Right Jow Forumsacks
Time to saddle up for MWII (great meme war 2)
Memes to be banned according to the anti democratic shithole EU
Right Jow Forumsacks
Time to saddle up for MWII (great meme war 2)
Memes to be banned according to the anti democratic shithole EU
>Socialism doesn't lead to communism
The slippery slope is real
>original memes
>EU copyright laws
What am I missing since OP didn't post an archive
finally, it'll just be the cool kids on Jow Forums, the holyland and the united states of mcdonalds.
>EU thinking it controls the Internet
kikes always trying to "own" information and charge people for it. I wonder how that worked out for music.
It makes it practically illegal to link to a news article. It puts fat goyim like Sargon out of business. It rejects the idea of fair use, so even a substantially manipulated meme that still in someway draws on prior copyrighted material would be illegal. So most memes would be illegal.
practically illegal to link to a news article without paying a fee*
mohammad banned memes
So even less people will be directed to their shitty websites?
link to an archive is still possible under the new regulation
I knew this day would come
link to article?
when will you faggots stop letting yourselves be enslaved?
just taking everything from you pussies.
getting to the point were im rooting for the EU because your lack of action is fucking depressing
They're Eurotrash, it's in their genes to cuck to authoritarians.
Impressive display of arrogance even thinking they can enforce such a law
that's good, i really can't think of any good memes that have come out of europe. they're mostly all about that bear and replacing various letters with the letter B.
what if we leave tho
stop making the government scream
stop living out your wildest dreams
your brain must be wiped clean
I wish I could believe my country would opt out of this nonsense.
>controling chaos
The anti-pewds act of 2018
That's the spirit. SD better not backtrack on the EU. Jimmie's been anti-eu for ages even during this weird "cucky" phase but he better not backtrack to appeal to (((the moderates))) and the socialists.
>banning memes
yeah good luck with that
Can't fucking believe Sweden is opposed to it. Figured something like this would be straight up their alley.
>any good memes that have come out of europe
Shadilay, eurobeat, wojak, yee, on top of my head
They are losing the meme war and they are losing HARD.
Archives themselves wouldn't exist under this regulation. Ancillary copyright means that these companies would themselves be in violation and need to pay a tax for every archived page.
Their solution is to completely shut down the internet. What they don't realize is that it will be the biggest red pill the world has ever seen. Unironically, there will be no more normies. Jews are signing their death warrant here.
It doesn't matter if they opt out or not. Companies will either get into compliance or lose half the internet's revenue. This will affect you where ever you live, whatever your country's copyright laws. This is complete Jewish control of information. This is a worldwide Jewish takeover.
isnt this similar to something that happened in spain? iirc google news spain shut down because people stopped linking to websites and journalists lost a lot of clicks
You can take my pride, you can take my land, you can take my thots and roasties, but you won't take my memes. REEEEEEEEEEE.
Will this end facebook in the EU?
Good. This will only decrease the support for the EU even more.
The illuminati type boogeyman "jew" that Jow Forums fears isn't this stupid. This is probably the idea of one affirmative action hire female who doesn't know what she's doing. It'll be shut down. Nobody is this stupid.
This is a non-story. Nothing will come of this.
>They can't catch pedos or people who illegally download games & music
>Somehow, they're gonna catch anybody who posts a meme
Good luck with that, EU. That’s not going to work.