If English were an official language in all EU states

would this push EU politics to the right like in America? After all, everyone would understand each other, which means socialism would be much harder to peddle to the people.

Attached: most-spoken.jpg (650x607, 175K)

Why bother when the EU will cease to exist in 2020?

Everyone who has english as second language is a subhuman

actually it's only 51%, and that's including only EU citizens (and the United Kingdom which will withdraw from the European Union soon)

Attached: Eurobarometer2012.png (712x1519, 171K)

>Irish in Ireland

>Irish not the mother tongue

>Why bother when the EU will cease to exist in 2020?

why bother when the Treaty of Rome will never be signed in these 1950s?
why bother when the EC will cease to exist in 1960?
why bother when the EC cannot survive without the UK in 1965?
why bother when the EC cannot expand in the 1970s?
why bother when the EC won't be reformed with the SEA in 1986?
why bother when Maastricht will never be accepted in 1992?
why bother when the EC will never be transformed to the EU in 1993?
why bother when following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia will take over Europe instead of the EU?
why bother when the EU will not expand into the East in 2004?
why bother when the EU will surely collapse after the 2008 financial crisis?
why bother when Greece will collapse the EU in 2012?
why bother when Brexit will surely destroy the EU in 2016?
why bother when Italy surely will leave the EU and destroy the Euro in current year?

The absolute state of "why bother"...
why bother when the

I guess in 2080, the question will be "why bother even watching the holomeeting in Brussel, when the EU will not create the unified Earth government to send a star ship to Gliese 619?"

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>That irrelevant Northern state


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British colonial policy dedicated a lot of time to destroying the comparatively uncompetitive Irish culture and language. They're Brits with funny accents these days.

Man, stop being so desperate, there will be other alliances. The world will still exist even after the failure of the EU.

>The world will still exist even after the failure of the EU.
We both won't witness it fail. It is a bureaucracy, without a people's revolution, it won't go away. And there is no people's revolution coming up, people are too fat and lazy.

>los estados unidos
game over man, game over


>an official language in my country
I would rather shoot every single british expat in warsaw than allow it to happen

Attached: 1527189045374.jpg (422x498, 48K)

I don't think the Europeans will watch being killed and replaced for too long. Far right movements are rising everywhere, they just need a single person standing up showing the right path, everyone else will follow.

My bet is on the new Italian government.
In the end, the good guys always win.

>not their mother tongue

Attached: 5318f8e708cf7.image.jpg (298x448, 168K)


*looks at flag*


English language would be a disaster fore the EU American culture would warp your mids completely at least by speaking a different language you have some basic cultural protection from American degeneracy

the fuck is with germs and a united europe?

Collectivists who never managed to get a lasting empire running, still itches at them to this day.

>which means socialism would be much harder to peddle to the people.
All the commiefornia degeneracy would trickle down to the EU even more easily if everybody here was fluent in English