German parents are increasingly afraid that their teenage daughters may become pregnant

One of the biggest German instagram and youtube influencers (she has 5.1 million followers in Germany, mostly young German female teenagers and faggots), only called "Bibi", is pregnant with her first child from her white boyfriend Julian. She is 25yrs old.

Lots of media articles tell of frightened German parents who believe their teenage daughters might also try to have white babies now, as Bibi's pregnancy has resulted in a massive surge of "baby bellies are beautiful" comments and "you are so brave for becoming a mum!" comments.

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At least Julian sounds white.

Kühl, aber du kriegst Danzig immer nicht zurück

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Funny how Jow Forums was all for 'freedom of association' until White wombs began associating with Black babies.

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That's not what freedom of association means you leaf cuck

>higher birthrates

we are racists you dumb fuck.. what do you expect

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Warum bist du so gemein, Polen ;_;

Both parents are white = white baby

Both parents are degenerates = degenerate baby

t. when you have nothing else

There's no way to escape the degeneracy completely
The Nazis were degenerate as fuck thanks to the Weimar days.

Who cares? The more white babies by healthy white mothers, the better. We need to get a baby boom going, fertility rate of 3-4 for a few years coupled with an anti-migration, closed border, deportation government. And whoops, we are back in the game!

>does not know how babies are made

Darum du bist der ewige Krautist

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I'm willing to bet any amount of money at any odds that I get more than you leafy boy.
We should have nuked your faggy country

Wir haben auss Pomerania du scheissenschlucker pimmelfikker

Attached: subhuman toilet.jpg (380x150, 8K)

>have children before you are mentally and financially prepared, goy

>that nose
If it has a good outcome I'll allow it.

Julian isnt a white name in the states

>I get more sex than you.
I believe it, thing is I get less, but I'm the one giving it, butt boy.

Which one is easier to clean, Marek?

OY very Goy, a baby is an expense that you can't afford because you're a broke millennial, right?

"heh, that's right guys, wait until you're prepared and ready to have children :^)"

great plan, so parents start having kids at 35 and pop out 2 downies before going infertile

Every Julian I've known has been white

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Back to your trailer, billy bob.

fight me you cold pooftah

im amazed the media hasnt critizied her for not having one with a shitskin

>German parents who believe their teenage daughters might also try to have white babies now
>This is seen as a bad thing in modern Germanistan

Yes Goy! Wait until your 30s to have children when your eggs are dried up and the likelihood of autism skyrockets

Julian isn’t really a man, so it is ok.

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The German one because germans use it as a shit eating plate. Can't tell you how many times I found fork and knives on these

Why are you projecting so hard, Polan. Stop being insecure!



Your welcome Poland, not like you did much :)

Inb4 a literal la creatura pops out and it creates the biggest teen girl drama ever and teenage girls all want brown babies

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Eating so much meat in a particular way that you need a special toilet to look for worms...

based polska stronk

if you want to raise the birthrate, get women to have babies as soon as they reach adulthood

but you don't care about the birthrate

>Bragging about being awarded territory.

Attached: the eternal polack.jpg (900x1695, 251K)

The eternal Anglo talking shit after abandoning his promises.

>that nose

top lel

You also look for blood, undigested corn and all kinds of other niceties. Inspecting your shit is one of the nicer thing you can do in Germany.


When did I mention waiting till your 30s?

Based bong

have you been to Europe lately?

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It sounds french which is probably why niggers have it here in the states.

It's Roman Italian you fucking mongoloid

Poland is the toilet cleaner university of Europe. If anybody knows anything about toilets it the Poles.

that is a large nose

As long as the teens ar ebreeding, im fine with it. I mean, germany needs a lot of people to keep up it's industrial status. Maybe even ship some to poland and improve their economy

She's pretty hideous. Why is she so popular again, so that German girls have someone who's uglier than them to compare themselves to?

>keeping up it's industrial status
hahaha, good one burger.

we install mind control device in your toilets, which programs everyone to become cucks. how else do you explain the cuckening and femininity of your current state?

the toilet nose

Attached: tuuuuuurbożyd.jpg (480x360, 9K)

It's Roman

>Lots of media articles tell of frightened German parents who believe their teenage daughters might also try to have white babies now,
I don't see an issue aside from them doing it outside marriage. As long as they're married and of the same ethnicity so what? it should be promoted.

Females should be found a suitor by 13 and married by 15 and males become a suitor by 15 and married by 18.

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Not like we need your permission ever topkek

My daughter was impregnated when she was 17 a few months ago... no one knows who the father is and she says it could be from several older men. It's a big problem in our country now.

Wew, i always made fun of her.
Now shes the reason young german grils want to get pregnant.

Watch out though. Apparently young white Germanic girls are getting good white Germanic boyz drunk and then fuck em without a rubber to get preggo.

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I was in Berlin and seeded quite a few girls mit meinen Grössen Polnesche Pimel. Wie können Deutsche männer überhaupt antreten mit die Polnischer übermensch?

Shit I thought it was totally something else. After decades of repression of female nature, it's coming back

This is becoming more common here too. My cousin keeps asking me to fuck her raw and make a baby when drunk and I have to resist every urge and fight her off

1. Faggot
2. Degenerate

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No, mate. You assume she is a role model for white girls and boys to make white babies. But the reality is, that 50% of her viewers, if not more, aren't white and even the other 50% whites will most likely race-mix, which wont result in white babies, but rather teenage moms of nigglets and sandniggers

Oh non ononon non on ononnonoono

Stop LARPing, Amerimutt

> muh freedom of association meme
NatSocs aren't known for being big on freedom of association, user.
Free associations are just political conspiracies hidden in plain sight.

Ahh an average Germany thread, butthurt polacks and Americans talking about how cucked Europe is.

Some things never change.

Stay mad cucks.

Deutchland ubber alles!

That toilet on the right was introduced by the Nazis in order to cut down colon/bowel cancer by making it possible for people checking their shit for blood. I don't see how that's a bad thing.

>my cousin
For fucksake Poland...

Julian Lassagne

I'm not a faggot but she's a conniving cunt, when we're together with family she'll give me the "fuck me" looks when nobody else is looking. Or if I go to the bathroom she'll go to kitchen then try to grope me

It doesn't help, fuck can't believe I'm saying this as she is my cousin, but very very cute with khazar milkers. i can't ghost her as she is senpai but she won't stop and i don't know what the fuck to do

She’s 25 and has white seed in her. If german teens follow suit, it would be the literal best thing for germany right now.

>mfw the eternal Gomulka strikes again

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the "fecal inspection ledge" excuse

admit it Hans, it's a shit eating ledge. German toilets are the cleanest in the world because you always eat your own shit and lick it clean. You pretend to pay us and we pretend to clean your toilets

>50% whites will most likely race-mix,
That could happen in the USA, West Europe isn't that degenerate for now, race mixing is not that common.

Attached: Degenerated.jpg (600x600, 87K)

No, read this: Even if germans would start to breed, we would be outnumbered by immigrants.

>muh freedom...

Is she first cousin?

I am not whether its comparable to US, but the race-mixing in germany is enough to decimate whites in just a few generations. Thats my opinion though, time will show.

resist the urge, we don't need more retarded kids in the world. already too many autists.

There are a million reasons to hate her but her nose is perfectly average and almost so average that it's boring.

Are you guys mentally retarded? Stop watching so much anime.

Good, white babies are cute while the other races are ugly.

(((Jews are good, Desu)))

Translating for my fellow anglos:

>really crazy how fast the time goes ... now I am already in the 23rd week of pregnancy and the the belly grows and grows. I am enjoying my pregnancy so much.. (because many ask: SSW= Pregnancy week)

yes well grandmas are sisters

my grandma has keys to my place and my cousin will just sometimes take them and come here while im away wtf then she won't leave and i try to ignore her but she'll start doing shit like dancing or doing jumping jacks while im on computer with headphones on. or she will start cooking and pretend we're husband and wife, sometimes i dont know what to do so i just eat and try not to talk to her which is annoying as fuck because she starts talking to herself and laughing. i try to kick her out but she'll just stand outside the door yelling, even had police called for domestic dispute then im forced to say no no everything is fine and let her back in.

i think she has autism actually, she is really smart but a fucking retard sometimes. she cute af though FUCK

I swear to you, it is true. Of the five men my nubile German daughter says she had slept with, four were Australians.

>perfectly (((average)))

Get her pumped

Third cousin or something like that. I’d check with your priest. That might be ok. Whether your family likes it is another thing.

25 years old... That's quite old for a first child, considering you're gonna have four to twelve of them and they're gonna be in your house for sixteen to twenty years...

what the fuck is wrong with Germans in the current year?
this level of cuckoldry is not natural..

>Bianca "Mutterkreuz 1. Stufe" Heinicke

>he doesn't study his shit to make sure he's eating healthy and in a way that his body responds well too
wtf german toilets are based.
do you get to squat over them as well? or are they short enough to bend your knees correctly?

>bringing up toilets

Lmao at that irony

Also I literally only see those kind of toilets in old houses, otherwise all I’ve ever seen and used here are like the left one. I always found them weird btw but thx based Poland for bringing it up you have the best toilet knowledge in all of Europe after all

she has tried trust me. once she went into the bathroom and came out nude and stood beside me while i was shitposting on 4chinz and saw some meme and started laughing. when i realized she was laughing too beside me naked i was so mindfucked. i put a blanket over her and made her put her clothes on, then she had a breakdown and was bawling her eyes out asking me why i didn't find her attractive and i just sat there like a cuck. weirdest thing ever.

i don't tell my family but i have a feeling my grandmas know because i try to call them and tell them she's here and shouldn't she be home etc and they're like oh no its ok and hang up