Anthony Bourdain & Kate Spade dead within a day of two of similar causes??!!
Did he have a suicide pact with Kate Spade?? So odd they do this one after the other. Why are liberals more likely to kill themselves even when they are successful is it because their political ideology is self hatred towards being themselves aka being white??!!!
And Robin Wiliams AND L'Wren Scott, Mick Jagger's girlfriend. Both died same way. What is up with that? Is it a phenomenon of suicide, copycatting? Or is there something they were all involved in that they were going to spill, but got offed in the same manner to send out a message to others who may want to stray?
Joshua Butler
no suicide pact with Kate Spade Kate Spade killed herself because her husband, who she truly loved, was leaving her Anthony Bourdain killed himself because he missed Heroin so fucking bad, and food couldnt fill the hole
Adam Cook
She won't be burried in a jewish cemetary with those nigger paintings
Justin Price
Maybe. We need to go check obituaries, see if any government officials are suiciding themselves too.
Cooper Gomez
Scratch that.
He probably saw what Paris had become and offed himself knowing that I the city that led the whole world in cuisine was dead and gone.
Bourdain grew up in part in Brittany and likely felt that the France of his youth has been destroyed by the very shitskins he and his network advocated for. Having been an instrument in the destruction of his world he probably figured he should go all the way with that.
Benjamin Rodriguez
I spose you know because like these two, you are also a MASSIVE FAGGIT
How can you look at those two and not realize that they are evil?
Cameron Jones
THINK ABOUT IT WERE THEY INVOLVED WITH PEDO SHIT? travel person probably involved with pedo shit suicided and agreements so his shit won't come out yeah? DIG FOR CONNECTIONS
Landon King
Who’s the other person in the pic?
Easton Gray
doesn't Judaism forbid "marks on the flesh" ie tattoos? kinda funny
Nicholas Walker
that is a dood with him. tats don't disguise it very well.
Tyler Sullivan
Sounds about right you fucking nigger ape monkey piece of trash
Jeremiah Jackson
You should be looking for their connections to NXIVM. Remember, FBI user said as they got closer to the truth there would be unexplainable, surprise suicides.
Gabriel Perez
I guess the people pushing this line of thought are still in their teens or early twenties. Let me clue you in: no amount of money brings happiness once your body starts to decay and you know, inside, that your life is over. Suicide is completely natural and even logical if nothing brings you happiness and you have a life full of mistakes and regret. These were two psychotic left wing retards, why do you need to invent a conspiracy to explain their suicides?
David Fisher
Jesus Christ someone update the trump curse wallpaper that’s all I’m here for
Xavier Walker
this people will suicide rather than face punishment for what they've done
Luis Howard
That is what I was thinking about OP’s picture. Who is the woman? His daughter?
Camden Cruz
trips of truth
evil has a face, and its Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
Benjamin White
>hatred towards being themselves aka being white >white
Anthony Williams
>Why are liberals more likely to kill themselves
You are forced to do a lot of degenerate shit to be successful in (((hollywood))). Probably wears on a normal person's mind.
Ryder Clark
>Anthony Bourdain I think thats Asia Argentom Italian Actress
Lincoln Cox
Asia Argento?
Gabriel Miller
They both look like demons walk in somebody else skin.
Jonathan Johnson
>NXIVM OR MAYBE he was one of the good guys and they killed him as he didn't toe the line?
Celebs die in 3s, expect another celebrity death in the upcoming days
Gabriel Allen
They were both worried about the discovery of the sex slave camp in AZ and were making noise about going public. Trump is getting close to blowing the whole lid off the thing. Bourdain & Spade were terrified of what would happen if their involvement was exposed so they had the bright idea of going public and presenting themselves as whistleblowers who had been forced into taking part in cult rituals involving children.
Unfortunately for them they are dealing with very smart and very ruthless people who have eyes everywhere. So Bourdain & Spade die suddenly in tragic suicides before they can go public. Their HDs and papers also magically disappear within hours of death.
By killing small fries like Bourdain & Spade, a nice message has been sent to the bigger boys, like Clooney and Damon who have also been thinking about going public. Clooney got married to a Amal Alamuddin, an occultist lawyer who literally worships Dagon. Why did they get married? Amal is there to watch over Clooney and "advise" him so he doesn't get any stupid ideas. If they need to, the leaders will kill Clooney in a heartbeat but they'd prefer to let him live because he's so high profile. The last really high profile Hollywood celeb they took care of was River Phoenix. Poor old River wasn't going to go public, but he had a tendency to shoot his mouth off when he was high or drunk and it was only a matter of time before people started looking into what he was saying.
Weinstein ties to Epstein and Clinton foundation which is connected to NXIVM AND PizzaCult This is a unique take on the VILE people!!!! >NYPD connects the dots with Weiners Laptop and bringing their empire down
>this also connects to The A.I grid thei are building and worshiping The elite will use the SATAN A.I skynet too monitor, and censor ALL info THEY dont like
Which connects to QLarp and fraud >Q at one point was real >white rabbit SAGA GOOD INfo but dated but helps paint a good picture
We are being distracted away from major happenings like Weinstein and PedoGate tuscon We need real warriors of light to defeat this BeAst System.....
They always work around the rules through loopholes. Same reason they have a magic Jew string running through Jewish cities to get past Sabath restrictions.
Liam James
Sexual asphyxiation.
Thomas Garcia
humanity is rising and every man have to face their creations.
Not to mention that Asia Argento was photographed less than a week ago getting very "friendly" with a man half Bourdain's age...
Austin Stewart
Im going to believe this is why they're killing themselves until proof is supplied to the contrary. I liked the production value of his show but he was always such an insufferable faggot.
Nathan Nelson
maybe that nigger starved to death trying to get a bite from that greasy french sealing.
Eli Jenkins
Schizo fuck
Ian Martin
>trips pls
Chase Martin
Dude, that image haunted me when I had a studio job in the 90's. It would come and mess with me when I shut my eyes and I would see it in billboards and commercials. It might have been drug induced hallucinations.
Austin Bailey
If people just would understand that their private Hollywood, own creation happens within. They blame things and others, gods and creation when they cannot take control over themselfs. That is worst kind of slavery, when anyone can decide what happens within you.
elite pedo ring is on the verge of being discovered. they're tying up loose ends
Jordan Collins
Thanks for your double digits that confirm Gins(((berg))) dies a painful death Sunday night.
Colton Johnson
Anthony Bourdain’s name was found on a list of NXIVM clients who asked for underaged girls ages 6-9. That’s why he just killed himself. The story will break soon.
>muh smoking Suicide, ie heroin, you fucking pot pushing Jew.
Tyler Fisher
checked and confirmed, bourdain was a pedo
Christopher Morris
We need to crowd source the funds to put it up on billboards across the country. It would show A. Tweet or statement against Trump and date made B. Results when The Curse hits and date with a pic of Trump.
No, it won't, because the people who own the media are the people behind the cult.
Ooooh, you dun goofed. I know who you are now and I know why you're in this thread. You should read about the Streisand Effect before you try your tricks on me.
Bourdain is not white. He is a mixed raced Semite. I wish Jow Forums could start getting this correct. Never refere to a Jew as "white".
Henry Green
God, seriously. Without something above you with which to orient yourself and a goal to work toward a person is lost. Like a ship upside down at sea suddenly it is not reason by way of will in control of the emotions but the other way around. Now extrapolate that out to our whole society and you have the current state of the west.
Robert Moore
This could be Weinstein's M055ad buddies sending Asia Argento a message not to testify against the the godfather of celebrity pussy.
Angel Long
>Asia Argento
Checked. Actually I thing his death was a message to this lady referencing her speech in Cannes. That is the most plausible explanation. A. Bourdain is casualty of the culture war between victims and perps. The perps were called out and punched back.
We need to STOP STIGMATIZING SUICIDE. There is NOTHING WRONG with what Anthony did. Telling a suicidal person to "get help" is the current-year equivalent of telling someone not to be gay or black. We need more brave people like Anthony to lead by example.
Jason Garcia
Now only if Israel would follow suit.
Jace Johnson
Close enough Come on, Ruthie!
Matthew Hall
Anthony Bourdain was a mega SJW liberal though He probably killed himself because he didn't blow a nigger in a week
I vigorously advocate the reintoduction of horses and pack animals to the city streets of this country. My sole purpose is that we, having dung readily at hand from these animals, will thus be prepared at all times to cast the dung at any money changing gamesters if we chance to pass them on the street.
Carter Nelson
Tony's supply of hot dogs and pizza was running dry.