Randy Stair One Year Anniversary

Nearly one year to the exact minute Randy did it to 'em.

Say something about him.

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She (he) tried so hard and got so far.

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unironically my favorite meme of last year, it still cracks me up. me and randy are the same age and i also watched danny phantom and thought ember was cute at the time. i just moved on with my life while he became so obsessed with her that he wanted to physically be her.

Is this thread predictive programming for an incel false flag tomorrow? Im capping this thread just in case.


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He was a niggerfaggot.

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He became the cartoon girl he always wanted to be and is with his tulpas now so I am happy for him in that regard.

Failure in content creation, failure in mass shooting.
I've always wondered about how the people who provided voice acting and animations to him felt afterwards (especially that girl who played the part of other school shooter in his magnum opus), have any of them spoken of working with Tranny Phantom?

But in the end it didn’t even splatterrrrr

>June 8th, 2017, 12:57 EDT
Yo, Randy Stair He Was Just 23
When his parents bought a very strange machine
Designed to view a world unclean

(He's gonna shoot em all cause he's Tranny Phantom)

When his brain didn't work, his folks they just quit
then Ember took a look inside of it
there was a great big snap
every thing just changed
his ego and id got all rearranged

(Phantom Phantom),

When he first woke up he realized he had dark black hair
and glowin' blue eyes
he could walk through walls, disappear, and fly
he was much more ~unique~ than the other guys
It was then Andrew knew what he had to do
he had to join all the ghosts who were coming through

he's here to fight
against me and you

(He's gonna kill em all cause he's Tranny Phantom
gonna kill em all cause he's Tranny Phantom
gonna kill em all cause he's TRANNY PHANTOM


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anyone have that 40min video thing he did?

He may not have been the most aesthetic, but he definitely had his own aesthetic; and he even managed to predict his own success rate (1 coworker got away).

But it seems all shooters nowadays are carried solely by their autism rather than prowess with their weapons or their ego. Eric Harris believed himself to be GODLIKE but this kid along with Saint Elliot was perfectly aware just how shit he was

He thought he could talk to Eric Harris. I hope when he died and went to hell Eric Harris made fun of him for being such a faggot.

I actually sat and watched the entire documentary about him by that Mektour guy. Such a bizarre story. Especially tragic because it seems simple miscommunications did him in (besides the car accident).


Never has there been a more appropriate time for a rewatch. I'd say this is where most of Tranny Phantom's legacy will lie, as well as the best Internet Insanity to date.

Damn it dude, why didn't at least look up some videos about how to shoot a shotgun, your posture fucking sucks. Jesus Christ, you can't even figure out how to shoot a weapon designed to spread the shot. Next time don't saw off the stock unless you are going to put it in your pack and use it to bust the hinges off doors.

You shoot like a fucking girl!

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So is he an hero or AN HERO

Randy's last animation/the school shooting.

It's actually hilarious how irrelevant the band still is (the music that he used) the music videos still have lower views than any of Randy's.

They should probably just disband I wonder how they react when people mention him when they go to the concerts or whatever.
Just look at the comments on the music videos.

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>You shoot like a fucking girl!
Well being the virulent man hater she (he) was, I would certainly think that's how she (he) would have wanted it to be.

Look up "Internet Insanity: Randy Stair"

it's hilarious how the clownworld media reported on him as if he was an actual tranny and not a zero effort sperg.

based user already linked it also thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=zYN_6UPirDM

I miss these threads.

What a pathetic pussy. Did he kill
Himself or did BASED COPS shoot his ass???


Dude brutal can you imagine actually killing yourself? I'm afraid to die if especially that age

He killed himself
At least he did actually an hero like his hero Eric did.
In his last videos he described wanting to kill himself by setting himself on fire like Ember did, and then while on fire shooting himself in the mouth with the sawed-off shotgun, I wonder if he actually did that. I always wondered what the crime scene look like.
Randy believed that is lover McKenzie was waiting for him, that he needed to die to be with her.

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I'd like to live a week in this guy's head

>As a senior, Stair held a “Bowling for Autism” fundraiser in honor of his autistic cousin.

seriously why does autism have to show up in some form, around every shooting

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Tranny phantom was the funniest but also saddest thing for a good while.

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it wasn't even that memetic, everyone forgot about the shooting and tranny phantom thing after a week

apparently he hid some autistic ramblings in that video but I personally never heard them.

It was memetic in its own pitiful way. Tranny Phantom felt like a failure and she (he) could do nothing right. So she (he) tries to change that by killing people to become a ghost bitch or whatever, then fails to do much damage AND fails to leave behind any legacy despite how uniquely insane she (he) was.

How would have Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold reacted to this guy?

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>Especially tragic because it seems simple miscommunications did him in

Errm, I think it was more that he was a mentally ill freak who had a psychotic break. He practiced cross-dressing, ffs.


There is a Sword and Scale podcast where they interview people who worked with him.

literally who?


Do you like to shove cucumbers in your pussy?

Have there ever been pics or video of the shooting/aftermath? Asking for a friend

he broke the record on how little the general population could care about a white shooter and how quickly one could be forgotten.