Name a country where pic related isn't true. Checkmate Jow Forums.
Name a country where pic related isn't true. Checkmate Jow Forums
NatSoc Germany
Its almost like men have other qualities than their physical appearance while women have none, really makes you think.
the fact that women just won't walk throught the man opening shows they have tinier brians
the men one has to be 6'3, buff, with a money bag outline where the hands are and a social status detector that instantly burns you to ashes if you are under the level of company CEO
the womans is the outside space and air
1488 motherfucker
name a country where pic related shouldn't be true
loling like never before right now
Good post user.
This. Kek
any and all post below this one are newfags falling for b8 sage is the cure for all cancer
fuckin jej
the US
(You don't have to be a celebrity to make a good living)
literally reked first reply
You ever go to the gym as a manlet? Guys and girls there both laugh at you
she's too tall for those dudes
Name a society where pic related isn't true.
I don't think this pic will ever be more relevant.
Fuck, men can make anything funny.
I don't think there is any country with square shaped men
Thank you for reminding me why I keep coming back to Jow Forums.
+1 kebab of tolerance
look waste of digits how about you show me in which country does fucked up doorways like this exist as the norm first?
Is it so difficult for women to just simply eat right and be active and not be a fat pig?
Hillary Clinton.
Goddamn troll shaped sub-human ran for president. You're telling me you've got a fucking counter to that?
You SJW commie piece of shit.
Name a country where the men aren't considered to be the breadwinner, & that a stigma pervades among men that to not be a breadwinner is failure
Same difference, same satanists
I agree that this is a bad thing and has to be corrected asap
Fucking lost hard
5'10" 155lbs. Wha cha eating OP?
Keked hard
>standards imposed by other women are mens fault!
Anywhere that fat land whale ham beast sjw fem Nazis exist
>someone screencap this
Today is a good day for Jow Forums.
kek, legit.
kek nice
oh dear god
Why doesn't the male door have a "You must be this tall to enter" sign?
looks are a depreciative asset. Being a good mother is invaluable.
I'm fine with this. I fucking hate bars and love my job. How else would I ever find a wife if not for affirmative action?
This is now a box jerry thread
Is it too late for the screencap..?
Almost all clubs charge males for entry while vaginas have it for free so this picture is bullshit.
Considering that twice the amoumt of women have passed on their genes historically compared to men id say its not close to being true anywhere unless this is supposed to be entry into a business or industry.
How hard is it to match the pose (conform) and be (((succesful))) aka stuck in a dead end job and buried in debt?
Entry into the world of porn
this is literally everywhere
this thread is a shit thread
OP can't comeback from that ass raping
Simply masterful.