Sucks Russia's cock like a bitch

Sucks Russia's cock like a bitch.

Attached: Comrade-Trump.png (800x430, 357K)

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I pity you gaslit faggots. The kike media has literally mindflayed you.

mommy let you on the 'puter buttercup?
that's cute.

My mom died at Auschwitz, she was gassed 40 times a day. You fucking prick!

keep worshiping a reality TV clown because it makes incels like you feel good about being losers

suck kike dick like a faggot, nigger

>also anti kikes
are you blind and/or retarded?

>Implying Ovie isn't based as fuck

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Imagine projecting this hard...wew

Häll käften fitta

Trump understands Putin is anti-globalist too, he knows if he can form a closer relationship with Russia then that's it for the globalists, game over, US and Russia together, coupled with the collapsing EU and all those nations that once free of brussels will be clamouring to get close to both US and Russia.

He's a genius, before the G7 he has thrown another spanner into the works, another curve ball, and Merkel, Macron and Turdeau and co and going to be spinning out just thinking about the implications lol.

Not an agreement.

>He wants economic cooperation with a global adversary instead of war

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>not writing it in Arabic

Anyway, I'll take that as a yes

I laugh at these way more than I should

>he doesn't want to punish criminals, just hug them instead

Get back to your SFI class Mohamad


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Your tears sustain me.

so his grandchildren totally aren't Jewish right?

Damn. You really convinced me. Im a shill for the hill now wtf?

Just fuck off, retard.

Nice concrete evidence you have there bro. Fuck you for making me defend white people.

>kike puppet gets put into power by kike media
>kike media tries to undermine their own puppet
I love the mental gymnastics you socialist niggers go through to justify your thin beliefs.

>Trump has Jewish grandchildren
>I should listen to the jewish media
Sound logic Mohamad

Hahahaha this guy is so blatantly compromised. It's crazy to think that he's the leader of the same party as Reagan - a guy who used to joke about nuking Russia.


Fuck you racist scum

>Let me push for more Russian sanctions while simultaneously asking for Russia to re-join the G7
kek Cheeto is mentally ill

Never have sex with a headache.

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>Trump understands Putin is anti-globalist too

thinks trump is anti-globalist


This should go without saying but sage all shareblue/Leftypol/shill slide threads

go cry elsewhere, Ivan

Don't cut yourself on that edge

honey, its okay to disagree, just know that you're wrong

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let them come
this place changes people
even idiotic leftists

>being brainwashed this hard by the media

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