

Attached: msk.jpg (850x1150, 762K)

those aren't apartments, they're missile silos


How much for the little house in the foreground?

130-200 years of average salary

They're weaponizing the real estate bubble.
It's ogre, bois.

move to stalingrad.

Attached: truelies.jpg (600x300, 85K)

This is a preventive camouflage from Dresdenization.

I do not want to live on a mass grave, there are still 700,000 bodies not found.

A two-room apartment in one of these is like $100,000, if it's a particularly shitty neighborhood. That's about 8 years' average income.

Whole russland is a massgrave. You forgot?

Attached: hj-junge.jpg (480x360, 9K)

kraut massgrave*

moscow is nice, fuck that subway though

Why do those buildings have vitiligo?

What's wrong about our subway?

and russkies massgrave+massgrave of stalin Ivan=30 mill bodies.

Lego towers made out of different colors bricks are the worst.

It's supposed to make it a little bit less bleak in winter. It works, in fact.

[nurgle-ism intensified]

Attached: Nurgle.png (600x651, 553K)

you do not have such a ong missiles volodia.


you forgot to say 'please' ivan!

gets way to fucking crowded and the mile long escalators. it was cool how everyone rubbed the statue on the way out

Why the fuck can't people jist build classic architecture anymore? Holy shit those buildings are hideous. If Moscow is supposed to be the new Rome their architectural style needs to improve greatly and not try to recreate the disgustingly efficiently bland block building type architecture common in Eastern Europe and increasingly the United States.


>long escalators

Someone should suffer and eat rats in post nukewar world.

Grove street...

Attached: Grove street.jpg (800x600, 80K)

Home. At least it was before I fucked everythang up.

>Moscow is supposed to be the new Rome


Attached: moskva_namaz.jpg (895x505, 172K)

nigger i need my space, when i got pushed by someones 5'2'' baba i almost dropped my cvas

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missing a pickle and cucumber for bear faggot

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Attached: Austria-country-side.jpg (625x468, 103K)

How can you be alive and don't kill yourself, living in that shit hole? I don't get it.

Looks comfy

the fucking stray dogs everywhere