Walk into a café

>walk into a café
>see this
what do you do?

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>Commie books.
>All paperbacks.
KEK. Cheap losers.

Appreciate they're smart enough to have bait there for the shitlibs.

if the café is in muttland (*unlikely, given the accent above the 'e'), burn it to the ground like a barn full of nigger women and children

Attached: usa_literature.jpg (550x550, 58K)

>(*unlikely, given the accent above the 'e')
autocorrect did that :\

burn bolchewist books , send the café owner to Dachau

I would read for a minute or two, then start uncontrollably laugh.

Take all books and say, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

If you could carry that many books I guess you would deserve them

Probably get a copy of mein kampf and replace the cover with some commie book cover then slip it into the shelf

walk out?

Piss on the books

Actually this. Slowly replace all books with right-wing books that have fake covers.

I don't go to coffee shops but that's sweet. I'd read them all so I could learn about leftist political theory without spending my dollars to get them myself.

All this shit is public domain. Go to libcom and educate yourself

>walk out of cafe

buy a coffee? because capitalism won?

absolutely based

>start laughing
>approach register
>tell them i need free coffee

Drink my coffee, read my own book or shitpost. Enjoy the place if its a nice one. Leave after paying, with a little tip if the service was decent.
Only immature idiots are triggered by what they do not like.
Unironic NatSoc btw.
>what if someone asks your opinion
Instead of sperging like a retard, or a neonazi untermensch, or reveal my powerlvl, i will answer and ask questions, avoiding traps like holocaust denial, and moving quietly the conversation onto the topics that seem relevant and support my opinions.

Scream while flinging my shit everywhere and if anyone complains I'll claim they are oppressing my performance art.

360 and walk away

I don't walk into cafes I had a father. Fucking faggots pussies, I could take any of you in a fight.

Do you wear dresses as well? FAGS

Put on a top hat and a nice tuxedo, call the workers of my factory and tell them to start working faster, because I am losing profits. Then I will get another phone call from my wife, who tells me that a cat has trespassed on our lawn, I tell her to find the owner of that fucking cat and use McNukes to bomb his house. Then I will call the pilot of my Private Jet to come over so we can fly over Africa and drop water balloons on starving kids.

Bring a pencil and some stick notes, read each one until the first error in logic and incert the counterargument. It happens in paragraph 2 or 3 usually so it will take about as long as waiting for a commie to fill my order.

take picture and ask what pol would do

>Feeding your enemy with shekels you earned, claiming "me NatSoc"
>Upset when being lined up and shot

I swear, you fucking frogs have earned your death

do a 360 and leave the café

ask the clerk where their copy of the turner diaries is.


>Slide in a copy of Starship Troopers
>thrn 360 and walk away

T. algerian café larper.

Ask if you can just take them, then walk outside and throw them on the roof.

Order my food. Who goes to a restaurant for their poli sci education?

Come back the next day with paper mites.

If I werent such a good guy, the lives of the people in my city would be unbearable.

This but ironically.

it's called putting your money where your mouth is.
are you going to LGBTSHBDIQQQPOCPEDO+ too? faggot.

>wants something for free
Sounds like you're already learning

Id seize the means of instruction.

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Or just slowly replace them with ayn raynd books


Hey! You can't just take my books from my cafe and redistribu-oooohhh...

t. 300 confirmed kills ex-navy delta ranger sniper force

Attached: hecutetho.png (440x460, 323K)

that will boggle them bro
You gotta start off with something like "Fountainhead" or "Atlas Shrugged" just so they think its a classic, then if they are basedboys they will probably "omg I luvvv space xD" and then you can slip that starship troopers in there

Would order a small pastry and a coffee. Read the Trostsky for the lulz. Try to pick up whatever liberal bitch was there for fun.

>Who goes to a restaurant for their poli sci education?

The OP's pic does a pretty good job of answering that question user, it's probably the reason the guy owns a coffee shop and not a muffler shop

Ask if they have any Hayek, Mises or Rothbard

>walk in to a cafe
>first thing you see is a shit load of books

What the fuck kind of coffee place is this?

>what do you do?
Complain loudly at the lack of primary sources, start singing Falschirmjagerlied.


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If only Hitler used them after Crete :L

Buy them a few gifts and slip them in discreetly.

Maybe hide histroy and philosophy books under commie dust jackets.

Or just print some memes and slip them between the pages of the commie books. I'm not made of money.

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Depends on why you went in. If you went there to get laid you should immediately start ranting about seizing the means of reproduction.