Whites = Humans
Asians = Elves
Blacks = Orcs
Arabs = Half-Orcs
Native Americans = Trolls
Indians = Furry Race
Whites = Humans
jews are the reptillians
T*rks = Furry Race
whites are elves
Bro Elves are obviously non-nigger-tier whites.
elves are jews, orcs are niggers, half orcs are mutts, half elfs are arabs
romance = humans
finns/scandinavians = high elves
celts/slavs = wood elves
germanic = dwarfs
asians = insectoids
niggers = orcs
mutts = trolls
turks/arabs = dark elves
jews = lizardmen
Nords = Aasimar
Mulatto = Tiefling
*insect race
dwarves are jews
elves are white
elves have pointy ears
Elves are based on the Germanic people when we still lived in forests. All of the fantasy races in DnD are based on European people and traditional fiction within Europe. Even the Orcs are based on the most aggressive of Eastern Slavs. Humans are generally depicted as the most average of Whites for this reason.
elves are chink insectoid tier
I'm replaying Arcanum right now and gnomes are literally their world's kikes
Says the Chink insectoid country.
Dwarves love gold but they doesn't act as (((them)))
They work hard to earn their gold and don't use usury and debt slavery and honour their oaths. They also deal in real currency not fake electronic currency controlled by the Rothschilds
orcs are clearly niggers, no exceptions
Dwarves love metal of all kinds. Gold just happens to be what the other races drool over.
turks are orks
jews are dwarfs
niggers are kobolds
fags are elfs
humans are humans
spics are halfings (cuz they are midgets lol)
WoW Orcs are more evil than DnD Orcs. The latter lives like the cossacks and the nomad/horde group that way of living was inherited from.
Romantics = High Elves
Germanics = Human
Celtics = Woods Elves
Slavics = Dwarves
Arabs = Half Elves
Indians = Dark Elves
East Asian = Cute Furries
South Asian = Feral Furries
Blacks = Orcs
Native Americans = Trolls
gypsies are Khajiit
>Female dwarf arms are so thin they are basically a short human.
Missing the point by a million miles. Dwarves are supposed to have a similar mass to humans but be shorter which leads to them having massive arms and legs.
*abbos are trolls
Who are the manlets?
In Europe, we call those withes.
Slavs = Uruk-Hai
Look at me
I am the Uruk-Hai now
God damn it. Get this Reddit fag shit away from Jow Forums
who draws this shit
this is shit
>Different standards of beauty
>Horn abominations don't have hooves and fur
>Elven male are not traps
>Female dwarf have no hair
Humans are spics
Elves are euros
Dwarves are juden
Hobbits are amerindians
Orcs are sandnigs
Uruk-hai are africans
Eastern men = obvious reference to asians
>Indians = Furry Race
keked and accurate
>there are people here that argue elves = whites
DnD has been shit after 3.5e. Google says OP's pic is 5e.
>Post apocalyptic psychic mantis people = commie aboriginals
>Humans are spics
No they're dwarves, did you even watch Desolation of Smaug?
Ayo hol up
So u be saying we wuz white hand of Saruman n'shieeet
Scandinavians, Nords
Romans, Imperials
England, Bretons
Somalians, Redguards
Arabs, Khajit
Asians, Akaviri
Ancient Assyrians, Dwemer for some fucking reason
Native Americans, Orcs in fucking long houses
Native Americans, Bosmer in their trees with bows and shit
Argonians, Altmer, Dunmer, and Falmer are their own things
t. Juan
Elves = Scandinavians
Since when do elves have a tiny penis
this is the worst comparison yet
Saruman = Putin
>Humans are spics
Around the same time they mysteriously became taller than humans.
Back in my day Elves were 5ft.
But then who is Sauron?
Slavs = Dwarves
that's why you're all manlets
Have you played the games?
>Scandinavians, Nords
>Romans, Imperials
>England, Bretons
>Somalians, Redguards
>Arabs, Khajit
>Asians, Akaviri
>Ancient Assyrians, Dwemer for some fucking reason
are directly modeled on these cultures
I've spent the afternoon looking my friend's kid. He's 4, and likes to pretend he's someone called Ben10.
This is what you autistic faggots sound like.
None of these things exist; you might as well be comparing races to Pokémon, kek.
Whites = Cave Monkey
well my uncle said in 1950 the japs were a head shorter then him in 1980 they were a head taller maybe the elves started eating mcdonalds and other human food
We wuz redgaurds and shieeet.
mankey = niggers
Sauron = Stalin
Eye of Sauron = Communism
One True Ring = National Socialism
Oh no I like orcs
I always support them in lotr
Japs are still way shorter than Whites mate. ~3 inches compared to the UK.
They're dwarves corrupted by Sauron, so they're like orc dwarves.
asians aren't even part of this and in no way are they elves
Most accurate when applying it to America today.
Elves being taller than humans is some shitty fantasy.
Juan stop projecting
Elves are shorter than humans. All decent fantasy elves have this trait. Warcraft fucked things up so much, by giving us incredibly ugly looking elves with their glowing eyes and freakish build.
yeah 3 inch shorter penis
Dark Iron Dwarves
Nords : scandinavian
Imperials : southern europeans for the Nibeneans, maybe germans or overall a mix of western europeans for the colovians
Bretons : northern french/english
Redguards : arabs
Khajiits : gypsies
Wood elves : amerindians
Argonians : mexicans
Dark elves : indians
High elves : Fëanor's noldors
Looks accurate, but no nignogs?
>Asians = elves
More like goblins, ugly midget Jews.
Elves are tall, noble peoples with respect for nature like Nords.
Chinks would kill the last living elephant or tiger to sell the bones for retard chink medicine so they can buy the newest iGoy.
Dwarfs = the Welsh
Who's dwarves then? I love dwarves, it's my most favorite race.
you use ethnic national groups like Scandinavians then you use nations them selves like England.
I use ethnic groups based on their original culture and languages
Nips wouldn't.
They come from the Scandinavian mythology, so there is that but I would say the Welsh or the Scott
Elves are slim and tall scandis/germanics
Based Sogg.
Nips are excluded, indeed. The rest, not.
The redgaurd are cannonically black. Though they are arabized.... So somalians or sudanese or something like that
>Half nords half Asians
Finns are half elves. It's fine, half elves are the best looking race.
wew this sounds surprisingly accurate, apart from turks/arabs being dark elves, that is, because that implies they had potential for purity one day
The redguards are more arabs than nignogs
Orcs are tribals but rely on a strict code of honour, and they are a patriarchy while most african peoples were matriarchies I think
Maybe a strange mix of celts and germans with a bit of japanese culture, I don't know
I miss arcanum. Why do I had to search the trash bin, I was rich already?
yeah they are arabized blacks and have caucasian features, so southern arabs or from the horn of Africa
But dwarves have accomplishments
Humans = Mediterraneans
Elves = Nordics
Orcs = Niggers
Dwarves = No direct equivalent, I guess. Too honorable for Jews
Halflings = Irish
Gnomes = Jews
High elves fit the jew description almost perfectly. And the Empire acts just like the EU.
jews = demon wasps
they are an unique breed frog, they do not show any traces of the subhumanness of the asian creatures. Scandinavians are high elves and finns their worthy sorcerer rulers
This. Always this.
Whites are both humans and the Elvish races.
Asians are gnomes/halflings.