Some user vandalized the camera.
Go to 4:11:50
Other urls found in this thread:
Any PL user can roughly translate what the guy said?
What does he say to the camera? I don't understand :c
He gave a lot of shoutouts to a lot of polish youtubers and said FUCK JEWS at then end
Live feed here:
It's very early morning now.
You are serious? That is roughly what he said?
its roughly what he said im pretty sure about the FUCK JEWS part
Cool! thanks...
He also shilled his own blog at the beginning.
Someone put a Shia Lebeouf
I hope the paint is not hard to remove or it can spoil some lulz. Today is Saturday so anons in the area have more free time.
5:05 am...watching thru vandalized camera pigeons and sounds of comercial vans unloading their goods...amazing...
based trashman now
trashman doing the cleaning...only Whites and Gooks have the concept of trash cleaning has anyone noticed this?
desperate to keep your thread afloat eh? saged
Giving exposure to "He will not divide us Poland" i am unimportant.
Wow. That was fast.
>Hello, wykop pl, Tomek Terka (?) here, I invite you to visit my blogs. I don't upload anything recently, but it's not bad, greetings to "Kurwigrzmot" ("Whorethunder"), Tomeszka, that's me, greetings to Empary Town, and greetings to Wziumperyskop (?) buddies, greetings to all fans from "underwaters"
*spreads toothpaste*
>Fuck whore jews!
Thanks for translation, fuck the jews indeed.
an easy google on tomasz terka brings up some random guy who started some drama with kononowicz, so at least he didnt get himself doxxed
>cant understand this season because I dont speak polish
Well played Shia. Well played.
No flag to hunt
Why even watch? what
dont vandalize. thats nigger tier antifa shit. just get (((le boof))) to sperg or capture the flag or do something cool and creative.
Just wait for the highlight vids to come out. Unless poland has as many crazy people as new york it wont be worth sitting through it all.
as a pole living in US, I'm proud
while we wait smegma king is doing a English lesson stream
Welp looks like I'm moving to Poland....
I hear you but user did it with something that looks easy to remove...he was conscious about it.
Eh I'm watching ralph retort.
nice try SIDF
is someone doing somehting about the hwndu
is that 1488 record studio in the background?
and how many times did Venti check flight prices to Poland in the last 12 hours?
It feels like a win. I guess we should count this as a win but it’s just so weak.
It’s probably only unsatisfactory because he didn’t make it a challenge to find it or vandalize it.
> Did Shia LaBeouf win by losing?
> Is this some weird Justin Trudeau style strategy? If this is a win why do I feel so empty?
>what does Polish toothpaste taste like?
Thank you based Jow Forumslack
> mfw nobody is upset that he named the Jew
dunno man
>greetings to all fans from "underwaters"
>Fuck whore jews!
i dont know any poles, but this seems polish as fuck
Nah fight fire with fire
They are full burger bro but you can at least help out by buying Polish produtcs with bar code 590
Isn't the flag still flying on top of that building in France - why haven't we burned it yet
Today is Saturday, that is a commercial area and apparently some PL rightwing organizations and anons were saying that they might do some trolling today...let's wait...
HWNDU was like an advert for Jow Forums
Seeing Shia have a racist rant melt down to a nigger cop and then get arrested was fucking glorious
Tomasz Terka is a obscure meme
Kurwigrzmot is one of the secret names of ""
Empary Town is karachan's radio
"Wziumperyskop" and "podwodniaki" is codename for some online game
So few people in Poland. You would see more people if it was in Delhi, India where it's crowded.
i think a /b/tard is going to do a move with a tool
I think a jew is going to do us a frighten to a Jow Forums
Shia has made Jow Forums more united than ever!
Any local anons?
Do summin funny
Since when spics speak Polish?
Then again Germany is overcrowded and Poland doesn't even know what to do with it's fucking territory.
>jebać kurwy żydy
Shia actually brought me here and I don't even like politics, I just hate jews.
all cool but admiting to visitng wykop in 2018 should result in incarceration
Like Zyklon B
Didn't destroy with a hammer. Disappointing.
was wondering what was said, thanks
He should've used at least perma-spray.
Antifa tier nigger op
>risking going to jail over shia labeouf
Spray paint = no more camera
hence the mask
He literally announces his name and advertises his blog
I don't understand Shia LeBoeuf's motifs. He should know that lots of people hate his faggotry, all he accomplishes, is to flame up anti-semitism even more. Especially in Eastern Europe, where less people are brainwashed into worshiping Jews. Or maybe it is his goal to get deliberately victimized?
I really hoped you faggots are capable to come up with quality action - meritorical conversation and arguments to redpill this man, dress as Pepe and stay there with him for some time, bringing redpilling posters/banners. But no, instead:
>hit him in the back of his head
>steal his hat
>smear grease on the glass
>brake the window with a hammer
What a fucking cancer this board become. This is literaly primary school level.
The actual braindead eraser faced mongols defacing the camera dont understand what made the first season amazing, its not about shuttting it down at this point, There is no objective like the flags. Its like the first season again, have fun. Anyone who advocates spraypaint or smashing it lacks the social charisma to put on an entertaining show.
What do you expect from murkans
Stop importing "doctors and enginers" if you are overcrowded you moron.
irl shitsposting is be shit posting
some one get a group to gather and have fun and ask shia to bring back the flag
If Shia reads this and wants to come in our country, we have a shitshow ready for him!
>nobody knows that estonia is a country
>oh god that flag is for a real country
I just came
To his credit PL user used some kind of easy to wipe substance in the camera glass.
Nobody knows if Americans have brains of not.
All that multi-culti shit is being pushed from America /Shieah is good example) to all over the world and then they wonder why Europe is so cucked while they have army bases all over central Europe, to push their communist horse shit.
/b/ thread shut down. Looks like they are pruning HWNDU threads over there
Can’t exactly dress up as Abwehr and claim the camera is now Jow Forumss lebensraum, can we
lol go to /hwndu/ faggots
In all places, why the fuck Polan?
this bongles my bajonkas as well
Blocked toilet
to be honest he could have spray painted the thing but yeah good job fella
Not everything is circling around yourself and your shitty country.
they should do atlanta or some place near it
would get filled up by redneck Jow Forumstards the moment it started
At this point Shoah LeJew is asking for it
Hasn’t Shia Learned? We need to deal with this shit
I swear everyone here is stuck in the thralls of some horrific brain degeneration, there is no goal for this stream. The flag is gone. We are back to the basics that we had during S1. Arguably this could turn out to be just as good but everyone thinks this has become about smashing the camera or forcefully shutting the stream down. Im so fucking disappointed. Liverpool was when everything started to go downhill and this could be the chance to make it great again but no. People who advocate green spray paint or smashing the camera lack the social charisma to go out there and preform. Anons making anons laugh. the HWNDU movement gave birth to a new era of IRL shitposting and everyone couldn't take their eyes off it. Im starting to believe more and more that the first season was a fluke and we are not capable or doing it again
The people on stream set the pace and ideas for the stream. Currently, the only good thing to happen has been camera vandalism so that's where things are heading.
Flame resistant material. And its really high up so only a crane or drone can get to it
>a mexican that knows polish
Keep your Country low profile m8 look what happened to Sweden
i've been wondering this same thing, based poland would be one of the last places id put this stupid "art" exhibit. why not put it in san francisco or some fagliberal shithole you know libturds will circlejerk around the camera for
toothpaste melting down...interesting
they went on vacation in Poland and decided to contact some faggot "art" museum/operation to do this #NotDivide shit there so they can say they are worldwide and shit. It is mostly for convenience and opportunism.
Some guy is cleaning now! Happening is happening!
LADY trying to clean it just smearing it more
He's obviously been tracking IP addresses for who's be watching it and calculated that people like us operate in the US, UK, etc. He's moved it to Poland as there's obviously less /Pol traffic coming from there. He's also sacrificed support for obscurity in a foreign land.
strong reflection gives it a 2001 - Space Odyssey look