He needs to resign ASAP! #metoo
Justin Trudeau accused of groping a women back in 2000
>making the left play by their own rules
give me one example of this ever working.
>i thought you were just a local reporter...
Al franken...
i disavow
Brilliant idea ;)
90% of the #metoo guys are shįťlibs. 78% are Jewish. Really oys my vey
and have any of them suffered? even a little bit? have any of them lost anything in the process?
I like how the meneflag asking for proof conviently ignored this
It would be more believable if it was groping men instead.
Trudeau is a teenage girl
>oh god someone made a baseless accusation so it must be true
fuck off
theyre at it again martha..
low iq white goys soldiering for bibi and house of saud...
By the left rules they must be true
Gropers will undoubtedly grope again
didnt he just apologize to a reporter for groping her?
that fucking fag needs to go for the sake of my canadabros
Did he grab em by the pussy? When you're a star they let you do it you know.
I'm lurking the Canadian reddit to see the tears about ford and they are all pussyfooting around this issue or not talking about it. Even calling it conservative conspiracies. Fucking cunts.
not a tory not a story
Every single #metoo'd dude
Trudeau is a Chad. This won't get any traction.
>play a game of grab-ass with the bro
>turns out he was a woman the entire time
Trudeau is a fucking faggot
>have any of them lost anything in the process?
Yes, their dignity and their reputation. Harvey Weinstein was once a respected member of the Hollywood Elite. Now he's the butt of jokes.
Before Twitter the "#" symbol was called "pound".
>pound me too
Hi Justin
Famous new york new judge also got BTFO and don't forget Weinstein
Lol it will probably be overshadowed by you canuck's sobbing over that.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! He's gotta have his male feminist comeuppance.
He apologized for it. I don't apologize for things I didn't do. Besides who cares, it's good ammunition against this faggot.
Fire up the feminist and liberal accounts!
Even this ultra-cuck isn't immune to toxic masculinity.
>Even this ultra-cuck isn't immune to toxic masculinity.
Dude I'm monitoring Canadian redditors the biggest commies on the planet and even they wont touch this. They delete the threads and hide everything lmao
>"These are not just compliments that were taken wrong, or comments that could have meant nothing. There are situations in the cases that we're discussing these days that fundamentally made women unsafe in the work environment, unsure about themselves and truly affected their lives, "There are no frivolous approaches that have been highlighted so far." "I think it's a very interesting idea that people who represent their communities and represent Canada in this place should really be accountable to a code of conduct," Trudeau said. Trudeau said if allegations surfaced against him the same standards would apply.
He would have no problem believing a baseless accusation against you user. Fuck this cuck.