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Jesus Christ the 40D Chess Trump is playing
Jason Lee
Thomas Gomez
Chase Sanchez
literally how?
Evan Ortiz
>Won't have to look for the "Goldstein" anymore
Lucky hamburguers
Angel Kelly
Archived link please -, , ...
Lincoln James
Xavier Cooper
kek they banned archive Error: Network error
The bill, introduced by Rep. Kristi Noem, R-S.D., is a response to the 22 percent tariff that the Trump administration has imposed on some Canadian newsprint since the beginning of this year. Noem said that tariff has led to rising costs for local newspapers, and are a threat to their survival.
"In recent years, new tariffs on Canadian newsprint have increased paper prices by 20 to 30 percent," Noem said in a statement. "That's significant. A paper that services around 20,000 customers, for instance, could see paper costs rise by about a quarter-million dollars annually, threatening the newspaper's survival."
Jonathan Sanchez
>The J's print apparatus is going out of business
and thats a good thing
Nolan Smith
Who the fuck still buys physical newspapers anyways? Yeah the >eternal boomer but even then those old fucks are probably well set in their ways politically
Thomas Hall
Lmao jews getting shrekt
Anthony Ortiz
Good now I won't have to throw away the free newspapers that build up on my lawn.
James Garcia
Nobody even reads newspapers anymore
Alexander Edwards
is Trump even human anymore
what the fuck
every move he makes seems like a mistake but on closer inspection it's a convoluted attack on his enemies
my bet is he's some sort of AI controlled flesh puppet sent from a grimdark future to prevent said future
Gavin Baker
Brayden Clark
| Here's the link:
Thanks to your text, I googled it and found the article, thanks OP.
Grayson Cox
kek Americans newspapers were killed by the internet. These faggot journalists are getting real desperate
Jack Diaz
What do you think are the odds that even that far back Trump paid this dude to say these things in preparation for his inevitable run?
Evan Myers
Trump's been planning to run for president since the 80s.
Colton Torres
Canada paper industry.
Bentley Perry
Benjamin Perez
>Trump is killing the newspaper
Did Trump also kill the radio star?
Gavin Baker
Nathaniel Murphy
Carter Jones
So the fake news media suffers? how tragic! impeach Drumpfffff!
Gavin Ward
Honestly, newspapers are all (((liberal))) anyway.
Grayson Kelly
He is driving people to AM radio. That is the chosen media for the slave class moving forward.
Chase Nelson
American newspapers were already dead. Jeff Amazon and that spic billionaire are the only people keeping them on life support.
Lucas Baker
Dylan Miller
Not all of them...even my 72 year old Luddite Boomer of a father reads his news online or on his E-reader.
Mason Cooper
Samuel Butler
Trump is an utter fucking moron, nothing more nothing less.
Zachary Nguyen
>2017 was the year of the lord (5,777 in Hebrew)
>Trump was born under a blood moon (total lunar eclipse)
>7 hours into presidency, Trump turned 7 decades, 7 months and 7 days old.
>7th US President from New York
>Officially won by 77 electoral votes, due to 7 faithless electors
>Skipped the 7th debate
>Has 7 family members
>First conference after becoming president was 77 minutes long
>Mother's name is Mary
>Father's middle name is Christ
>Declared his campaign on 6/16, saddest day on Jewish calendar (Tisha B'Av)
>Tisha B'av in 2017 is 5,777 days since the start of the war in Afghanistan on Putin's 49th (7x7 years) birthday.
>Born 700 days before Israel is founded. 777 days after his birth, Israel was a nation for 77 days
>His grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump died on 6/6/66. Jerusalem reunified on 6/7/67, 366 days after her death
>5,777 days since 9/11 is 7/6/17 (anagram of 1776) in the year 5,777
>7 hours into presidency was 7x7 years, 7 months, and 7+7 days after Jerusalem reunification on the 7+7+7th day of 2017 or 5,777
>Lamech the father of Noah (builder of the Ark), died 5 years before the flood at 777 years old, symbolizing the year 5,777
>Mike Pence was born on 6/7, which is 677 weeks after Trump's birth
Eli Ross
>supply-side wreckonomics
I love this man more than words can describe
Juan Ortiz
He can't keep getting away with this. But in all seriousness the unexpected outcome like this tells me their probably is some form of god that lives through memes. You can't write shit this good.
Kevin Mitchell
No wonder we're about to legalize hemp. Canada is FUCKED! DuPont is FUCKED! Big pharma is FUCKED!
James Perez
Awesome, it just keeps getting better!
Grayson Cruz
>press tries to ruin Trump
>Trumo becomes president and kills half the press
Rest in piss, lügenpresse.
Christian Harris
i thought millennials were killing newspapers?
Sebastian Torres
kekd and chekd my dude
Mason Sanchez
Checked. Obviously the answer is that Trump is a Millennial.
Jason Martinez
Trump reich lasts 1000 years
Ayden Rogers
Ethan Roberts
Aaron Howard
Trump really is playing 4D chess.
Get the Tariff and kill the media in one fell swoop.
Gavin Barnes
he 100% paid dudes like this to do stuff like this. his entire run was calculated on an autistic level we can only imagine. this has been a plan since the 80s, His TV show was basically an introduction to the public, he got a lot of advice from bill clinton on how to win the presidency because trump was the only guy in new york that would be seen playing golf with the former disgraced expresident for a few years. trump took advantage of that and casually picked his brain about what it takes and how to win. Bill told him being famous, name recognition is the most important thing, he also told him not to run third party.
Thomas Johnson
Newspapers were dying 15 years ago and tariffs have nothing to do with it. Please don't spread dying dinosaur media propaganda here. To be safe, just kill yourself.
Juan Myers
he also gives his wife a full 7 inches every night
Dominic Cruz
his mentor and best friend was Roy Cohn
Ayden Richardson
Kevin Reyes
The internet killed it fucking decades ago
Jackson Reyes
>threatening the newspaper's survival.
implying print has not been in hospice for years
Elijah Martinez
>killing us newspaper
It died a decade ago at least for anyone under 60 that's remotely computer literate.
Henry Gray
>he's mad
Juan Diaz
>To be safe, just kill yourself.
>kill yourself
I guess (((you))) are behind Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain """apparent suicides."""
Blake Watson
>and now you can't print it either
Jaxson Peterson
Daniel Mitchell
Checked. Digits confirm.
Jacob Perez
I actually go read the newspaper at the library everyday
Evan Scott
Bless him. A tariff on jews would end everything though
Jeremiah Rivera
how does he keep getting away with it?
Ryan Robinson
>. A tariff on jews
Where can I buy a jew?
Tyler Hall
Luis Robinson
We make trees into paper.
Mason Carter
In your local furniture store
Jeremiah Evans
What's a "newspaper"?
Jacob Jackson
you monsters
Ryan Rodriguez
Newspapers have been in extended death throes for years now, this would be a mercy killing at this point.
Noah Parker
and we laugh while we do it
Aaron Morris
>killing newspapers
holy shit who the fuck reads news papers anymore ? if anything the internet killed newspapers and these kikes are just trying to pin things on trump
Adrian Hernandez
and bed, bath, and body works
Joshua Wood
We have more trees than you do.
Tyler Murphy
Newspaper is printed on paper. Hence the name.
Parker Gomez
bill gates dropped the ball hard tho, his wife says she will discriminate against ciswhites
Caleb Barnes
>"In recent years, new tariffs on Canadian newsprint have increased paper prices by 20 to 30 percent," Noem said in a statement. "That's significant. A paper that services around 20,000 customers, for instance, could see paper costs rise by about a quarter-million dollars annually, threatening the newspaper's survival."
Jace Howard
(((trump))) + his jew friends are destroying america
how can you goys not see this?
Hunter Fisher
media is owned by jews. trump is destroying the media's ability to obtain newspaper. Pretty hilarious
Cameron Clark
He's actually giving the Jews an out so that they can fire 1000's of workers and then say "oh because ov trumps tarrifs".
Jeremiah Gonzalez
I hope he kills the newspapers.
Alexander Fisher
This is amazing. He found a way to indirectly kill fake news.
Cooper Martin
News papers are all ready dead. Social media killed the news paper star.
John Hall
> T-777
Elijah Gutierrez
Don't worry it's almost all from tree farms.
Dominic Peterson
> the paper literally finna gonna get dabbed on
Ryan Hall
Xavier James
>feeling that fresh pussy grind against you while you tap out on that perky ass
She's begging him for that killer male instinct to rise up and fertilize her.
Tyler Turner
I bet Bill voted for Trump.
Cooper Jackson
Lost before the thread got started..
Kayden Brown
probably not since it's public record
Jacob Hill
All I know is we can't rewind, we've come too far.
Gabriel Fisher
What if I start a human farm?
Isaiah Wilson
I already started mine with ur mom
Nolan Anderson
Dude he has got a lot of free play for me to like him. If the insane Hillary voters the best thing they under stand about what has faculty done is got to scoops of ice cream.
Aiden Anderson
Brody King