Why are modern day neo-nazis such pussies?
Why are modern day neo-nazis such pussies?
Because they're all /leftypol/ LARPing.
You haven't pissed NatSocs off enough for us to go full 14/88 yet, but you're getting close.
He was braver than you. I’d like to see you try walking into a crowd of enraged niggers while wearing a Swastika t-shirt.
he dead?
No. This was at Richard Spencer’s Gainesville speech event.
Do you have the pic without text?
He sure doesn’t look like a pussy
Found them.
Thank you OP, this guy will be the new legend of the Interweb.
fatty in purple is making love to our nazi friend with his eyes
Lmao the guy with the glasses to the left of him is a total shekelgrabber
Look at the ridiculous physiognomy of all of those onions boys, that faggot priest and that 56%er with the questionable nose. These people are the scum of the earth and that guy is a fucking Random Hero.
Chick in the blue shirt next to him is just dreaming of slobbing on his dick and getting called a filthy kike.
He's a well known degenerate druggie and thief about town, still finds employment at tribal-owned restaurant kitchens
>neo-nazi takes punch in face
>feminists takes punch in face
>cries and runs away to tumblr
this. that fellow have the balls
why does JIDF post race bait to distract us from the one race causing all the worlds problems?
Really makes you think. Meanwhile they used to hang niggers from a tree near Wescott fountain at FSU.
>gets sucker punched by a guy who is standing behind another guy
>for some reason the neo-nazi guy is the pussy
Because he’s a fake Nazi. Obvious leftist larping to push the movement. They do shit like this all the time.
>actual honest to god people in the U.S. larping as nazis
>actual honest to god people on Jow Forums worshiping nazi ideology
theyre jews/feds, same thing really
Why do people larp as commies?
OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer
>in all fields
What are you talking about?
Things change. The left is so bad and evilish that literally Hitler is seen as a good boy in comparision.
You expect this guy to take on a gorilla with his bare hands? That's why we invented weapons, spear chucker
>get punched
>hurtful words
>still standing
weak answer to a superior debater is what im gathering from this pixture.
It's okay if you don't want people of different skin color and sexuality to be equal to you, user. You're already the bottom rung of society as is.
The left has become more and more communistic so with the rise of Commies comes the rise of Nazis....Its only natural bro
Fuck off rabbi
C'mon dude, you don't really want to share your iPhone with the working class.
>equal to you, user
I have no problem with them being equal. I just want to separated from them, because they are bad people on a personal level. I have no problem at all with the concept of prosperous black nations. And I'm not even against any foreigners, but I want to maintain the right to choose, who I want to meet, live with etc.
This should be a basic human right, people shouldn't be forced to mingle with criminals, savages.
See that is what we call a loaded question. No matter how I answer it there is a bullet in every chamber waiting to blow my brains out.
I used to think this way too, that blacks and gay were inferior, immoral savages. It's just not true though! I'm sorry if you cannot handle the lifestyles of others, if it causes you mental trauma I will talk to you about it, and be your friend so I can guide you out of such a dark place. I mean this.
This guy is a total plant. Tim Pool reported on it. I'll look for the vid and post a link if I can find it.
He randomly showed up to a richard spencer speech by himself. Then posed for the cameras where a weird ass haircut and custom swastika shirt. Also, I don't think he actually attended the speech. He just hung out outside of the building it was in.
I don't think that all the lefty in the crowd were informed about this guy, too many people involved.
If you can find the link I would like to read the story.
This is the worst spin people put on any inter-group relation. I don't hate inferior people. Most people don't actually hate inferior people. Would a man hate a woman for being weak? An old person for being fragile? People don't even hate dumb people most of the time, they just don't want them in charge, but that's evident, benevolent, polite, but dumb people are actually loved by the people around them.
I and the overwhelming majority is the same hate people for harming me, causing me problems. They hate disrespectful, violent, selfish people. And that's all there's to it. It's a very natural group dynamic, and it forces people to be polite, to adapt to live in society.
Leftists today aren't pushing for equality between whites and blacks, they are pushing for black nationalist causes. Europeans don't need, don't want to immigrate to Africa, so open borders only benefit people invading other people's land, it's not natural mingling, it's not on equal terms, it's one group taking something from the other.
The whole internationalist agenda is in fact just chauvinism for the other group clad in insincerity.
>I used to think this way too, that blacks and gay were inferior, immoral savages.
wrong. the point never was "inferiority", just "difference"
This. Any time we look bad, it's fake. Controlled opposition, psy op, plants, they'll do anything to make us look bad. Real life white nationalists and nazis are all fit, intelligent winners. If you see the media showing a fat person, a redneck, or someone that gets beat up, they're not one of us.
>Punch to the jaw
>ass kicked
I know it's obvious, but do liberals literally never get into actual fights?
That's one ugly fed.
>hello fellow nawt-zees
National Socialism is the last bastion of sanity and irony.
obviously not a lot of right wingers are spergs. This guy did seem like a plant to me.
Obvious fake nazi is obvious.
Obviously not. As evidenced by this board, we're well adjusted successful people for the most part. That's why we're posting at midnight to 3AM on a friday night. We just have a lot going on. They just unfairly railroad us with bad depictions when the reality is most of us are really great, successful, wealthy people.
I think it's in this stream if any of you anons what to help me out. youtu.be
Staged. There's a picture of that guy hugging the nigger
I beat up a nigger two days ago.
well, he reminds me of Jordan Peterson so i instictively hate this guy
First of all, that one guy and people like him (self proclaimed skinheads) are people who may have some viewpoints similar to the nazi aka national-socialist party/movement but they do not represent it accurately and we natsocs generally do not want to be associated with these kind of people.
(Pardon my english)
This. They may think like us and act like us and want the same things as us, but once they get punched, they're obviously not one of us. We don't lose fights.
this! all that wealth frees us up to obsess over internet personas, random girls who racemix, political fandoms
rev up those anime girl twitter profiles fellow richfag/tallfag/handsomefag!
ikr that picture is amazing. The shills are basically giving us dope material at this point. libs
Alright user. I had to activate my autism to find this. Don't say I never did nothing for you.
The whole thing is good.
Isn't that guy a fed?
looks like it.
see I haven't seen proof though.
Entitled little obnoxious kids grow up thinking they're royalty.
Thank you user, I appreciate your autism.
The guy is in the video at 7:00 and don't seem a plant to mee.
It's just that there are more media and police than real protesters, so he was not really in danger.
I still think that the guy has big steel balls.
>implying the police or media care for the safety of nazis
>guy in black approach to distract
>flag to hide guy in green
>guy in green strike
Clever and coward at the same time.
Because neo-nazis aren't even a real thing, it's just some image Jew media made up?
Equality is a logically nonsensical rhetorical fantasy employed by the unscrupulous to dupe the simple and petty minded. Notions of equality are the opiate of the masses along with a belief in inherent rights and secular consumerist humanism.
Hey Tim Poole
If they weren't inferior savages then they wouldn't have a need to live among and be shepherded by benevolent straight white male guardians who willingly hobble themselves for the betterment of their charges.
Nazis make great punching bags
Because National Socialists and Neo-Nazis are two totally different, opposing groups. The latter would be treated as degenerates by Hitler and put in concentration camps.
Uncle Adolf would gas everyone browsing Jow Forums, including you and me.
Times have changed, you better get all the allies you can, we are going to fight a very big war this time, even bigger than WWII
So what does it take, an engraved invitation?
Time to start spattering brain.
what i wanna know is why neo nazis are all so trashy and act worse than the people they claim are inferior
whatever happened to being cilivised and dignified
anyone doing a chad nazi larper vs the virgin degenerate crowd?
Probably this is why. This and the fact Op is a fag.
>modern day neo-nazis
You know you're getting jewed when you assimiliate any nationallistic pride to "nazi"
Shut the fuck up already, anyone who dare to wear a swastika nazi flag in america should be hanged
Chap is a fucking legend. If we were all like him all this would never have happened.
He has the calm resolve of one who knows his ancestors are smiling upon him.
Fuck off back to Plebbit, you Donald faggot.
But i am a natsoc and I wear one in my house all the time
I don't really get this image
He gets punched
But then he's smiling
Is that supposed to make him look like a dandy or something