How to make France great again ?

How to make France great again ?

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You can start with cleaning it from mongrels like one in your picture

La revolución
Viva la revolución

if there's ever been a case for that fake mixed race beauty that jews love to push on the goyim it's eva green

my babies would be falling out of her by the dozens

France needs a psycho dictator to mass murder blacks, muslims and nuke Africa. Honestly, best thing that could happen. And the longer France continues on its current course the better the chances

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>How to make France great again?
Nuke it.

The French Revolution was the worst thing to ever happen to the west. It's been irreparably damaged because of it. Thanks France ...


>Absolute monarchy
>Droit du Seigneur
>Deus Vult and remove kebab
>Send all feminist and Stalinist heads rolling
>Grande Restoration
>Grow the military to be the strongest in europe

It's motly freemassons like your flag you retard

sure there will be a few mongels some people may find attractive. that’s why you must have eugenics and constitutional ban on nonwhites

Monarchy is the dumbest system of government there is.

>Droit du Seigneur
>falling for enlightenment-era memes that never happened

Democracy is just the way for the rich to get what they want done and (ironically) to get rid of the influence of the common man. Look at the American Revolution, the people most in favour of it were the richest men in the colonies

well last time you were great it took a bloody revolution and a failed republic

He's just memeing. If your country had never had its revolution, America might never have had her's.

French decline began with a fall in fertility rates during the middle of the 18th Century. This decrease occurred due to an increase in the age of marriage.

Unless you reverse certain cultural trends that undermine fertility, France is never going to return to a dominant position on the continent.

Heaven is a monarchy and God intended there to be two republics. Switzerland to prove it can be done and America as a warning to the rest.

The rich got what they wanted out of monarchs too. The richest and most powerful people in any monarchy are always behind the throne.

Allowing the uneducated and easily manipulated masses to run for/vote for "government" of and by themselves is the most ruinous system that has failed wherever it has been implemented throughout all of history since time immemorial

Search Henry De Lesquen on YouTube

>Implying France was ever great
lol, frogs have always been massive faggots and it's hilarious how we used them to beat the British then told them to go fuck off

God is a fairytale, stop your superstitious nonsense.

shes half jewish

Expel jews and (north) africans
Hang every leftist traitor
Have military rule for a few years
Restore monarchy

Then why did they consistently try to overthrow monarchies so they could do what they want? Just for fun, or was there some kind of reason, like say that the monarchs didn't do whatever the oligarchs wanted?

God is more real than you are

You aren't even a good christian.

You think I don't know that already?

>France in the 1950s, white people in a city without fear.webm
Someone post em

I think you know you need help but don't know how to get it.

Wrong on that one

Purge all Freemasons.

I want to nuke Germany so bad !

Well, Alizée hasen't changed much since her first hit

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French motto is :

The new french motto will me more precise !

CIVIC Equality
RACIAL Brotherthood.

Based Libertarianazi Lesquen's France.

Remove the shitskin, burn the labour code.

Saint-Louis + The computer.

I meant the part about getting a giant sailor moon and other trash tattooed all over her body, but I suppose she's still thinner than every single American so I can't laugh too hard

I would like a first hit to.

Remove kebab, nignogs and kikes.

Deport all the infiltrators (africans and jews) and it'll be pretty much done

If she is French, then I’m Mickey Mouse

Won’t change anything unless you go after the cuckolds and unloyal ethnic Frenchmen first.

Redpill me on Donald Duck

but the frogs revolted after we did

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I had the same reaction as the dog

Hopefully macron and jewmoney(germany) try to declare war on us because of the ramifications of the current trade war then we can utterly annihilate them. After that maybe somehow they can rebuild in the name of nationalism and hopefully alot of shitskins get annihilated

Idiots. Macron will never save france, he's not space Hitler !

Monarchies all over the world have worked and outlasted any form of government you feel is superior. Now go rock the vote boomer scum.

De Lesquen isn't libertarian

Once the head of the body changes his paradigm, the rest will fllow. We aren't that much different from ants.

>Reemigration of the non-integrated
>Liberalization of the economy to unleash the creative power of the French people
>Privatization of the school system to end the leftist influence on it
>Protectionism to end foreign influence

That'll be a good start

Slide thread by the way, 1 post by this ID.



I’m not sure we can allow racemixers and open borders fanatics to live. Have you heard about dysgenics?
>Reemigration of the non-integrated
t. nafri

100% white.
Non integrates are 80% of the foreigners

I know what we have to do, you better work on what you brits have to do.
stop posting in this slide thread now for god's sake

so? it’s their blood. nothing to do with their behaviour. all of them must be gone, and monuments to mongrels like Dumas demolished.

you can't. Unless french population suffers an economic crash, they will keep sucking Mamadou's dick

bring back de gaulle

yes recall that pussy that called for revolt while he hid in the UK

14 years old ? you'll grow up eventually

>How to make France great again ?

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Refusing to accept his government's armistice with Germany, De Gaulle exhorted the French population to resist occupation and to continue the fight in his Appeal of 18 June.
In other words, he was a jew cock sucking lover.
Don't forget his role in the Guerre D'algerie which is the reason you have so many arabs in the first place.

But hey, good thing he liberated your asses, how's that ramadan going ? mashallah

Speak English you filthy beaner

oh a nazi larper
you are indeed 14 years old

even the marechal would be ashame of you

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Since when is Eva Green mixed?

Oh, she's not. Got it.

National-liberalism is what the paleolibertarians want to achieve but aren't quite there yet, intellectually speaking.

100% this.

>nazi larper
lol, what a faggot

Some of the French people already gave up, around 19% of all the houses sold in Portugal are sold to the French which is when I realized that their situation must be worse than I imagine because who in their right mind would come here to live.

I'm fine with this timeline.
The west unity is crumbling and that's a good thing.
I'm tired of all this political theater, oh look how i pat your shoulder, ooooh, how our handshakes are firm.
Modern warfare is more about economy than weapon, we experimented it between us for a long time. This political comedy should shatter soon or later.

The more time goes, the more our societies are right-leaned. Some place already went tidal wave, some are still within tidal range but coast of political correctness start to get damaged.

I'm on a great ride, Italia was fed with "refugees" to indigestion.
Spain is lead by a socialist with -what a great topping- a very progressive government, with just the right amount of spice to maintain the catalonia wound open.
For germany, angela was truly the angel sent to cleanse our cummunautary sins. she realize it now, her silents are loud, her speech sweat how lost she is, God moves in mysterious ways even for his emissaries.
France received the bringer of peace blessing, it damaged the link between the state and the nation very efficiently, opened eyes on the situation, allowed us to show powerlevel more clearly.
Even our inside enemy act less veiled. everyone want the bonfire to rise, we all maintain the ambers.
Poor Macron may not be the fire fighter we needed, for what it would change on the outcome.
Plenty prepare themselves to "some eventuality", and more prepare themselves by the day ... among all the sheeples with a blind faith in our hability to outcome hate with love and understanding, maybe there is heaven, may those poor soul receive their just reward as they may be the one dyin for our sins.
I do believe in god and apocalypse but not in the afterlife btw.