>no gas
>no insurance
>no registration and fees
>no parking hassles
>keeps you in shape while you commute
>literally faster than driving if you live in the city
why the fuck are you still driving the automojew Jow Forums
>no gas
>no insurance
>no registration and fees
>no parking hassles
>keeps you in shape while you commute
>literally faster than driving if you live in the city
why the fuck are you still driving the automojew Jow Forums
Cars are fun. I bicycle a lot too, but I enjoy driving a lot.
Yes you enjoy driving while you continue to release aerosols that fuck up the radiation balance of the earth.
class is half an hour away w/o traffic, there's no fucking way im biking
Yup. And in addition to losing my car and getting a bike, I paid my debts and because I rent cars my credit rating went from shit to 750. Feels good man.
Because a black man stole my bike.
Because I don’t live in San Francisco you fucking faggot
Well, there is a lot EU related stuffs.
>Bike license
>Bike insurance
>Bike plate
>Yearly brakes and lights revision
>you have to pass the exams on bike security and revision
In the end, cars are cheaper and is faster to get documentations
People need to walk, ride bikes and take the metro everywhere. Cars cost a shit ton of money, traffic, bad for environment, roads take up shit ton of space, etc.
Because I need to look and smell like a tidy grown up. I need pressed clothing and a lint roller. I need clean and tidy hair and to look like I give a shit.
>bike insurance
for what? how can a bike do any serious damage to warrant insurance?
I don't leave my house.
If you get smucked by an uninsured driver, or hit and run, who pays for your wheel chair and feeding tubes?
Is this actually a thing in EU?
Bike insurance is needed mostly if you hurt yourself. You have to pay the lawyers and the cost of the sentence.
Oi you got a loicense for that bike?
we have a thing called health insurance in the states for things like that
What do poor Europeans do if they can't get all this stuff
>faggot cyclists giving the rest of us a bad name by hogging car lanes and doing other stupid shit
sometimes it isn't worth it
I sweat so god damn much
>Brainlet has never had the joy of driving a manual transmission car.
Just too retarded I guess.
I don't want to get to my destination hours later because I don't live in the (((city))).
*blocks your path
I have the same problem. Luckily my work has a private bathroom and I bring a change of clothes and take a few minutes butt naked under the air dryer and I'm good as new
its faster and requires minimal physical effort
In Hawaii you actually have to get a bike license with plate (sticker) there too.
I do both, in the city the bike is faster, outside of thr city the car is faster.
When I fee like it, I ride just for fun as well.
If you unironically use bycicle as a main mode of transport it means you are poor or a dirty hippie or you are living in North Korea.
Car infrastructure including parking takes up 30-40% of most cities space. And parking is the most retarded waste of space of them all. Cars just sit their like worthless pieces of shit doing nothing but take up space for most of their life.
He is just joking, the only bicycle you need insurance for are ones with a motor that assists/powers the bike at over 25 km/h up to 45 km/h.
IIRC that is something like 50€/Year.
Nah, outside of the extra costs and fees driving is superior. If anything the jews want you on bikes going nowhere; you've been subverted into believing that this lesser method of transportation is better because it's a part of the breakdown of western civilization and the American tradition of adulthood and independence. This is America, buddy, not Europe and I'm sure the cycling is fun and gives you an okay workout (you have to cycle many miles for decent calorie burning), but realistically, you should just get a license, or get a car, get it registered and join the republic. This hipster bike thing, onions, veganism, it all goes together, it's all a part of the same problem.
Wow, that's a show stopper leaf. No one has ever managed to just change clothes at work or anything of the sort.
Because it’s so hot outside that it’ll be anuddah shoah if I ride a basedcycle for more than 2 minutes.
>no parking hassles
I write at least 6-10 bike citations a day, nigger. Don't abandon your bike, and stop stealing them. I pay what I owe to my company, plus a lot more in other citations, plus some every day. Simply because of bikes, while I work as a parking nazi at a university. Not only that, you dumbfucks pay for me to go to college. absolute kek, keep fucking up niggers.
using a bike is literally eurocuck mindset. imagine being on a bike and then watching a plane fly above you. i would probably bordain myself
Or you, maybe you just really enjoy riding bikes and being healthy. I bet you don't make enough in one year to pay for both of my bikes.
>I would probably loser myself into death
>live in the city
new laws say you cant ride bike on sidewalks anymore
Car Cucks vs Chad Cyclist. On a serious note, I hate faggots who blocks narrow roads and 1 way lanes. Entitled boomers do this all the fucking time when there's a bike path too. Usually I pedal past them and yells get off the road retard. Fucking boomers.
Cyclists and bike commuters were here long before hipsters adopted the fixed gear bike as an accessory and we will be here long after they have moved on.
Been biking to work for the past year now, and im now down almost 90lbs. Feel great, finally pulling looks, and save so much fucking money. Best decision of my life, hands down.
Because im not a city dwelling degenerate.
Because I like vagina.
You should go on a group ride then if you like such things. Plenty of women ride and doing so does amazing things for the female figure.
>if you live in the city
i'm not a liberal retard
100lbs of unwieldy equipment and regular job sites over 40+ miles from my house.
Holy shit imagine being the guy who rides a bike to work and then DEFENDS it on a chinese vegetable seed forum website
Some of the best, private constructed bikes, for INSANELY stupid reasons, barely cost 5 grand.
Fucking kill yourself, loser.
for those with autistic reasons behind spending more than 200 dollars for a bike.....
Most expensive bike in the world is 500k... a fucking Niel Armstrong bike. A nip nigger sold a bike with pedo-shit on its body for 200...Another bike was made for Armstrong's "needs." One's made of gold, and retarded, the low one is made for idiot celebrities with "specific needs.
>If anything the jews want you on bikes going nowhere
Anyone who's in decent shape should be able to average 25-30 mph on a proper road bike setup.
>you've been subverted into believing that this lesser method of transportation is better because it's a part of the breakdown of western civilization and the American tradition of adulthood and independence.
Bikes don't degrade bridges, roads, or create traffic that loses the economy billions every year. Proper cyclists know how to patch tires and repair a bicycle on their own, something you probably aren't able to do with your car.
>This is America, buddy, not Europe and I'm sure the cycling is fun and gives you an okay workout (you have to cycle many miles for decent calorie burning), but realistically, you should just get a license, or get a car, get it registered and join the republic.
Or you can get your license and not pay for a car, gas, maintenance, insurance, etc and be free.
>This hipster bike thing, onions, veganism, it all goes together, it's all a part of the same problem.
now this is shitposting
Yeah I don't give a fuck. I own three gasoline powered vehicles right now, cry more bitch.
honestly if you can't properly lock up and park your bike you deserve it stolen
>completely ignores the 1st part of the conversation
>The part of needing a permit to park your bike.
Plus, it isn't hard to break a chain to take a bike. A regular bolt cutter can destroy a good bike chain.
I live in the city. I cannot commute 50 Miles to work on a bicycle. And I hate cyclist who think that they don't need to follow any rules that cars do. Get injured then blame the motorist.
I've always thought it was a conspiracy that they'd let roads be shared with bikes. It's only a matter of time before it's licensed , taxed (registration) and requires insurance. Just like how they made riding mass transit the same as owning a car they will too to the bicycle.
well I'm not a college student so I don't know what the fuck a permit to park your bike is and everyone should know chains are for retards, ulocks are the only ones worth a damn
>can drive any distance
>no effort
>can drive in all conditions
>rain no problem
>not sweaty after arriving
>bike more likely to get stolen
>have to find some pole to lock to
>flat tyres more likely on bike
>after long day at work i have to work to get home
>no aircon
Riding a bike in Edmonton Alberta in January is so much fun. Especially when the wind is at 50km/h.
how fat are you?
I've ridden my city bike for at least 5000 miles since 2014. As for it's a load of horseshit. The only thing you need to take care of is the bottom bracket every few hundred miles, and the tube pressure. That's it, brake service is a matter of minutes every few years.
Insurance is useless as it is the helmet, you need to be completely irredeemably mongoloid if you need those things while you ride.
In those 5000 miles "I" risked three times
1. I nearly destroyed a kid (he was jayrunning across the street, he would've died under a 700c wheel speeding at 22 miles per hour) but I saw him coming and "chicaned"
2. I nearly killed a small dog that literally tried to run under my wheel
3. I was very tired and flattened myself on the road as soon as I got out the gate where I live, I took the first turn and I found myself to the floor.
Literally no way to not have it stolen, if they want it they'll have it. The lock is just a way to make it complicated for them, to slow them down. I have a U-lock and the steel extension cable. I just park it where there's too many people to publically steal it, and I never ride it at night if I know I have to park it somewhere.
We don't follow the rules because we're putting our body on the line to move, we can't stop and go every time to let a bastard cager do whatever he wants because he knows he'll kill us if he bumps us. Why take a roundabout with cars honking all the time because they're speeding diagonally, just ride on the sidewalk before the roundabout and cut from the opposite side.
>wintery,icy roads
>hot,humid, sweaty balls
have at it.
>only overweight people drive a car
>can't do grocery shopping on a bike
>barely carry anything with you in a backpack
>head chopped off passing through shit hole, >possibly be de-footed by cartel , also.
This is complete bullshit
Belgium's not a real nation.
You can't ride a bike in LA without it getting stolen withing a week of owning it
You’re talking about a motorcycle right? Oh God I can just imagine these fucking idiots pulling over your six year old for biking without a license. What a fucking world
amerifatt here, seriously considering this.
Been casually riding for a couple days now and I already feel a lot better in general
My city is hilly, not bicycle friendly at all, and I work 25km away from my house.
Do you expect me to become Lance fucking Armstrong?
>what are gears
What are you even talking about
This is true.