If niggers aren't people should eating and harvesting their flesh legalised

If niggers aren't people should eating and harvesting their flesh legalised

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eating of humans will never be appropriate even if groups were classed as property, due to the transmission of human diseases.


Humans are poisonous, we're not meant to be eaten by anything.

are you a chink?

I was going to say "it's called proper cooking faggot," but then I saw your flag, and realized you wouldn't understand.

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>we're not meant to be eaten by anything
chimpanzees, sharks, hippos, lions, tigers and cocodriles disagree with your statement

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especially with all the deliberate poisons in the food supply these days. man meat is fucking toxic. i dont want to imagine how fucking nasty i probably taste after a lifetime of mind rotting preservatives like calcium propionate

yeah, only if the animal is starving to death and has no better options. otherwise they flee in terror at the sight of us.

Yeah, I am Spanish and I don't know what i nthe actual fuck is the pic you just posted

>hopes eating any animal has benefits

Eating shit can't be healthy for you

are you vegetarian?

>Eating black people

That's very unhealthy, they have more chances of having diseases, yuck.

prions can't be killed by cooking. Not even sure if radiation saturation will render human meat safe.
Risk is extremely low unless you eat brains though, I think.


also, go get help before you murder and eat someone, OP.

Talking about it is how people get caught.

>go get help before you murder and eat someone
When did I say I want to do that?

Lol I'll pass on that disease ridden fat nigger flesh thanks. I'd rather go vegan.

bad meat, not worth farming.

then eat what my cows shit on


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