I'm gay

>I'm gay
>I don't fuck around, just want to have a committed relationship
>Don't have any STDs
>Don't do any drugs
>Don't dress flamboyantly, just plain clothes
>Stay healthy, and not the vegan juice cleanse onions milk kind of "healthy"
>Never been sexually assaulted
>Would never sexually assault anyone, especially not minors
>Don't hate heterosexuality, understand humanity can't survive without it
>Don't try to get benefits just because "muh oppression!!"
>Judge people based on merit, not sexuality, gender, or any other uncontrollable trait
>Love guns, hate government control, just wants to be free to live my life

Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay? What reason is there to consider all of us "degenerates" and terrible people just for loving the same gender? A lot of my friends are the same way. Most of us just want to live a normal life.

Attached: 1280px-Gay_flag.svg.png (1280x791, 2K)

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Cut your dick off and kill yourself faggot. Aids isn't working fast enough.

are you a cute trap? or just a fat ugly old man. thats what i wanna know

Most gays aren't like you, however. Maybe there's some serial killer out there who refrains from killing people, but we can't judge serial killers in general on him, now can we? I. e. bog.

If you really check all these boxes, I have absolutely no problem with you. The issue is that a cubic fuckton of the gay population does pretty much all of that while demanding privilege and respect and, for some mystical reason, isn't getting gassed.

Yes its a perversion that is taught or gained like any other perversion.

Become heterosexual and have babies with a white woman.

>Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay?
No one *is* gay. You cannot *be* gay. *Being gay* is a larp.
Homosexuality is a kind of sex.
A kind of sex =/= identity.

and no there is nothing inherently wrong with homosexuality. it is what comes with it, the culture of degeneracy is heavily influenced by homosexuality and vice versa.


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The thing is. The most disgusting thing is not you getting fucked in the ass. What is repugnant is the "culture" that has been made about being gay.

Just flat/buy a house with your lover/friend/buttbuddy and call it a day.

Literally no one will care.

It’s all the other obnoxious shit like the flag, Gay Pride & parade, appropriating religious marriage, speaking with a lisp, the weird fashion, salacious jokes and behaviour, pushing your life style on others (especially children)... etc. I’ve never met a gay couple that didn’t do a lot of these things.

You make me sick you faggot.
Faggotism is a choice, your dick doesn't go into shit magma by itself, you put it there, you make the shit lava erupt when you pull your feces covered small dick out of another man's asshole.

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no, not by priceable.
there are copel of problems

>1. pensions -purely economically

>2. genetical - by awreg gays are smarter then come Jove and you will reduce genetic pole not by your self but collective of all those how don't reproduce. this gens will die out not by natural selection but by self destruction by chance of collective opinion.

>3. by priceable society dose not approve self destructive attune and by long teatime you are doing it. but times have changed to worst in morals of society

there are more but I am bit lazy to mention it

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discord gg/Ezqzzw

add a .

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Neither, really. I'm just average.

May I ask how so?

Unironically woke

Your a faggot whose body would be better used as plant food. So kill yourself or pay someone to kill you.

I tick all but one of these boxes, where ya from OP? :D

I don't give a shit you're still a fucking degenerate faggot who likes dick up his ass

attraction isnt a choice.

guess they want some white milk in their cereal bowl

>Faggotism is a choice

Strange, because I chose to like girls. That was my choice. I literally tried to be straight. Alas, I was not, and I am not.

Had a gray friend that constantly wanted to suck me off. Was like whatever at some point and couldn't even get hard. You faggots have something special in you to be attracted to other men. A 2/10 slam whale could get me a chub. It not you faggots

don't waste energy on being liked.

people who make such a show about hating gay people are trying to hide there own homosexual lusting.

being gay is western tradition.

Were you born gay? Or did you have a traumatic child hood? What is your ACE score?

Wow I want to rape dumb bitches but I never have
>What is self control?
>What is knowing right from wrong?
>What is will power?

What you do with the attraction is you fucking faggit dumbass

that's being fay should be illegal just like rape is

Maybe your problem is the girls you tried to like. I hate to say it but your flag may be part of the problem. From my perspective your country in it’s idyllic form is full of blonde, blue eyed, buxom waifu material. In reality it is probably chock full of stronk wahmen. Stronk wahmen would leave anyone looking for another port in a storm. Just tossing ideas at you, i have no idea for sure.

i wanted to rape men, but i never have.

You're very fine dude, don't listen to the haters here.
Flamboyant homosexuals are insufferable, but a straight dude acting like that would be as much. If you are a decent human being, your sexuality don't matter.

Feeling a lot of projection in this thread.
Anything you anons want to admit to?
It's okay if you like boy's user, just use protection okay.

I follow you up to a point. For half of humanity i do believe a desire to suck cock is a good thing. When you HAVE a cock it is more than a little disgusting.

It's simple. The word Degenerate means non-generative. When you don't produce kids you are not being generative.

you see how sick fags are?

>Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay?
No, if you don't have promiscuous sex with another males.
You can like whoever you like as long as you married a woman and bear a child.
But if your gayness prevents you from making a family, then you are a mentally ill person.

There is nothing wrong with being gay, as long as you don't act gay.


So you understand willpower yet are powerless against it.

But I’ll take it a step further in OP’s favor, because the Left always does this, they find a group that they can brainwash (you should feel such immense pride in you faggotry like a good goy that you organize marches and media campaigns for us) and shit in (we should accept pedos and drag queens should teach preschoolers durrrr) to further their politics (putting the federal govt in charge of marriage legality), by the end of it, the group they used is worse off and the country is worse off (cis gendered Heterosexuals are evil durrrrrr).
I feel legitimately bad for people that are gay.

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yes , faggot
you dont have a normal family , and you cant have a normal family , and you shouldnt , if you are a faggot

>Had a gray friend that constantly wanted to suck me off.

Well crazy you went through that. I'm sure it must be pretty disturbing to be offered oral sex from an extraterrestrial being. Pic related

Attached: gray-alien.jpg (275x275, 16K)

you're not going to reproduce. and the meaning of life to literally everything on earth seems to be "reproduce".

therefore we should not tolerate you, sorry bub. wish i could do some brain scans of fags and heteros to test a theory of mine

See,why can't all be like that?
Most people don't have a problem with homosexuality itself, it's the exhibitionists that ruin nice things for everyone

>Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay? What reason is there to consider all of us "degenerates" and terrible people just for loving the same gender? A lot of my friends are the same way. Most of us just want to live a normal life.

You were born retarded. Not mentally retarded but sexually retarded. This means that your brain did not develop properly in the womb.

Meh! Shit happens, but your are still abnormal and it makes you behave in an abnormal fashion. Stop trying to believe that being gay is somehow are right as mom and apple pie. Everyone knows what the deal is. Most of us just smile and say pleasant things. But we are throwing up on the inside.

That is what is wrong with being gay.


Same user

>Love guns, hate government control, just wants to be free to live my life
also you are lolbertarian so you should be shot just for that

the gray wasn't used to sucking off humans. you were too quick to judge its skills.

i'm a power bottom, so yeah you're right.

Inherently you're not completing your moral perogative of procreation. Otherwise, nothing wrong.
t. fag

Probably because you'd get your feminine ass whooped.

Gays aren't inherently bad. It's just that the vast majority of gays exhibit the negative aspect of half your green text there.

It's inherently pointless and a deviation against nature user. The point of life is to pro-create and carry on your race/species. Also you'll have stomach and bathroom problems in old age.

gay men have contributed ENORMOUSLY to the western world.

Something I've always wanted to ask a gay lord (don't worry OP, this isn't anything mean or nasty). but have never been able to as all my friends are normal:

Why is it that your gay flag is a rainbow, yet doesn't have indigo on it?

Is it true that most gay people can't see the colour? If so what colour do you see in its place?

Lol by 30 you're gonna need to tie a rope around your waist because shit will literally fall out of your asshole from ripping your asshole constantly.
Is anything more disgusting than faggitry??
>Shit blood and cum
>Aids and pedophilia
>MUH PRIDE!!!!?!

You're alright, still a faggot but alright.


Unironically agree with this.
I am not who I fuck.
I want gays to just act like normal people.

>Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay?
Yes. Faggots are mostly liberals.

Damn you really got me now

would... would... you like to whoop my feminine ass, user?

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They contributed because they were men doing their normal jobs, not because they were gay.
Saying shit like this is why gay people have the stigma like OP says.

Ngl mate indigo is just dark blue

I’d like to see you trie you commie

>ticks boxes on not being a obnoxious fag
>uses tag meme flag

>They contributed because they were men doing their normal jobs
So you agree that gay men are normal?

Don't worry cuz I'm not

The normal ones are normal. Refer to my previous post.

Being straight is innatural. Vaginas are naturally repulsive, no one could find those """things""" attractive not after being brainwashed by society into liking that. The majority of straight people find vaginas ugly

>Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay? What reason is there to consider all of us "degenerates" and terrible people just for loving the same gender? A lot of my friends are the same way. Most of us just want to live a normal life.
user, all sexual gratification outside of marriage is sin. "And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said, "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed."
Genesis 2:22-25 ESV

I don’t give a fuck user. Just be gay and leave kids out of it, you won’t get any guff from me

Well I live in California rn (don't like it much here though)


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No it's not it is a more vibrant looking purple than violet. See pic related.

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>leave kids out of it, you won’t get any guff from me

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>I'm gay
Nobody cares. Shut the fuck up already.
>>I don't fuck around, just want to have a committed relationship
You aren't going to get one. Faggots aren't capable of love or commitment.
>Don't have any STDs
>Don't do any drugs
>>Don't dress flamboyantly, just plain clothes
Still don't seem to have any problem going around letting people know you're a cocksucking faggot
>>Stay healthy, and not the vegan juice cleanse onions milk kind of "healthy"
except you indulge in unhealthy practices like faggot sex
>>Never been sexually assaulted
Nobody cares
>Would never sexually assault anyone, especially not minors
You'd fuck an underage boy if you had a chance, all faggots care about is a tight asshole to stick their dick in.
>Don't hate heterosexuality, understand humanity can't survive without it
Nobody cares what faggots thing
>>Don't try to get benefits just because "muh oppression!!"
Still seem to think you'd be entitled to them if you tried, based on your special snowflake faggot status
>>Judge people based on merit, not sexuality, gender, or any other uncontrollable trait
Nobody cares about the judgement of faggots
>>Love guns, hate government control, just wants to be free to live my life
Yet faggots insist on imposing their faggot protection and marriage laws and intruding into peoples lives and beliefs. I bet you were all for faggot marriage.
>Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay?
Faggots are degenerate animals and a mistake. Your cocksucking ass fuckery is inherently wrong, period.

I think that might be green senpai.

yeah , if there was no government you faggs would be running around fucking child prostitutes

>Is there **anything** inherently wrong with being gay?
Yes. Proof: People hate you instinctively. Such an instinct doesn't appear without reason.
Look up the gay germ hypothesis.

Can the meme flaggers in this thread please explain to me why they use it?
You're literally acting like faggots.
You are not what you claim to be.
Get help.

Definitely indigo.

Because it triggers right wing retards lol

>You're literally acting like faggots.
m8 they are faggots

>appropriating religious marriage
I'm fine with not getting religiously married, but legal marriage really should be available. I'd be okay with getting married by a judge not a priest, but the financial aspects of legal, secular marriage should be available to gay people.

the gay male imagination is responsible for mostly all major advancments.

i don't have time to go into details, but basically the gay male is both male and female traits and is a complete whole because of this. like the yin yang concept.

men straight or gay are interested in objects because their penis is the first object that gives them please. gay man are not only interested in objects, but celebrate it.

gay men have emotional intelllegnce like women so they can control and manipulate others. for there own good of course. gays want to have fun.

gay man understand that point and aim concept they get from the penis. peeing requires men to shoot and aim. this idea also carries into the sex act. not only do gay men know how to shoot and aim, but also to catch and receive, this stimilates the gay male imagination in areas outside of sex, such as art, war, and education.

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> getting married by a judge
we need to ban that shit , this is where all the thots and roasties are coming from

>nobody cares
>entire thread has been created instead of being left to die
even your first argument is flawed mate

>but the financial aspects of legal, secular marriage should be available to gay people.
You don't need the legal and secular aspects of marriage to let some guy shoot his load in your asshole until he inevitable gets bored and goes out looking for a different, not as loose asshole to fuck.

>Most of us just want to live a normal life.
Then stop bringing it up all the time and let people ignore or forget about it.

That's olive green bruh

But the claim behind this thread is that they're really not.

Reminder that even Hitler didn't have a problem with gay men


>gay man understand that point and aim concept they get from the penis. peeing requires men to shoot and aim. this idea also carries into the sex act. not only do gay men know how to shoot and aim, but also to catch and receive, this stimilates the gay male imagination in areas outside of sex, such as art, war, and education.
what the actual fuck

I use it because it's relevant to this thread. I wouldn't if it wasn't relevant.