Anatolian Caucasians.

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North, yes. South, questionable but generally close enough.

Every Italian in history is a nigger.

>Italians elect populists and nationalists who vow to spit in the face of the EU and globalism
>sudden flourishing of threads on Jow Forums debating whether Italians are white

Almost as though someone from outside the board has an agenda...

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The dude is obviously a leftover invader.
All most all Italians don't look like that.

Thank god im not considered white

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>I've travelled Portugal

I can tell for sure you haven't. There's tons of them here and they literally look like Spics, it's impossible to mistake them for actual white people. Well after you're Italian so your opinion about the white race isn't totally objective.

Here's the hierarchy:
>Nordic-Germanic is the superhuman master race
>Then it's people from Western Europe (Britain, France, Ireland, etc.) and East-Asians (Japan, China, Korea)
>Then it's Mediterraneans (Spanish, Greeks, Italians)
>The rest are subhumans (Arabs, Africans, Indians, Jews, and Eastern Europeans)

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>being superior

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Sassanians are totally different. Pic related is a Sardinian woman.

fun Sardinian fold videos


Like I said he falls well within the range of the Anatolian Caucasian phenotype ( Caucasian face, but dark hair and light skin but with the "tanning gene")

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