Am I the only one that believes humans didn't evolve on Earth but came here from a far off distant planet in outer...

Am I the only one that believes humans didn't evolve on Earth but came here from a far off distant planet in outer space?

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Space is a meme. Interdimensional is how they got here.

nice jew star on those fake aliens though.

No. There's 7 others.

probably came from space as microbes

Nope. The real visitors are coming though once we get rid of the kikes.


Gotta get rid of all nukes before they can get here.

everyone on fucking reddit believes that crap

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Why do you think Trump is pushing so hard for denuking?

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Ye we come from Aldebaran m8.

The pleiadians are an epic race.

They aren't real.

I believe the visitors will come and kidnap us and sell as as slaves.

I'd think it as just as plausible as Panspermia or Paleo-SETI.

were already slaves faggot.

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>niggers are the same as Europeans
>chinks (you) are the same the two mentioned
>these are humans

Fuck off.

>Am I the only one that believes humans didn't evolve on Earth but came here from a far off distant planet in outer space?

what fucking difference would that make?

>falling for aussie bait again.

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Not me you nigger.

Thank you for introducing me to that song.

Fucking space, what a crock of shit. If you can't even wrap your tiny, tiny brain around the non-existence of space then I suppose you probably actually believe this. Fucking glober.

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It's likely life came to Earth from another part of the galaxy.
Life that then evolved into humans and will continue to evolve past what we are now.

Pleiadians are demons you dumb cunt.

Ben Franklin said white people came from mars and he was serious when he said it.

I don't believe that, but I knew a girl once who thought it was a possibility.

I, too, have watched Battlestar Galactica.

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bumping this to let everyone see how stupid you are

Why is space a meme and why would they even bother coming here interdimensionally if they have so many options

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Define "human". You really think nigger came on Space-Pyramids?

I wouldnt exclude that some aliens may had a colony that was BTFO and the survivors had to hide with the huminid locals and ultimatly mixed with them what created the aryans that migrated out of the caucasus.

But all "humans" ?