There shouldn't be any mosques in Austria.
This is where the world shaping shit always begins. Whether on its soil or with its people abroad, Austria is at the center of world change.
Lets hope this is the start.
... maybe some part of Europe will actually survive. Damn.
This month has been full of hope.
(Not for France, but fuck this country for electing a literal Rotchild's servant).
Austria had mosques for Bosnian soldiers since before WW1. Muslim Bosniaks were more loyal than orthodox slavs
b-b-but austria has always been multicultural
god bless austria
Well fuck you then cuck boy, based Austria needs to kick out every kike and mudslime
Even US secularism always came with an asterisk that religions that inflicted physical harm on people were not allowed. They were exempt from religious freedom.
All Secular states should pass laws requiring Muslims to reject preachings of violence in their book. After all, the only reason we think Christians so civilized is specifically because they ignored their own book and became pseudo-Christians. It is only fair that Muslims be the same if these Globalists truly want everyone to be the same.
literally nothing, but sure, keep fapping to hilter memory
What are they gunna do with all the empty buildings?
This is absolutely harem
I can't wait for the tears from Brussels.
The more I learn about austria the more it becomes my favourite nation.
Reading about the battle of Karánsebes was what sealed it for me
The legacy lives on.
>outside of eu refugee
One can only hope
>Poland is the only one whose uniform doesnt look like it came from wal-mart
Congrats on this seriously.
>When Zionism takes root in Europe
Mashallah, the fire rises
Before WW1 Austria included Bosnia so that's really an apples to oranges comparison.
Why is it the forces for positive change are always from the heart of europe and the supposed master race up north only ever destroys shit?
Even in the US, what few good white people we have are clearly more german/anglo while the corrupt, evil, immoral, etc ones look nordic. Every time. Scandi types are almost as bad as jews.
Are scandis the sons of satan or something?
Austria rises again...Blessed is he.
wtf y is austria so racist ?
Nice job little g*Rmany.
Christianity is just as damaging to the white race from within as Islam is from without. Christianity is an anti-white Jew worshipping religion. "Donate to Israel Goy, turn the other cheek while we take everything from you Goy"
Christianity = Jewish slavery.
Judaism teaches Jews to rule over you
Christianity teaches you to be a willing slave to your Jewish masters
Islam teaches Muslims to eradicate you
All 3 are bad for the white race.
seems to be fake
40-60 imams, including families 150 people.
Also the picture is much bigger: the purpose is to end Turkish and Saudi/Gulf influence, and to bring the Muslim orgs completely under state control, incl. the education of their rel. teachers. There will be such high pressure to integrate, the radicals will all leave. So many more will follow those imams.
most mosques in austria are just small venues, they can be reshaped into shops in notime.
good luck, bootleg Aussies.
take my numbers
i'm pretty sure they'll all go to germany and will be embraced with open arms and open state fund wallets kek
What is meant by integrating? Adopting liberal and western lifestyle and worldview of liberalism?
Problem is if you dont deport all of them you will go back to complacency and then more """radicals""" will immigrate. Nevermind that you can expect their children to become radicalized.
Godspeed, Austrians. Remove kebab.
Harem is the sex orgy, they would use a castrated white man to help around.
Difference between slavery by arabs is that arabs castrated.
not always, there is the mamluks for example
>Muh radical mosques
A secluar Muslim is infinitely more dangerous than some mullah
Who do you reckon is more likely to become prime minister
A "intergrated" Muslim who presents himself as a secluar liberal like Sajvid Javid or Sadiq Khan
Some 1st gen paki that shouts on ghetto street corners about death to america
Either ban all Muslims or none
We're yanking up the heat in small, but noticable, incremental steps. We want the frogs to jump out of the water.
Full face veils banned/fined, Islamic kindergardens under investigation and closed down/defunded, 10,000s of Turks having their Austrian citizenship revoked because of illegal double citizenships, headscarves banned for children, social benefits for refugees cut. All very recently, and now this. And it is not going to stop. I predict halal food is next on the list, as it is in conflict with animal welfare.
In addition constant public debates about Islam, crime and immigration. Pressure to integrate in Austria has always been comparably high; that's why it worked better than elsewhere. Successful assimilation works with social and governmental pressure (see Americanization during WWI), as opposed to the multicultural ideal of parallel societies. I want the children of those who stay to be better patriots than I am.
The moderate Bosnians can stay, secular Turks can stay. Anyone who takes Islam seriously will have to leave.
Maybe you are the next Joan of Arc?
The only assimilation is genetic as long as one has a sense of heritage they will only have a transient loyalty. A bunch of half measures (the same methods Sargon of cuckkad advocates no less) that will result in a delay and a repeat at best and at worst genetic integration of a bunch of arabs. It'll take a few thousands years of evolution to remove those stains.
At LAST!!!!
Why should a based orthodox be loyal to some german scum ? Cant see a reason.
Realistically, it's too late for a complete reversal of the damage, genetic and otherwise, done in the last 50 years.
At this point we have to consider ourselves lucky that German and EE immigration far outweighed anything else. The majority of ME "refugees" will have to leave too, as soon as their countries are somewhat stable.
But it's crucial that the influx of undesirables stops completely. Kurz is going to be President of the EU Council for 6 months coming July 1st, and he already said he's going to try to get the EU to close down all human trafficking routes to Europe (incl. the Mediterranean) and transform Frontex into something useful. I'm not holding my breath that 28 squabbling states will get their shit together, but at least finally there is a speck of hope that there are leaders who are on our side.
England, Russia, and France had lost the war by 1916. America's involvement was at the behest of the Jew for England's Palestine. Hitler's Germany was a success in all metrics, the utter lack of humanity displayed by the English and Russian governments is the real shame.
>Anyone who takes Islam seriously will have to leave.
As long as you don't close Saudi mosques, you guys achieve nothing. Saudi mosques are breeding radicals. As far as I can tell this is just some counter-politics towards Erdogan and not Islam itself.
And to be honest, Kurz doesn't have the balls to close Saudi mosques.
You need another lesson? Better stay quiet back there.