Libertarian thread

who do we have on our side
>the founding fathers
>ron paul
>sam hyde
>the working class
>satoshi nakamoto
>anyone with half a brain cell or more

who's against us
>tards on Jow Forums that obsess about us
>most republicans
>idiots that like getting cucked by gubment

libertarianism is, like it or not, the closest ideology to what made Jow Forums the bastion of free speech that it is today, dont let any donkey flag cuck tell you otherwise. now lets talk about cool stuff like how we make up 11% of the US voting population and we're still growing

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What about market failures tho

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We need more jews not less

nobody brought anything up about jews until you did bud. besides nazis hate capitalism anyways

Honestly, I'm with you guy's other than the issue of border control. If only there was a Nationalist Capitalist party...


Libertarian socialist reporting in! Or here to be executed. I honestly don't know which

>the founding fathers
Please watch this video.

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>On Jow Forums


It is antinomic. Open borders are the consequences of corporate interests, therefore capitalism.
You want to know how it is when there is no state and everything is private ? Its like what you have now, but ten times worse. At least, for now, there is still a bit of control.

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The market will fail sometimes. The easiest answer to this is "as opposed to what?".
There will be Market failures. There will be government failures. The market has better incentives and is better equipped to deal with problems.

Why watch the video when I've read the constitution and the federalist papers. The founders preached for smaller government. If they wanted an ethnostate they could have written it into the constitution

Neo liberals and marxists stepped on your snake a long time ago.

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You're viewing those documents through modern lenses and forgetting that these documents were drafted in response to disagreements that they had with the ruler of another white nation.

These truths were indelible and so apparent to both our founding fathers and the crown that there was no contention and therefore no reason to enshrine such things in the constitution, though our very earliest immigration laws were passed by many of the same people and established a de facto "ethnostate". (which wasn't then considered an alternative to a regular state, but rather the only form of state)

What do you libertarians and Ancaps think of this guy?

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Libertarian = Jewish indoctrination

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If you look at the amount they write in the federalist papers, it doesn't seem like something like that could be taken for granted.
I'm sorry, but saying it didn't come up in all their letters and stuff they put out about this stuff is a weak argument

>founding fathers
>Made it illegal for non-Europeans to become citizens
Wtf I love libertarians now

Nazis are allies, but we are not one.



u suck

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Actually, Martin Luther and several other white protestants started capitalism. It goes hand in hand with Christianity and race consciousness.

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u so stupid


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What about Conservatarians like Charles Cooke, Editor of National Review.

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They aren't being subtle anymore.
They want to make animals and children out of us.

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dont forget rand paul and UKIP

Are you going to watch the video? It's not your typical schizophrenic Jow Forums ramblings, you can check the description to find the citations for the quotes from the founders themselves.

Here's one for example where Thomas Jefferson states that the integration of blacks into America is a fool's pipe dream and quite literally says that it will end in a race war that causes the extinction of either the black or white race.

>posting leftycartoons unironically
why can't the left meme?

almost none of that is true though. i can't tell if you're just baiting or if you're genuinely a retarded person.

Why don't libertarians become a Jeffersonian? Also Bump

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>comparing free marketers to statist cucks
redpilled woke leaf

lolbertarians are so dense and unoriginal they had to co-opt another group's flag. fuck off.

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>co-opt another flag

What flag you talking bout?

I love Jefferson. Care to elaborate on the differences?

> want to argue agains't libertarian
> compare citizens to animals snatched from their natural environnement, breeded to be docile, happy slaves, tottaly reliant on the power and probably castrated to.
> libertarian think this is not normal
> they are the stupid one.

The absolute state of tax payers.

On the otherhand, Benjamin Franklin argued from another perspective.
"I was on the whole much pleased, and from what I then saw, have conceived a higher opinion of the natural capacities of the black race, than I had ever before entertained. Their apprehension seems as quick, their memory as strong, and their docility in every respect equal to that of white children."
Franklin was the president of an Abolitionist group.
What you said about Jefferson may have been his beliefs, but there was a split among the founders on the subject of Slavery. John Jay was also an abolitionist, and Alexander Hamilton was the president of an abolitionist organization, but was pragmatic on the issue.

the high end of the bell curve is apolitical and libertarian but it's really only about the top 10%. in order to have a libertarian society you would have to either control the lower 90% of society completely or dispose of them in someway. it's well know if they are allowed to stay around and remain free then the natsoc/commie collectivists will steal your shit and destroy your society with their retarded africa-tier tribal shit.

do any libertarians actually have a plausible method of taking out the trash that wouldn't result in a u.n. intervention?

t. monarchist

Good thing the US is a republic, and not a democracy.
It's a distinction that is pretty heavily understood by the founders, and you can see it in the electoral college, and the original senate before the 17th amendment

Isn't it interesting, in the case of Brexit, the fascist remoaners couldnt give less of a damn about their so called democracy when the new populist tides are turned against their socialist favours, they want it immediately overturned, but when they'd like to kill children and go bomb over countries not in self defence, and then bring the pedophiles over here, they'll shout muh democracy muh democracy, well i'm armed and i'm gonna start arming myself more, and everyone else should too, if they want their democracy it shall be based on common law and merit, not a criminal pedophile fascist warmongering socialist police state monarchy

>cursory knowledge of political doctrine
not from around here are you?

I am a right-leaning ethnonationalistic libertarian.

the Gadsden flag was originally the flag of the Continental Marines. when i first got to Jow Forums i rocked the Gadsden because i was in the Marine Corps. i didnt learn about the lolbertarians co-opting it until i was called a libertard.

US seems to be dealing with it in a decent way.
Having something like California, and distinction into states.
Collectivists can move into their socialist state,and be homeless. Freedom lovers can live in Texas. Restrictions to constitutional amendments means that they won't be able to pass their government increasing amendments, and if they want to live in a Nanny state in California, so long as it doesn't effect Texas or Nevada, so be it.

>Pro farmers
>anti banks
>Pro state rights
>Lower taxes except tariffs
>Constitution, Bill of rights ftw
>No army

>Pro Industrialist
>Pro private banks?
>Pro choice rights
>No taxes
>Constitution n bill of rights with minor changes
>smol army

Correct me if I'm wrong.

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do leftist libertarians count

>thinks the "market" is a thing with real purposes and feelings and will work according to "rules"

you should get out of that cult you're in, son

no such thing exists except in the deluded minds of brainwashed tards too greedy to see past the end of their (((nose)))

ALL of the "markets" can literally be replaced with a single software package
there is zero reason to have markets anymore other than (((making personal pile of meme money)))

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Libs are trying to turn it to a democracy unfortunately. Trying to bring tyranny by trying to get rid of the electoral college.

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Because libertarians have unwittingly been indoctrinated by the church of egalitarian thought, whether they want to admit it or not. I can't say that I blame them, egalitarianism is drilled into us at an age where you are quite literally 100% incapable of critical thought and are at their most impressionable and just barely learning how social interactions beyond your immediate family work.

I was taught about segregation and the holocaust in fucking kindergarten, you would not teach a child an issue that you intended them to view as complex and multi-faceted in kindergarten.
He was correctly observing a documented phenomenon in intelligence research, but it is now established that the race differences in IQ begins to become more extreme with age rather than less.

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this guy

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If there's a solution to the local knowledge problem through software, why hasn't it been tried?
There's still some communist countries left like Vietnam, why haven't they tried replacing their central planning department with the software package you are talking about?

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There's never been a Libertarian of any importance. You should kill yourself.

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>free abortions, guns, and fast food for minorities but not for whites (aside from the guns, whites get the guns too)
Watch the entire non-white population drop like flies


Does Britain at least have a constitution? If so, it is a republic, but it seems it's being broken considering count Dankula got imprison for free speech.

Feels bad man, but I rather prefer the betsy ross flag as a symbol for libertarianism or anyone who advocates civic republicanism.

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that would work only as long as they stay in their own state. collectivists have a terrible habit of invading their neighbors when they run out of gibs. the only real question is will they come as soldiers or refugees when their system inevitably falls apart?

>almost none of that is true though.
where's your rebuttal then, liar?
u fucking suck as a human being, SHILL

Notice how the delusional lolberts completely ignore me or anybody else who propose genuine and well-researched that run counter to their precious ideology, deciding instead to focus on the weakest idealogical opponents and pretending like they represent the entirety of the opposition to their worldview.

Well, I will explain my thinking then.
If you look at how things were going during the 60s, the trends were positive. More wealth, higher amount of family cohesion, dropping crime rates, and higher post secondary achievement. The culture in black communities was shifting.
And then, LBJ happened, great society happened, and all the positive trends that were happening in the black community reversed, as the single motherhood rate increased, as the government said that you could get a pile of benefits, as long as you had kids and weren't married. This+the destruction of the culture resulted in the state it is today.
With this information, you can understand why my perception would be that government is the problem.

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National Socialists on my Jow Forums? Well I never...

90% of the white population has to go, too. they are just as tribalistic and destructive to a society. just look at how many whites in america are crying for communism or national socialism or whatever frankensteined stupidity bernie sanders was selling. people like that are incapable of keeping their hands in their own pockets and must be dealt with in order to maintain a peaceful and free society.

You would have had me on your side 10 years ago when I was still a deluded lolbertarian who thought your ideology could survive in a multi-kulti nation. I grew up.

They hate guns, so they would come as refugees presumably.
But I get it, they run from a state that has socialist policies and no money, to a state that has no socialist policies and does have money. They run over to texas, and then try and outnumber the local population and then pass socialist policies there.
And then when they run away from California, the people there are desperate to get out of poverty, so they elect republicans to fix the problems and the whole cycle restarts all over again.

>tfw stealing almost every day, including 50% of my food

You want to save money on self scan cashier, you pay the price.

Also to learn more of Jeff's Democracy.

god i'd love to put both of your retarded groups on two islands and let you flail around at how your ideas just don't work in real life
>no army
u gonna die of that

>no taxes
no one will work for free
so is this another word for slavery?

>no government idiots
thug rule gonna die of that

it would be great to see all you retards die on your speshul islands

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Most libertarians would consider themselves pro-republic. An infallible constitution is necessary to protect the rights of the people. Direct democracy is shit.

It doesn't strike you as odd that the "downturn" of black communities doesn't coincide almost perfectly with the increase in their civil rights and standing in society?

What about when you couple this with the fact that the African countries that were colonized the longest by European powers happened to be the most prosperous in the long-term?

What if I were to tell you that there was a significant body of statistical evidence that would suggest that slavery wasn't as horrible or cruel as you've been lead to believe? That black slaves actually worked LESS than their white farmer counterparts in the same era? Would you believe me? Would you be willing to let go of the ideas that were conditioned and emotionally ingrained into by the first authority figures you know if I presented you with convincing enough evidence? Would you ever truly be willing to reject the idea that man was created equal to his fellow man?

>the local knowledge problem
cult gibberish

being retarded is no way to go through life, son

an incompetent imbecile, cult member same as you

many such cases! sad!

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The only end game of a purely Capitalist system is corporate dictatorship.

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i guess if you stay ahead of the curve you could avoid the socialists all together. but then you spend your whole life fleeing from idiots like they were a horde of zombies, lol.

>small government
>fiscal/social responsibility/indulgence
>select public/emergency services the government tends to as appointed by the people
>a government that serves its nation instead of lording over it
>bonding, charity and contributions are CHOICES, not POLICIES
>technological/scientific/medical advancements instead of restrictions
>free market
>self regulation
>private property

it just doesn't get any better than this.

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>It doesn't strike you as odd that the "downturn" of black communities doesn't coincide almost perfectly with the increase in their civil rights and standing in society?
Yes, it does strike me as odd. But because it was also the same time that they got attached to bigger government, I have no counterfactual.
This goes to core principals.
Would you want a life where you were guaranteed prosperity, a wife and kids, 6 figure salary, but you didn't have decisions? A guy was following you around with a gun, and telling you what to do all day?
An important part of freedom, is the freedom to fail, and then eventually use that knowledge to make your own and better decisions.
A perfect example of this, is the United States.
After the revolution, the US was poor. It was worse off than if it had stayed a British Colony. And this continued, and then it didn't. And America became the country it is today.

b-but that w-w-would mean people wouldn't be equal ??!

>Direct Democracy is shit

>U need an army nigga
Why if I'm going to intervene with anyone or allied with anyone? Have you heard of Switzerland?

>No taxes is slavery
How so? Remember in Jefferson's Democracy, there will be taxes for tariffs and public schooling.

>No gov't
Jefferson's democracy requires a small gov't that ensure the people isn't violated by the bankers, the mob rule, or the gov't itself. Do you not understand what republicanism is? And no, not the party.

I really hope this is bate desu.

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The local knowledge problem isn't cult gibberish.
It's a real thing.

Equal protection of law and liberty. Remember that nobody owns jack shit like gibs.

in the 1920's and early 30's blacks in america had lower unemployment, illegitimacy, and illiteracy rates than whites. they also had lower reported rates of alcoholism and spousal abuse and higher rates of marriage, and church membership. it wasn't until the welfare programs began in response to the depression, that required the father to be absent from the home in order for the family to receive assistance, that blacks began to fall behind whites. once the black family was destroyed it never recovered and black communities have been going downhill ever since.

that kind of fucks up your whole theory on race realism, doesn't it? considering blacks were actually doing better than whites in the early 20th century.

equality can be a choice, a destination or something to avoid. the power is afforded to ALL individuals, not just SELECT individuals.

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This too.

*not going

That's a fair point actually.
It's the contradiction built into libertarianism. The trust of corporations to be command and control operations, while not trusting the government to do the same.
A libertarian would be fine with a norm between corporations, that if it is found out you smoke pot on weekends you lose your job, and would be against a government ban on such behaviour. And yet, being fired for doing drugs on your personal time that doesn't effect your work reduces personal liberty, without any action of the government.
I don't know how to deal with that contradiction.

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>Would you want a life where you were guaranteed prosperity, a wife and kids, 6 figure salary, but you didn't have decisions?
I am not black, who's to say that black people aren't perfectly comfortable with this? As stated before, the quality of life in Africa is almost inversely correlated with the level of freedom from European influence that they were given.

The US is a poor example because it was birthed from the genetic stock of other successful nations. (Germany, Britain, France, etc) I'm curious as to why you don't think that stripping the blacks of (white) government assistance wouldn't see them reverting to the state that the decolonized African countries now find themselves in.

>blacks were actually doing better than whites in the early 20th century
lmao nigger you can't just say things like that without a citation, I'll give you a serious response if you find one.

>small govt
the USA has over 300 million people
how the fuck are you going to run the whole country and defend it against enemies with five fat fucks sitting around drinking beer as your "small govt"???

a meme that idiots like you will refuse time and time again

>select services for govt
but youwanted small govt

>govt that serves instead of "lording" over population
rule of law too complicated for you, huh

>charity a choice not a policy
so no matter what kind of help you need you want the govt to tell you to shut up and die? k
>advancements instead of restrictions
oh another "free market" retard who thinks progress is inevitable, unchanging, and regular in total opposition to actual reality

>free market
a meme where you imagine everyone playing nice, so nice no laws or regulations or govt needed
so stupid and unrealistic as could be

>self regulation
this is criminals "investigating themselves"
why are you this retarded?

>private property
not without the rule of law and "big" govt you wont
gonna shoot you
you should try it
meaning only for you and no one else in an anarchists nightmare, right?
you mean freedom from having to follow laws and regulations, amirite
you wanted small govt, no rules, anarchy
no such thing as justice in real life - its another meme


>it doesn't get any better
confirmed for being retarded

>small govt
>the USA has over 300 million people

stopped reading there because i don't need to go any further to know that you're a clueless, ignorant retard who thinks 'small' also means 'inefficient'. hop off of Jow Forums (18+ btw) and go learn something you cuckolded bitch.

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>how the fuck are you going to run the whole country and defend it against enemies with five fat fucks sitting around drinking beer as your "small govt"???

Defend it against who? Who are these people you're are so paranoid about? When has the US government defended us against anybody? The true threat against the American people is the US government itself, which extorts half the national income every year and incarcerations more than 2 million people every year.

>who's to say that black people aren't perfectly comfortable with this?
The large number of blacks who fought for abolition, with their lives.
That's why I respect MLK, because he tried to tie the black community to American Ideals, of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and was saying America was failing those ideas through Segregation. Not a rejection of those ideas and black nationalism like Malcolm X.
But hey, my view of this is based off of the facts I have received, and my personal values when it comes to freedom. I really don't like being told what to do. Some people don't mind.

>pretends no self-defense needed on this planet
yeah you are stupid as fuck, son

>gonna pretend ppl will just pay whatever
yeah you are stupid as fuck

>b-but its not 'no govt' just a smal one!
over 300 MILLION ppl gonna kick yo ass
>dont u know republicanism
so far the only ppl screeching about republicanism are total fucking retards, so the details don't matter
you can't spell out what you want, fuck you

>hope this is b8
son, i am disappoint

how do you prevent market from spreading degeneracy , everyone in the elite knows that degenerates consume more , thus generating more profit

>this memetic concept is a real thing
you come here and don't even know what a meme is? srsly go back to re/d/dit, faggot
concepts are not real
if you think otherwise, you are delusional
don't believe me? look up the word delusion and apply it to your meme concept and see that imaginary things are NOT FUCKING REAL

>who's against us

all collectivists (which you lose to)
degeneracy, as the individual isn't actually the basic unit of society

there's a reason all the libertarians went altright

Hahahahahaha this is pretty fucking good user, being a libertarian I must say I thought this was funny.

Anyway, tomahawk cruise missile incoming, burn in hell faggot commie.

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>****desperate butthurt response****

you are sounding pretty shaky there, bub
why not admit you lost and just gtfo

i'm not your history teacher, kiddo. do your own research or nobody is going to take your dumb ass seriously.