Countries that have woken up or are waking up

>Countries that have woken up or are waking up
NEW: Austria

>Countries that are very cucked but have a rising right wing
MAYBE France

>Countries that are lost

What do you think will come next?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>MAYBE France
Hah no, France is even more fucked than the UK

How? We have a relatively popular nationalist party, you don't have any.

This. Their newborn are 40-50+ subsahran African.

Nothing can survive that.


its a new day brother

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This, France is by FAR the most lost country

Even their "far right" are cucked beyond belief and the remaining White population are either of Italian/Spanish/Portuguese descent or lefty cucks

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The Axis of Lost: Germany, UK, France
Honorary mention: Sweden

That's what I was thinking

Oh fuck, source? I'm almost all French (Some British and Italian because amerimutt) life is suffering.

Newborns judged at risk of sickle cell disease based on (African) ancestry

Also Slovakia and Czech Republic

You forgot Slovenia from their recent election as waking up and maybe Denmark for it's recent ban on burqas. Potentially Iceland for their circumcision ban as waking up. Add Czech republic in too.

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>Denmark for it's recent ban on burqas
also was going to add Denmark, but re: waking up on immigration

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Nobody is truly right-wing here, there are sme retarded civic-nationalists, in a small numbers, but that's it.

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This. How can you change shit when you become more than a certain % cancer.

>Countries that got cuked by the right
NEW: Austria
>Countries that will forever be cucked
MAYBE France
>Countries that got cucked by the left

This is more accurate.

So what ? You're taking pakis, poo in loo and blacks

required viewing.

Germany is not lost
Austria is just the first part of Germany to wake up
We will retake the Homeland if need be

I want to have hope for leaf land and have one country next to us that isn’t shit.

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Send some of your elites to Germany to reinstitute a Reich.

I think pressure from Netherlands and Switzerland could be a huge turning point on top of everyone else.

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Mutt boi OP opinion discarded.

Nothing a few death squads won't fix

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This country is lost m8.
Corruption EVERYWHERE and nigger migrants on their stolen bikes. Nobody is doing shit to fix this hellhole.

Südtirol can be saved

>Countries that caused it all

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It's faint, but there is hope for us

Merkel and her banker kike overlords ruined Europe, not the USA or Israel.

Fuck that we aren't lost. Liberals got ass blasted in Ontario yesterday to the point of losing part status. We are waking up.

Maybe idk. I’m from Sicily and things are definitely not going in the right direction here.

this, Trudeau is out ASAP.

Well, the niggers pretty much land on your island, which is not suprising.
I don't know what to do about your corruption problems, are they not normal in all med countries?

in english

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eloborate user, are good things happening? i honestly thought with that faggot leader your are just going down

I believe in you leafbro.

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What do you mean? for the number of shitskins (that can be corrected) or because Sicilians are becoming leccanegri?

Maybe you should leave the Mizzogiorno user.

France is lost user. Sorry.

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France is fucked

The Go East Based Frog
If you honestly lost hope

Is there a bigger Chad politician in Europe than Sebastian Kurz?

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What about us?

France with probably be the next to last to change. Right before Germany. My guess is that it's about 15 years from being there. Keep your spirits high. Do not give up!

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Typical fucking retarded magapede yank!

So being mean to some muzzies is a sign of national reawakening huh? Who made the intellectual, moral and economic case for bringing these fucking alien savages to our lands, giving them special rights, then feeding and housing them at OUR expense?


You've still got no wall and border-hopping is up 250% this year. #MAGA

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you guys are a mixed bag
You have whole muslim states in your federation
But all russians I met where not only based but also likeable people.

You're right leaning but everyone in Europe is scared of you like the boogie man. The people in power are more afraid of you than refugees for sure. US is advocating to get you back in the G summits though.

Add NZ and Australia to the lost. Maybe there are some non blackpilled anzacs that will disagree, I doubt it.

Canada is lost
I have high hopes for this young chinese colony

Its just Poland and the Baltics who are afraid.
In Austria Russians are seen as a dependable trading partner. They sent us Natural Gas, on time, even through the cold war.

Should be rather usa in lost they don't even have a nationalist party

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they don't even have a nation

meme flag detected

It’s easy to see if you look at the French NT. they’re all black or Arab and if the 3 whites only 1 is actually of full French blood

>"Racial" statistics are illegal

How much more fucking cucked can you get

Add Finland too. I think they are a bit nervous. I like all the Russians I've met. Most have been very intelligent. I work with an old Russian women and she is always trying to feed me sandwiches.

Ontario got conservative majority. Platform of speaker was to remove curriculum that tells kids it's okay to be gat

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your republic is more like a meme


The United States is in the realm past lost. We're fucked beyond comprehension.

Kek no, they are incredibly ignorant and disgustingly blinded by their clinging to their Jew religion
Yes, they're being redpilled that k to Soros ironically enough
Kek no, they just elected a bunch if pinkos to run their country
>NEW: Austria
I'll believe it when the shutdowns and expulsions actually happen
>Having a rising right wing
They don't have a right wing, inb4 you point to the cuckd Russian backed larp group that disgraces the Tiwaz rune
As long as there are krauts that are still 100% German they have a chance to turn around
I think Finland is next, they enwvr really embraced the whole feminization of Europeans that exists and they do whatever Norway does and since Norway is cutting guns and importation of kebab Finland is starting to do so as well
Eventually some retard will try to aloha snackbar there and the Finnish buttrspe will be activated


Canada is going to swing conservative soon. Liberal party isn't official anymore in Ontario because they got btfo too hard
Canada WILL be saved. The liberals went too far

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Which coast do you live on bro?

Sicilian American here, I’m praying that salvini isn’t lying. My grandparents city is basically a giant refugee camp

Jesus fuck. Good bye France I guess.

>Countries who need to be nuked in order to save the world

didnt canada have an large election yesterday? the conservatives won

Dude, Canada is perma-fucked. Come to Saskatchewan, our population of a million is 60% pakis and east indians.

>coming from 1984 the country

Dude, you can't even criticize anything your government does without being sent to jail without due process.

That being said, all of Europe is fucked, there is no based country, especially not the eastern shitholes. It is all about power of the political class, a politician has never and will never give a fuck about citizens.

We're not lost. We were merely misplaced.

>Implying there is anything wrong with educated immigrant phds

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literal genelets

Not including Based Denmark and Slovakia

mate, they can't even tie their fucking shoelaces
the neighbourhoods overflow with trash and the houses rot from disrepair

one day I will come for your qt chinks

And you eurocucks have the audacity to call us le 56% face

estonia latvia and lithuania are still white along with poland and its because we dont like niggers or ragheads and our goverment thinks the same

The provincial liberals lost their party status which means, No more tax dollar funding for them and they can't speak in legislature unless they are specifically asked. Unfortunately only provincial but Ontario was a dominate liberal foothold that helped in federal election as well. This is a MASSIVE win and a giant middle finger to Trudeau

your thoughts on russia?

Thanks. This is turning into a blackpill thread so fast. Few posters here believe in things getting better and that's sad because their sentiment is apart of the equation.

carolingian-heritage france is gone forever.
far too down the hole of balkanization.
out of francistan new territory will be carved.
not altogether lost.

Traditionally the politicians and rulers of Europe only start to care about the people when a sharp blade is flying towards their necks. A way out without violence against these people is impossible. The kikes and their shabbos goys did this and we haven't even started asking the JQ yet, even when we're looking at complete extermination in the fucking face.

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dios mio, get dynamite in the channel tunnel quick

so much yes, to this.
slavs are white.
St. Pope JPII was most certainly white.

>it's another "we're less cucked than you!" divide and conquer shill thread

>Australia lost

It is the reverse of the "awakening" ones: Started based but has a rising subversion

id be happy if we went under russia


>doesnt know doug ford just won premiere in ontario

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was never as respectful of the Hungarian part as it should have been, and was merciless in crushing the Hungarian nobility after the attempt to elevate the Hungarian voice and its concern for the lowest classes (a bit askew and askance, but at least heeding the suffering) in 1848. But I daresay Kossuth would have had no issue with this stand on the part of the elites of Vienna.

>t. American who loves Hungary, but dislikes Austria a little less today


Shouldn't you be off starving infants to death and locking people up for hurting child rapists feelings?

What was Doug fords platform?
Is he /ourguy/ ?

Pyccкий шпиoн

Austria is alright OK but the picture does not prove much. It states measures against fringe muslim extremists which are foreign funded

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To think, that my nation in its glory days used to rule one third of the world, and yet today is ruled by the third world.

Enoch was right.

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