Two Chads doing business, while """""""""""""""""""""west"""""""""""""""""""" busy with trade wars

>Two Chads doing business, while """""""""""""""""""""west"""""""""""""""""""" busy with trade wars.

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>r*ssian manlet

The surrender of the Russian lands to China isn't a business, but the faggotry.

>warm welcome

I dont know, men. If things continue the way they are, you will end up becoming a china vassal state. Dont know if that is what exactly you want.


>Yes yes I will take another 2 million Russian mail order brides this year as well

I don't think you understand how much more powerful China is compared to Russia. Russia will become a vassal of china in the future. The obly chance Russia has is joining the EU

Attached: 1527933252733.png (1418x835, 1.68M)

>The obly chance Russia has is joining the EU
Only with borders, to filter all """"""""""""""""""""""refugees'"""""""""""""""""

>Gollum and Randy Bobandy

Sure, just join EU

Xi Jinping is actually a super chad by Chinese standards.


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I feel some trick behind it

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Zhui khuy

Siberia is getting chinked ivan

Attached: 1528345805467.jpg (775x844, 133K)

>that hairline at 71 and 64 years old

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You clearly haven't seen trump's hairline.

His real hairline is on the nape

Putins predecessor actually tried. That fat drunk. He was rejected.

>autistic slav manlet
>micropenis commie chink

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>tfw agreement for 1 million more chinks to cuck Sergei

Attached: 1575684.jpg (1157x657, 191K)

Meow took life long power and literally no one said anything against him. What a chad.

The world needs more finns

I also want a Siberian bride desu

You wouldn't get any because they will be delivered by Australia Post.

Get your shit together and do something about the emu raids

How do you misread a post this badly?

>slav manlet
yeah sure thing

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>"Russia and China intend to further build up strategic contacts and coordination between their armed forces, improve the existing mechanisms of military cooperation, expand interaction in the field of practical military and military-technical cooperation and jointly resist challenges to global and regional security," the statement runs.
HAHAHAHA, """""""""""""""""""""""""west""""""""""""""""""""""", while your G7 turns into g6, Russia and China strengthen their ties.