Germans of Jow Forums, are you proud of your NatSoc heritage?

You have every right to be. Most of us only LARP but your ancestors were the real deal. I bet some of you even have leftover memorabilia from that time.

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Being proud of your heritage is racist. They should know better.

>Being proud of your heritage is racist. They should know better.
You forgot to hide your flag.

Kike. I'm proud to be German, I'm proud my people gassed you.

Every fucking time.

>Eternal Hun

I know the truth and I know what really happend.
Unfortunately cant say the same about 90% of my fellow students at university
70 years of brainwashing have its results..

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>Why should you be proud of losing

I have a personal question. Does it bother you when you go on youtube comments watching your favorite German dubbed episodes of TV shows and all the comments say "haha they sound like nazis" or "this is the nazi version of x?"

I dont use Jewtube so I can't relate
But in general Nazi is not an insult for me but a compliment
The funny thing is that its easier to have based conversations about Nazi Germany abroad with foreigners (I spent some time in the US and in latin america) than with most germans which directly convert into their guilt complex when talking about this topic

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>half Norwegian half German
>German opa was in the wehrmacht
>was a cuck after the war.
>Muh Holocaust and our shame
>Norwegian bestefar was in the SS Division Wiking
>Fought in Berlin
>Managed to get to Denmark before the Soviets got to him.
>Was proud to fight the Bolsheviks and Jews
>Not a cuck, not apologetic, said he'd do it all again

He was a hardass until he died in 2002. He married a qt after the war and had 9 children, thanks to him I have a very large family who all are doing well and only one aunt is a degenerate for marrying an Arab.

My grandpa shot down and killed german pilots and got medals for it.
Killing nazis is a family tradition, and I'd do the same proudly.

Yes we are proud and we have memorabilia. I own the Iron Cross second class of my great-uncle, who survived the war. Many of our fathers fought and gave their lives for Europe. What a shame it ended like this. But we will never forget them and together carry our message out to the world.

Heil Hitler

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Not at all
Any German who is is retarded


My says I am in line with Benito Mussolini.
Any far away cousins here?

that faggot cost Hitler the war

Hitler fucked the war up himself
Mussolini was just another nail in the coffin

Uni is infested with commies. When I joined uni and we had these older students showing us how it all works and stuff, this one dude was openly wearing an Antifa t-shirt and encouraged us to vote because "the AfD is getting stronger and stronger". I thought german Uni wouldn't be as bad as in the US but oh boy was I wrong. When some feminist professor in the intruduction thingy said there were even gender studies I couldn't help but giggle and she gave me the murderous SJW eyes of marxist revolution. Thank God I left that shithole. Now trying to get a normal job for normal people.

Hitler disagrees
"The greatest service which Italy could have rendered to us
would have been to remain aloof from this conflict. To
ensure her abstention, no sacrifices, no presents on our part
would have been too great. Had she steadfastly maintained
her neutral role, we would have overwhelmed her with our
favours. In victory we would have shared with her all the
fruits and all the glory. We would have collaborated with
all our hearts in the creation of the historic myth of the
supremacy of the Italian people, the legitimate sons of the
ancient Romans. Indeed, anything would have been
preferable to having them as comrades in arms on the field
of battle!

Italy's intervention in June 1940, with the sole purpose of
aiming a donkey-kick at a French army that was already in
process of disintegration, merely had the effect of
tarnishing a victory which the vanquished were at the time
prepared to accept in a sporting spirit. France recognized
that she had been fairly defeated by the armies of the Reich,
but she was unwilling to accept defeat at the hands of the
Axis. "(...)
"In this theatre of operations, then, the Italians prevented us
from playing our best card, the emancipation of the French
subjects and the raising of the standard of revolt in the
countries oppressed by the British."

>I thought german Uni wouldn't be as bad as in the US
yeah but you guys all speak english so the cancer was obviously going to spread
french unis aren't fucked to that point yet but you can feel it coming

As long as the Jews remain in a position of power in the US as leaders of the cultural life this shit will spread to the whole western world slowly but surely.

ik I'm just noting that the more fluent in english a country is, the faster the cancer transpires into its unis and public life
that's why we were relativelty sheltered, because we're shit at english

Interesting point. We need some statistics on the anglophone peoples of Europe. Wait a minute.

French Unis are fucked to that point.
t. uni teacher

I thought you were all Irish

I've been a student in both french and english unis and I can tell you it's not even comparable

This is actually very accurate. The liberal discourse and narrative is mainly spreading from the US and the UK, and as you can notice here some people are just using sjw words without a translation (genre bullshit, queer, mansplaining, you name it)

I had an english teacher who kept showing us John Oliver cancer and such but at least we're not bombarded with retarded buzzwords like "heteronormative"

not liberal at all
you're french, you should know that

I work with a canadian teacher and believe me in the curriculum, they spend one semester working on "racism" "sexism" "poor blacks" "too much white". They should be banned from promoting a political point of view

This is the anglophone map of Europe. What other factors should we include for the Cuck Index? Amount of Jews(in positions of power)?

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>mfw the next 56%

yeah foreign teachers are often (((progressive))) cunts but my frenh teachers were all pretty cool


checks out, how old is this map?
yeah number of jews whould also be taken into acount
maybe role in WW2 as well

I don't believe that jews are an important factor. I think there are more jews in power in France than everywhere else in Europe, but we're not at the top of the cuck index I believe.

At least they don't work on that bullshit with me.

Notice the 73% in Austria. Nobody can tell me that they are more cucked than Germany.


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They're not more cucked, but the young generation is buying on the progressive agenda. There are gender studies and stuff there

>we're not at the top of the cuck index
yeah we're only 4th in the EU lol

But numero uno in terms of jews in power, which shows that it's not a really relevant factor to estimate the "cuckness" of a country

Let's try it with the JpC (Jew per capita) factor.

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when I see such map it fucking shills my spine

France at first glance already looks like a special case. How did you get so many Shlomos?

it's counterbalanced by our shitty english (never thought it'd be an asset)


Northern African jews and somehow some ashkenazi remaining. A dude named Adolphe Crémieux made them french for some reasons and now we pay the toll.

Maybe that's the reason. Maybe it's a combination between a shitty level of English and a certain disdain for anything coming from the US or UK

C-come on guys, we're not that bad.

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do you think Zemmour is ever going to name the jew? would be fun
>disdain for anything coming from the US or UK
might be
I've seen the shift take place in real time though, as I was in England right before the SJW shit started to get to us
I was shocked by what I'd seen but I knew this was only a matter of time before they tried selling it to us

>for some reasons
He was a literal Jew, what did you expect?
(((They))) always stick together.

It's impossible to name the jew in today's society. I'm just patiently waiting to see all the jews fleeing to israel. I already know three girls who fled there.
Speaking about the "shift" I kinda felt it one year ago (maximum two)

I wish they'd all fuck off but we have to punish the leaders tbf, we can't just let BHL get away with it
some of them are cool though

germans, english, spanish, french, portuguese, italians, serbs, dutch, from all other europeans, are those that historically would "fell more for their past" on the head of the sjw cunts. So they are attacked on dailybasis, a way that for axample a estonian or a polish isn´t

So factors we should include for the Cuck Index are: Jew per capita as base, with modifiers like anglophone percentage and if Jews were removed from power during WW2. Any other suggestions?

>some of them are cool
I can't think of one to be honest senpai (except Zemmour)

"warum sie adolf hitler wählten" - an excellent documentary about the motivations of 1933's first time voters to elect adolf hitler. listening to their pure and unfiltered memories you must admit that you would have done the same thing back then (the ultimate redpill for me).
it's a real shame that nothing of this narrative was part of my education, neither in school nor at university.

the reason for the absolute hatred of the left against anything from the right can be found in the decision of these first time voters to elect hitler. for the left it is the ultimate defeat. workers didn't want to loose themselves in endless theoretical discussions about the perfect socialist revolution, they rather chose the assuring pragmatic solutions of the national socialists with adolf hitler as substitute for the lost german emperor.

the number of people from other countries or with a different backgrounds outside of Europe (africans, asians, arabs)

their number in sweden doubled! this explains so much...oh dear

religion is a weird one because some wchirstians might be redpilled when some oither might just be kike golems (but that's mostly true for the US)
do we have stats on antisemitism? I think France should be relatively uncucked in that area
he's shit, he's just the least shit in the (((msm)))
watch my vid if you want to see an actual based jew
I also know a few personally

The thing is though that minorities are not doing the cucking. The marxist jewish liberal is the cucker and minorities are just his tool.

>minorities are not doing the cucking
still, they vote for the cucked parties overwhelmingly

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I've noticed that mostly protestants from the US are the ones being fed the "God's Chosen" propaganda. Catholics not that much.


you are fucked up, but france still can be saved
There are many mixed couples?

>tfw 10 years away from being a minority

>are you proud of your NatSoc heritage?

>I bet some of you even have leftover memorabilia from that time.
Indeed. Pic related is from my grandfathers "kind of a diary" from his time in the Hitler Youth.

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It's nice to see so many G*rmans being proud here. I will start building border fortresses again, I missed doing war with you, Hans.

I wouldn't know
most people don't care about race but it's not like niggers are attractive either and sandniggers are notorious wife beaters

post more if you want

It doesn't matter whether people acknowledge it or not, race is very real and it affects daily life.

They can be easily influenced and you can notice that they always are at the base of all sjw concerns like "you guys are bad against minorities". Also, there is the Belgian example and muslims that voted for cucked parties there and end up bombing France.

Would I be gassed in NS Germany?
My sub race is Alpine

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I have to go now. You guys develop the Cuck Index further please, we might be able to come up with something cohesive. I may start some threads on this topic in the future. Let's be the new "Frankfurt school" of social research but this time without marxist Jews.

I'm Alpine by the way

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Show face fucking summerfag

>Believe in those "histories"

ns germans respected evrey other european, bro's of the same europid race

Selfies are forbidden
Begging for attention is gay

>being this insecure that you have to post your face on the Internet to gain approval from strangers.
I pray for you, user

But I'm from Eastern Europe

I wish our (((laws))) would allow me to answer that question...

where the fuck is your jaw my dude xdddddddddddddd

>that underbite

adopt a better diet without processed sugars and bread and workout to increase your test. there's still time to correct that.

I am wildly aware
I might bake a general once we hit the limit
something like /cig/
see ya there hopefully

Did you mean overbite?

nobody was gassed

No. Hitler was unironically a sissy asshole cunt.

I ike my free speech.I also like not having to die in wars for failed postcard painters.

also holocaust happened, deal with it

Wouldn't they kill me because I am a Üntermensch?

>holocaust happened
no the tholocaust is fake and they had respect for all races

actually, both of you

no. we all love brown cock!

proud of losing

this guy gets it

blame Italy

>Killing nazis is a family tradition
Damn straight, white people deserve to be removed from the world and from all of history.
Abolish all borders!


You're welcome.

>are you proud of your NatSoc heritage?

Proud? No, because they threw away the last chance germany had and doomed it to be what it has become now but most importently because they killed alot of proud and loyal germans for their political gain

But am i ashamed for what happened like 99% of the cucks nowerdays? Am i trying to hide or misrepresent history and destroy the legacy of those who died?

No, and i never will be

blame germany for sucking at choosing the right allies. It's only faggots that don't accept their responsibility for their failure. But why am I not surprised to hear such a line of reasoning form a french fry