Why does Jow Forums want to dictate how other people live their lives?
What gives you that right?
Why does Jow Forums want to dictate how other people live their lives?
What gives you that right?
is dat yo bitch cooking u a hotpocket niggur
Jesus the cuckery (and bait) is strong in this one
What gives her the right to pose a threat for my tribe^
Shouldnt the common good be above the individual good ^
Can you stop being a pleb^
You're the reason why politicians have to lie.
It's not because they're mean, it's because you're a pleb.
Because a functional society is more than an atomised collection of utility-maximising robots pursuing their own self-interest
What right does a parent have to guide their children from harm's way?
the White race will disappear and those mutallos will never be able to maintain the Western society.
pic related: average iq of a nigger
I don't, I just want people that spend their lives a certain way to be killed. They are free to live as they see fit and suffer the consequences.
< This, you silly Spaniard
If blacks have lower IQs why are white girls by the hundreds of thousands if not millions going after black men?
traitors get the rope
because thats not true Catacuck, most women don't even look like her anyway that the burners are lardasses.
they are not Looking for people with high IQ. MUH BIG DICK is the only thing those whores care
this is how it ends
This. As long as they're not pedo's, rapists, murderers I don't really care.
women have the same amount of agency as a child up until about the age of 35 and even then they have their moments
they have to be domesticated or they all turn into pussy riot or those chicks from the fucking free the nipple parade or whatever
besides it's not the majority
This is the best leftwing cucks have. They’ll make some retarded thread then leave. Why exactly they think this is convincing anyone to become anything other than a racist and fascist is not known
>this is how it ends
Her kid gave her that black eye
The idea that the "White race" will be extinguished is perpetrated by the same people who will tell you 9/11 was an inside job.
>race mixing
checks out
Pedophilia is a state of mind, and I'm not a fan of punishing thought crimes.
Rape can sometimes be justified.
Now this is a huwhite pill. Atomwaffen faggots BTFO.
Rape can be justified? In what sense mate. I'm not talking about this pussy shit new definition. No I'm talking about you shoving your dick in some bitches cunt while she's down there begging you to stop.
as if idiots never wanted to dictate your life. that's enough reason to dictate back.
I'm talking about that as well, I'm not confused as to what "rape" means.
stay clear boys
you must live under the assumption that whites can live 100 years without a problem and can make babies whenever they want. The birth rate in the most white countries are below 2,0 and we import millins of non-whites
Because women are driven by emotion and not reason.
Fuck you kike
Sure, but under that logic Japanese are gonna die out way before whites. And shit. That'll probably take hundreds of years.
I'm still curious how you can justify rape or pedophilia mate
Googlebot went to a place it shouldn't, and offered the description of a video that should have been remained unaccesible for people outside of a few selected IPs. The description is as follows:
>"She gets tied to a wooden bench and tied with ropes - he then goes insane and beheads her with an axe before fucking and cumming on her shaved pussy."
I will let you guess the race of the man.
Violence is the only legitimate authority.
>Violence is the only legitimate authority.
God damn mate. The edge on this statement. Under that idea there should be one alpha that gets all the bitches, yeah? Some fuckin' guy just shows up at your house, shoots you in the head, steals your bitch. Violence is the only authority right?
Well one example for justifying rape would be if she was trespassing and stealing from you.
Pedophilia is pretty easy to "justify" since it's not an act, it's just thoughts. Obviously someone that rapes a prepubescent should be killed, but how do you even think you'd identify and persecute Pedophiles?
Japan doesn't have millions of sand nigger who produce 5 to 6 Children. It is easier for them to balance this out
Why the fuck do so many coal burners have that same look? Like a mix of white trash, meth face and thousand cock stare
How is the truth edgy? Also the theory of "alphas" getting all the females was disavowed almost 20 years ago by the men that came up with it.
>Why does Jow Forums want to dictate how other people live their lives?
Because we know better than you.
>What gives you that right?
We're White. These are our countries. That gives us every right.
Don't like it?
Go back to your shithole non-White country.
Nah mate. If you said "death" i'd be alright with that statement. But don't just rape some cunt who was stealing from you.
As for the thought crime-yeah, you're right. You can't punish a thought, when I say pedophiles I mean child rapists.
>If blacks have lower IQs
If niggers have high IQs how come niggers have never invented anything?
>why are white girls by the hundreds of thousands if not millions going after black men?
Rapes don't count.
You think it's preferable to kill instead of rape a woman trespassing and stealing from you? How do you come to the conclusion that rape is a harsher punishment than death?
>when I say pedophiles I mean child rapists.
Why not just say child rapist then? Call things by their proper names.
But it's not the truth mate. If what you say had any sense of truth then we'd still be using bloody barbarism. Our leader wouldn't be picked by elections but by combat. We'd likely never have gotten anywhere useful without war, yes, but now that we have the destructive power to kill millions, why don't we use it? Because we don't want the same done to us.
Violence is a means, it's a means to garner people to do research and invent both weaponary and medicine, and for people to have a common enemy to focus on.
It does not have an end point though. Violence will never let you achieve your goal-unless your goal is just utter destruction of your enemies.
welcome to life newfag
who the fuck are you to dictate what others can dictate? hypocrite
I'd say it's preferable in most cases yeah. The stupid bitch won't do it again.
And fair enough on the child rapist thing. Should've clarified.
>Violence will never let you achieve your goal-unless your goal is just utter destruction of your enemies.
What other goal would I have for my enemies? Are you retarded?
>I'd say it's preferable in most cases yeah. The stupid bitch won't do it again.
Why not rape and then kill her then? There you go, that is a way we can agree that rape is justified: If she is trespassing and stealing from you, it's okay to rape her before you kill her.
>But it's not the truth mate. If what you say had any sense of truth then we'd still be using bloody barbarism. Our leader wouldn't be picked by elections but by combat. We'd likely never have gotten anywhere useful without war, yes, but now that we have the destructive power to kill millions, why don't we use it? Because we don't want the same done to us.
>Violence is a means, it's a means to garner people to do research and invent both weaponary and medicine, and for people to have a common enemy to focus on.
>It does not have an end point though. Violence will never let you achieve your goal-unless your goal is just utter destruction of your enemies.
I mean. Death comes at a price in modern times mate. Massive craters. Most people don't go to war and not try to occupy land. And the total wipe out of 'all' your enemies is usually impossible. As seen with groups like Al Queda and the Taliban.
lol that'd be fair enough. Gets the same job done.
>he thinks (((Al Qaeda))) and (((IEA))) have enemies
>The total wipe out of all your enemies is usually impossible
We the U.S. literally haven't tried since like the second world war. Our enemies put on a "I'm a civilian hat" and they're mostly safe.
We follow rules of war that were put in place, because you're expected to go out and kill everyone if your enemy does that. Thus why European nations came up with them.
Arab and communist satellite nations don't respect this all that much.
Thus if we want to wipe out our enemies, we have to wipe out lots of civilians. We won't. Thus we lose every conflict.
she looks high and sad
Times have changed. The past is dead. The future is blacked