Is it true that this would be illegal in America?

Is it true that this would be illegal in America?

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it's illegal where i live, but we still do it. SWAT team me you fucking faggots.

Banned in Europe.

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Not where I live, we have a 500 gallon tank that we use to water our garden.

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Also banned in Europe.

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Only in cancerfornia

To be fair we have phased out 60W bulbs here too.

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I think they're illegal in a handful of jurisdictions but generally legal.

I'd get one if it rained more than a few inches a year here.

Also banned.

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The laws regulating rainwater harvesting only exist in four states, and only because a few people created their own huge reservoirs and disrupted the local ecosystem.

A few inches compounded over the areas of a roof adds up

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I just bought some 60W incandescent bulbs recently
I thought it was only 100W bulbs phased out

They're just not made here anymore. You can still buy them buy they're usually made in Mexico or Polan

In California they are. Every place else they're fine.

its illegal because companies keep putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay
and instead of making it illegal to literally poison water they make it illegal to collect and consume water that hasnt been treated
i consider myself ancap but pollution is a violation of the nap

Yeah it is illegal most places but I know tons of people that do it. You just have to be a little more sneaky about it. Make the container less conspicuous.

I don't see what the problem is. Most people that I know who do it use the water for their gardens. The water is still being poured into the ground, they just control where on their property. I don't see how it changes anything.

Desert states have weird water rights laws to prevent people from collecting water instead of letting it into the environment.

It's a good law, more things need water in the desert than gardens and lawns.

Fluorescent bulbs with mercury in them suck. But LED bulbs are actually superior and I don't mind switching to them. The price is finally getting really reasonable on LED bulbs.


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Nah 60w regular bulbs went away a while ago. Not sure what’s up with your location but most of our stores here near Charlotte NC only sell 60w equivalents

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You really need a rain license in Cali to collect rainwater? The same state that's constantly in droughts and never seems to have enough fresh water.

What a fucking shithole. Were there issues with people getting ill from acid rain? Or is it just Dems being stupid and banning shit for no good reason?

LED’s are the shit.

Only ones I don’t liek are the large ones our library uses, they have fans or something and they’re loud.

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>It's a good law, more things need water in the desert than gardens and lawns.
Where do you think the collected water was going in the first place?

>in America
No. There is no federal law prohibiting water collection, just like there is no federal law prohibiting prostitution. It depends on the state/municipality. In some states (ie: Utah) they've enacted such laws because they fear the water table will run dry.. and since it's a pretty dry state as it is, they fear it could cause droughts. However, in locations with more ground water it's perfectly fine (ie: Oklahoma). There are myths that it's to prevent people from building ponds or pools but that's bullshit.

Use this and no one will ever find out

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>You really need a rain license in Cali to collect rainwater?
They're fining people $1000 per day if they use more than 55 gallons of water in a day, so I would assume they wouldnt even give you a license. They need to grow almonds in a desert instead, and Alfalfa hay to send overseas.

>how will she ever recover

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>In some states (ie: Utah) they've enacted such laws because they fear the water table will run dry

That doesn't even make any sense, though. The water's going to get used regardless. If someone collects rainwater, they drink it and piss it, it's treated, and it's released back into the environment to replenish the water sources. If they don't use it, they're just using an equal amount more from the municipal water sources which is going to deplete the water table equally.

Just sounds like cities and states don't want people being self-sufficient and competition for their public utilities.

Is that a rain water collector?
I put in a sand point for around $300, zero permits, a month ago. I have a 6" bored well and I take about 400 gallons of water a week from the Wisconsin river.

It rains so rarely in some parts of California that collecting rainwater is pointless, it never rains to begin with. They sometimes go over a year without rain in some parts of southern california.

Weird, home depot here still sells 60-100W bulbs and theyre still listed on their website nationally
Not 60W equivalent lights but regular 60W incandescent bulbs

Yeah its illegal in most states. The government owns the rain.

>Water stored in a container is going to get to the water table.
You can't seriously be this retarded... can you? Ever heard of evaporation?
>it's treated and released back into the environment
Who is doing this catch-and-release bullshit with water? Holy hell I'm starting to realize that I seriously underrated how retarded you are.
>If they don't use it
It sits in a container until it evaporates. The clouds made by the evaporated water hardly ever rain back down on the land where the water initially came from due to something else that I'm sure you're completely unfamiliar with... wind.

Texas promotes it.

Depends on the state and even then the region of the state. For example, probably illegal in IL and specifically the Chicago area but in Southern IL (which is basically another entity of its own) it would go unenforced.

kinder surprise

I think in a few places it's illegal but mostly safe

>I dont understand what a lid is

>tfw cigarettes are banned in Australia
>can only get them through the mafia at $25 a pack

>I just bought some 60W incandescent bulbs recently
I will likely never change bulbs in my house ever again. Everything is LED now. Have fun paying a metric shit ton of cash just to have lights in your house.

>Have fun paying a metric shit ton of cash just to have lights in your house.
I manage and do maintenance on rental properties and buy the cheapest bulbs per unit
The tenants pay the bill

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The jewish myth that you can't collect rainwater is based on a single case where some farmer was diverting MILLIONS of gallons. This, as jews tend to do, turned into clickshekel stories on shitty blogs about "muh freedum to redirect fucking rivers..."

There are only a few places out west where it's actually illegal to collect water, and that's where it doesn't rain and all the water belongs to the jews. Or states that aren't actually American, like Mexifornia.

LED bulbs have a high premature failure rate

Oh wow, a cistern...


100 W is still legal and available.

Not illegal here in East TN.

that shit is useless though

Given that the government has been putting estrogen in the water to make the men more docile, trying to circumvent it would of course be a crime.

Stop dissenting.

You absolute retard, if that were the case then it would still be in the water when it rains, besides it's fluoride anyway

Stop buying the cheapest bulbs

no. the story that everyone heard about the guy being in trouble for collecting rainwater was bullshit. he SAID he was collecting rainwater. what he was actually doing was using a 20 foot high earthen dam to divert a local river, hoarding around 15 million gallons of water on his property that belonged to the state.


Why would you think that.

Yea CFL's just suck, but LED's are great now that the price is becoming reasonable.
It's fucking ace being able to turn on a desk lamp for an hour and touch the shade and it's not even warm.


>That fluoride response.
So angry to spread his ass for the big strong government. Nice and complacent. You've been drinking your tap water I see.

Agreed, LEDs are nice and the low draw and long life is desirable if you use them yourself

Estrogen is able to be turned into vapor at the same temperature as water? Does estrogen even have a gas form? Isn't it heavier than vapor? How does that work?

>disrupted the local ecosystem
In Nevada it's not because of the local ecosystem, it's because people downstream have "rights" to the rain that falls on your land.

>land of the free
>cant even save up a bit of water for bad times

>Estrogen is able to be turned into vapor at the same temperature as water?
A better question is would it even survive oxidation and degrading during evaporation to the atmosphere and exposure to sunlight, which seems doubtful although the resulting chemical may be some other form of hormone disruption

>hormone disruptor*

the post

>Yea CFL's just suck, but LED's are great now

My parent bought just bulk pack after bulk pack of shitty early CFL when they first came out and got discounted by the local power company. I kept saying to wait, the tech will get better etc but nope, they still bought a shit load of them.
Only to have me give them all away years later a LED are so damn much better and use less power.

only in libtard cities
fine where I'm at

depends on the state

at the end of the day most LEOs dont care and wont bring it up unless other suspicious stuff is going on.

same tier as smoking pot or shouldering an AR pistol.

be smart about it.

Illegal in many areas

I might do it and test the water for the lol factor

Legal where I am. But everyone here is also on a private well. Mine goes almost 500ft down..

I have thought about catching water off my shed. Mostly because it is near the garden, and its a long hose run...

It's legal in many southwest states now.

>shouldering pot
no kidding about being smart. I dont care who you are but there is some tender skin right at your chicken wing that I have burn more than once.

Water rights are literally the reason it's illegal to collect rainwater in Nevada. It's stupid as fuck but that's how it is there.

Legal in Arizona and Colorado though. Used to be illegal.
Maybe it will change for NV too.

Youre welcome
t. colorado

is it true that this would be hard to fight in australia?

Don't be a knob!
Bin that swab!

You really think the LED bulbs last? Lol they burn out in two years

>shouldering an AR pistol.
perfectly legal

>They need to grow almonds in a desert instead, and Alfalfa hay to send overseas.
There is nothing wrong with growing in the desert. That is what irrigation and canals are for and why they were built. The problem is that over the decades money that was supposed to be spent on improving water infrastructure for increased demand was spent on socialist shit like illegal aliens, blacks, (((climate change))), etc. So now we have no water. Criticizing people for growing in a desert when the state infrastructure was designed for that is the wrong approach. California would easily have enough water if the infrastructure was updated. Last I checked we lose over 50% of the melting snowpack because our reservoirs don't have the capacity. That's billions of gallons. But that would impact muhhh environment building some dams or expanding existing ones. Better to just fine the shit out of people and tell them to use less water. That's what fucking third world countries do. But hey, import the TURD world you become the TURD world. Fucking spics god I hate them.

Fuck you, i kekd

>There are myths that it's to prevent people from building ponds or pools but that's bullshit.
You can be sued by the EPA for building a pond if it is deemed that it will affect the migratory birds. Not kidding.

>buying land without the water and mineral rights to that land explicitly laid out in the deed
How dumb are you user? I live in the land of freshwater-a-plenty and I even knew to do this.

>That is what irrigation and canals are for and why they were built.
And use 40% of water consumption in the state, with another 50% going to environmental purposes. And that alfalfa hay i mentioned is one of the most water intensive crops there is.

>Is it illegal to have water

Depends on the state, in arid shit hole like commiefornia that is constant drought yes its against the law to hoard water

the problem is state and local laws, its not federal.
I know there are parts in Oregon wear you can't, The best thing is to collect your water in an underground container so that it doesn't create a stir. Also High fences can help from keeping nosey ass mother fucker in your business.

When people are talking about estrogen in the water, they're referring to many things. Pesticides and BPA mainly, these chemicals mimic estrogen.

I think what it is, is rather than blame the mass use of endocrine disruptors in everyday things, there is a focus on meme studies done on how much estrogen women piss out while on the pill.
I think what it amounts to is that Jow Forums begrudgingly despises birth control (because it's a means of women to ride the cock carousal without repercussion) and anything that could stop them from doing that is a good thing, therefore it isn't BPA is plastic, but your sisters piss (most places don't even use recycled sewage as a water source) that is killing your T, so you better go stop her.

It's not banned

What if you had a big wide shallow tank with a lensed lid, how much steam could you lift above a little turbine

She a cute

Next to none, turbines require pressure and you arent going to create shit unless it was absolutely massive like pic related

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Thats what I figured but have been wondering lately thinking about starting fires with magnifying glass as a kid

Except it's not.

>faggots wont buy my water? Filthy communists! Let me pull out the dick out of this little boy and lobby the mayor.

Will be soon.

I used to help install those on people's houses. It's not illegal

>ameridumbs need permission to buy suppressors.
>they need to pay the gobment just to keep one

Americans cant even buy & trade silencer without permission.

Attached: MPA-556S-Suppressor[1].jpg (1382x922, 572K)

Things that are not true.


no its not wtf are you talking about

light bulbs are banned and the loopholes that let them be in sales makes them 10 times more expensive