>Feminist or not you don’t mess with the disney jews money. Solo was her end
Good! Now the damn dirty jews need to leave!
Kill the mouse
how many feminists does it take to try and screw in a light bulb but end up completely shattering the bulb and destroying the socket, lamp, outlet, breaker, et al?
Knives out
don't let the door hit you on the way out, you stupid bitch
Too late. She has already ruined a great American mythos. Star Wars was part of the fabric of the modern United States and she took the fucking sword to it. Feminism is cancer. Judaism is Aids. America is riddled with both.
She is so ugly. Never post her pic again
Whore that ruined a fantastic franchise. I spit on her and the kikes that ran the franchise to the ground.
>Star Wars was part of the fabric of the modern United States and she took the fucking sword to it.
Press F
and good riddance, it's all shit now
“Walk away”
They dont want to admit they lost and have to fire her ass
Stronk woman cant ruin Star Wars. She made it Stronker, and thats a good thing
>fired for solo
She was fired for making TFA and TLJ worst than the prequels. Solo is a consequence of that.
>Star Wars was part of the fabric of the modern United States
More than just that, it was part of the western psyche for decades
123 easy as abc
Is she why George Lucas is So Sad?
In that Star Wars is just a modern retelling of the classic Hero's Journey, this story has been a part of western culture for literally thousands of years. Hell, it's a part of just about every established culture across the planet. Jason and the Argonauts, the Trials of Hercules, Gilgamesh, etc. Star Wars simply reworked the story for a new audience.
And then it crashed and burned under the weight of "progress". It tried to be something it isn't, something it shouldn't have to be. The simple, timeless story of a young man coming to grips with his destiny and overcoming trials set before him became polluted with modern political garbage. A simple equation that has worked for literal millennia wasn't good enough for these people. It's sickening.
oh thanks rabbi good to know looks like refugees welcome after all!
Star Wars was actually meant to be a samurai movie but they rejected Lucas, so he changed it and set it in space and the rest is history.
That’s what she gets for celebrating KKK/Nazi type actors in modern sci-fi films. It’s 2018 and it’s time she woke up.
When I picture some one saying these words in real life I imagine so fat fag. Basedboy faggot
They thought they could use a popular franchise like Star Wars, flood it with progressive ideology and that the audience would be indoctrinated.
>Some other feminist/SJW/whatever comes in
>Ruins it further
>They don't realise why it's failing and lose all their money
Don’t stop with her we need that little Rian bitch next.
They're literally putting the black woman responsible for the story thus far in charge
>The simple, timeless story of a young man coming to grips with his destiny and overcoming trials set before him
>Star Wars was actually meant to be a samurai movie
"Jidaigeki" samurai films are Edo period dramas, and where Lucas got the name "jedi." They often have themes of destiny, acceptance of one's fate, and adherence to codes of honor, both bushido and personal.
She's why Hamill is sad.
It would've been so good to have the stories of KOTOR 1 and 2 realised on the big screen, or any live action format. Now they're not even canon any more. Are Mandalorians still a thing? I haven't watched any of the Disney films, i'm not ever going to. I cope by pretending nothing has happened since 2005 and the EU still exists.
now, i want to mess with the disney jews money.
He got less money for the entire Starwars IP than Dr. Dre got for selling off a little red logo with a "b" on it
It's too late anyways lad. The franchise has been thoroughly and utterly destroyed. She just destroyed one of Disney's potentially greatest investment.
You rebel scum.
Star Wars Episode IX: The Taming of the Sue
Everyone teams up to kill Rey while Kylo hangs himself from general angst. The other billion worlds in the galaxy wake up and put a stop to the pissant little fleet that makes up the New Order in a minor skirmish while reforming the empire under the leadership of a council of Jedi.
Hopefully this, Solo actually wasn't bad. It wasn't good either, it was passable. Certainly not the Trainwreck of TLJ or the booring unimaginative nostalgia pandering of TFA.
They only lost what? 80 million?
The Jewish preference hierarchy:
Green > Jews > non-whites >> whites
>new order
First Order, I mean. Fucking faggoty name.
They failed because they didnt get Solo's face CGI'd from Harrison Ford's actual face but young one... They did with previous films like Carrie Fisher, and others but not Solo? They dont want to shell more money for CGI? That new Solo film looks like a TV Show or belongs to HBO without going to theaters.
Not anyone could kill a money cash cow like StarWars but the bitch did.
Kinda impressive.
>every established culture across the planet
50. nothing to them. force awakens netted $2billion before they even finished releasing to every country.
The New Order would have been a fucking fantastic name compared to "first order".
>Episode nine opens with a confused Admiral Thrawn waking up from an absurd dream
it looks like shit because they reshot the whole thing and rushed it out
But if they did that how would they have introduced a new jew to the acting world?
I will never forgive burgers for fucking up my favourite film series with their SJW shite. Absolute cuck nation
Imagine the opinion the blue art connoisseur would have on NuWars...
Fuck man. I grew up loving Star Wars.
It had nothing to do with Disney, bigoted white men killed SW you fascist
They are the True Faith.
now disney won't let sjw touch marvel kek.
What a missed opportunity when they had Maul be the cameo at the end instead of Xizor.
>believing Hollywood jew accounting.
>I grew up loving Star Wars.
White privilege much?
And TLJ got shut down in China, pretty much assuring that they will only see a limited release for every Star Wars movie for the foreseeable future.
She lost them a gigantic potential market.
CGI sometimes works, kinda, for a bit part, like Tarkin. Not a main character that's going to get heavy screen time. For as good as we've gotten with CG we're still not perfect.
(((They))) had no intentions of ever making the Solo movie any good. Can't let the goyimlets have their white heros... even if they're (((white.)))
Yes. The accomplishments of previous incarnations of my DNA built up a decent society and a great amount of material wealth, and I benefited.
Working as intended.
>ignoring Leia, Lando and Yoda
Should have called it First Reich
>Star Wars was part of the fabric of the modern United States
Dat culture, m8.
I watched Star Wars back in the 80s as a kid on copied VHS tapes. Old man worked with kenner at the time so I had every figurine, vehicle to play with. I understand the backlash over the new films, but for me I went in there without mulling over the cast, script etc. I just wanted the nostalgia of seeing the characters and hearing Williams composing again. I loved force awakens, rogue and last Jedi, haven't seen Solo yet and probably won't bother as it doesn't look like my cup of tea. Feminist input or not, seeing Vader light sabre his way from Rogue One into A New Hope was something special!
Lets not forget the real whore that sold out Star Wars and its fans.
>Fuck everything up
>Walk away so someone else can deal with your mess
This is what feminism in the workplace means isn't it.
kl source
> how many feminists does it take to try and screw in a light bulb
Star Wars has been a thing for what, 45 years? Don’t act like it wasn’t part of modern culture
Jaina and Zek forever cunt.
At least we have our nation Muhammed
I'd rather Marvel die so Star Wars could live that other way around
It's not the losing of $50 million, it was the damage she did to the franchise. They will have to work hard to get (((their))) money stream back on track.
do you think the women are going to clean up the shitskin mess? any mess? this is what it means when women have a say in any society.
Thanks for the info bro
Yep. France wanted to be as multicultural as us, but they fucked it all up, just like they fucked up democracy with their French Revolution.
>Mickey: Give me StarWars
>George: 2 billion
>Mickey: Original cast or nuthing
>George: 4 billion
>Mickey: Done
I can't wait till sjw's are hanged
I'm not sure why they tried this SJW bullshit with Star Wars of all things. Star Wars is casually watched by normies while it is only loved by nerdy white men. It doesn't mean you have to cater to them, but you sure as fuck shouldn't be blasting them in the media and blaming them for your movie being poorly received while you walk around saying "THE FORCE IS FEMALE."
I don't know why this is so difficult to understand!
They didn't hate Lando or Leia or Mace Windu or Rey or Finn, but they do hate shitty characters like Dexter Jettster and Jar Jar and "Laura Dern." It's no surprise that people are now looking positively at the Prequels because the Sequels are so boring.
Can't wait to see the same outlets who once talked about removing the "white male problem" from Star Wars now scold those same white males for not seeing their new movies.
More. Much more. Solo is a disaster if you add things together. First of all, the film was only meant to cost $150 million, but extensive reshoots doubled that to $300 million. Then there's marketing, a rough rule of thumb is the marketing costs is about the same as the production budget, but let's be generous and say marketing cost $150milion, the original budget. That's $450 million Disney needs to get back before making a profit.
And what makes everything worse is that people often forget that box office figures are not what the studio receives, the cinema also has to take their own costs out of it. Another rough rule of thumb is the studio gets about 50% of the box office receipts. That means Solo needs to make $900 million in the box office in order for Disney to profit. So far after 2 weeks out, worldwide box office stands at around $275 million.
>it was the damage she did to the franchise
They didn't realize that the little white boys who bought all the toys wouldn't want a nigger or an ugly girl action figure.
Be careful youll get arrested for nationalist hate speech there.
They're so fucking stupid, they openly hate the fan base that made SW so successful and were it's most loyal die hard supporters for decades, treat them with open contempt and resentment, then wonder why their franchise is failing. I hate jews and women so much.
>but let's be generous and say marketing cost $150milion, the original budget
Did they even market Solo?
They lost 50 million on the movie from a pure production standpoint. None of that takes into account the marketing and lost of money on shitty toys that will not sell, yknow where mocies make the real money. Also whenever you look at the box office you gotta cut that by a thrid, hollywood splits the box office with the theaters. Basedlo has been a fucking disaster. Even Phantom menace and Attack of the Clone didnt do this bad.
Stop shilling kike lover, you ruined the franchise and you know it.
One thing that I’ve always wondered with the Star Wars movies (and I’m not a huge fan, mind you) is why do all of the he stories have to revolve around the same cast of characters. There is a whole universe with bounty hunters, smugglers, planets effected by the Empire, people being bought and sold, etc. Why not just make a cool story in the universe and use the brand name to sell tickets?
>I'm not sure why they tried this SJW bullshit with Star Wars of all things.
Because it was a fandom almost entirely white, about a white male fantasy that was ultimately quite wholesome. Feminists and kikes can't stand whites having their own spaces or the goyim enjoying something not pozzed.
Yeah I saw tons of ads for it every where
This is where the fun begins
>Star Wars was part of the fabric of the modern United States and she took the fucking sword to it
This, it was not just a movie it was modern American mythology and they shit all over it.
>ignoring the extended universe that die hard fans love and enjoy and know aren't just white males
>Ending of Rogue One contradicts the beginning of a New Hope
>But muh cool lightsabers
because its not anime
>There is a whole universe with bounty hunters
Name any bounty hunter other than Boba Fett
>try to cater to the Chinese market
>shove a Taiwanese american in there cause fuck it they look alike right?
The mentality behind this is so racist it hurts. They deserved to tank in china.
Yeah, I've seen ads on TV here, though they left it very late before opening day to start the campaign. Seems that $150 million doesn't get you much nowadays though because some of the ads I've seen have nothing to do with star wars, like star wars mixed with a car advert.
They paid millions for a Super Bowl spot.
That's what Disney is doing. Not sure if it's a train wreck. I work with a fanbase member and he doesn't look THAT disappointed.
IMHO the big mistake was throwing away the whole expanded universe.
Bosk, IG88
that wasn't hard
The greatest crime of the new movies is how small they've made the universe. Say what you will about the prequels, but it felt like an enormous, living galaxy. The Senate alone, with all of those species...
Now the whole empire is a couple battleships and the rebels lost all 9 of their bombers in one battle. Also, blowing up 7 planets destroyed the republic.
Fuck I'm salty.
>that neck fat
>It's not the losing of $50 million, it was the damage she did to the franchise.
It's cute how some goyim want to pretend so hard that all of this wasn't deliberate. Now that the jew has shit down your throat they're going to let her go (well paid to move on to new projects...) while the pathetic fansois think that they're getting some sort of justice.
One woman did not write the scripts. One woman did not push all of the Social Jewstice agenda alone. The Mouse knew what they hired her to do. And they approved of it.