Zendehams ass

OFFICIAL LIVE PD WATCH THREAD - Are you detaining me edition


firstonetv.net/Live/United-States-(USA)/A E-21

feed the jew via DirectTVNow, Sling or some other Kikery



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Methnigga and got owned and shit his pants already get in here

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Reminder that tomorrow everything is an hour earlier and an hour shorter

That's last weeks episode

Aww shit. Thank you user. Hopefully livepdanon is not off having a life like a loser and gets the stream up. God bless you livepdanon.

Christ you're early nigger. Here, have tonight's lineup.

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Please tell me you niggas are gonna watch the new episode of BATTLE BOTS right now on Discovery before the new episode of LivePD

Starts at 8pm tonight, according to ads

it's at 9 bruv

9 tonight, 8 tomorrow

Ya, noticed that. All week they've been running ads "don't be late, it starts at 8pm this week", but the first hour is just a highlights reel, even though it is a new episode

>last name lawless

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Zendejas in the house tonight
Zendejas gonna have a good time

Why do you alt-right idiots still watch this shit? It's literally "Bootlicker TV"

Oh wow look, they have their token black and token Hispanic officers, WHOA SO ENTERTAINING

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Reminds me of a senator whose last name is "Whitehouse". The most likely NOT to be elected president.

>this soi is making 6 million a year

Worse than that.
The show plays with cameras to not jive with crime statistics.
Statistically 60% of crime will be nigger, 20% beaner, 18% white, 2% asian
Watching the show, you'll get about 80% white, 15% beaner, 5% nigger

Braaphog looks a lot smaller in studio than I was expecting.

>Where my shoes? I'd rather die

Hello lads we live tonight?
>tfw look forward to this all week

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live with Zendejas in the control center

oh god i hope they put a mic in her seat

It gets boring watching Muhammed enrich your wife, Hans

Steam user here. I started the stream but am outta the house so no modsssssss

What's this?

Cops but (almost) live

No, instead you can watch the media shovel down your throat that whites are causing crime sprees, because you saw it on TV.

Where is everyone watching? Im on rabbit and no one is talking.

i feel like ive seen this group of wetbacks get arrested 10 times now

Relax snowflake. You act like there is no such thing as white niggers

It hasn't started.

your watching the replay. It starts at 9 tonight, 8 tomorrow

I watch on TV because I am not poor

There are.
What this show demonstrates is statistically impossible.

Go work on a Powerpoint or something then nigger

South Carolina police are literally the best. I've had two encounters with them in my life, and they were always friendly.

Gee, think I figured this poster out.

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Me too, double-digit friend. I fund the jews but it's okay because at least it's not the arabs.

Eat it nerd. Watch that garbage by yourself

he wants Zendhogs 12hr shift ass stench

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I would like some big ol' titties tonight

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>no sexy cops

Why even watch

is tonight going to be like last week with the anti white propaganda?

They should go to Chicago so we can have Roberta and Sassy Dispatch

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>Zendehams ass

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I've been waiting all week for this moment and I love every one of you

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even me????

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Where is the ban?

kill niggers plox

got local pd queued up and ready for a party!

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hope that's a reinforced chair.

>ZendeBRAP in studio
For fuck's sake, I forgot about this

Lol. My uncle caught a man sleeping with his wife and beat him with a hammer. Was in jail for a few months

Snort snort


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Zendeja looking qt on that chair.

Should've gotten a medal.

Off to a boring start already

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Day of the rake

lol @ the shitty ink.

Two white people already. Greeeeeat.

W 1
B 0
H 0
W 1
B 0
H 0
Let Go
W 0
B 0
H 0

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Nigger ++
W 1
B 1
H 0
W 1
B 1
H 0
Let Go
W 0
B 0
H 0


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LIVE my fucking ass...I'm in FL right now and it's dark AF

Dude stole a car with steel wheels? I smell shenanigans.

Since fucking when?
I'm ready for the niggering

They’re in Georgia not Florida dumbass


He’s talking about the last segment.

whats your address so I can google it and check?

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Yep. It's known fact it is minimum 30-40 minutes delayed

niggers cannot shut their fucking mouth. Why are they so argumentative? They can't help themselves.

Hiding something in the car. He's trying to hard not to sit in the cop car

>what are timezones

>florida closer to equator
>florida more west than you think
>have to go through footage and make tv friendly edits

no fathers, never been told what to do.

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Nigger it's 9pm on the east coast. It's pitch black here.

i think there is a 30-45 minutes delay to ensure peoples identities are not compromise or to protect undercover officers


aaalllllll fucking night user

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Big ole saggy tits

right over your head....

Do I check off "arguing with cop" for the colored guy in GA?

Wut happened to her titties tho?

She looks fairly young, yet her tits are sagging like a 90year old grandma.

Jow Forums is in a sad state when anons can be b8ed this easy.

her nipples are getting hard from talking to the officer

Nigga 329485422 reporting for duty.
This bitch needs a bra.

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Yes. And obstruction of justice while you're at it.

bra supports the titties senpai, if your girl doesn't sleep in one a lot this happens