Are they /Ourband/ ?

>Speaks against degenerate porn
>Exposes filth of Hollywood
>Against the mass brainwashing of population
>Against banker wars

Are they literally /Ourband/ ?

Attached: Serge276.jpg (460x276, 123K)

I’ve always enjoyed the band to some political extent - it’s a good contrast from the “leftists” of a decade ago to now.

I plan on seeing them his summer. It’s fucking SOAD you niggers, POGO!

Noice user!



No, they are degenerate and nonwhite. The sounds they produce are completely alien to the European ear.

I liked them when I was 14, they make me wince when I hear them now, cheesy as fuck

I'm Armenian and Serj is an i sufferable faggot. The guy is so self absorbed and he thinks he's a cultural and political leader for us, he believes he speaks on behalf of Armenians and that he is entitled to our admiration. Plus he is the reason SOAD fell apart. His ego takes up any room of any size. Daron ftw

Megadeth is /ourband/

this. anyone still listening to this shit needs to grow the fuck up.

If you listen to system of a down past the age of 16 you're most likely a huge faggot. That "music" belongs in high school and no where else. I have a friend who is 26 and still listens to soad it's really cringe and embarrassing to be around.

SAGE goes in all fields

What if you've never heard the band before and discover it at 30?

Attached: Mark-Zuckerberg2.jpg (880x580, 190K)

>Brown hair
>Brown eyes

Not my people. I respect them none the less, but not my people.

All music is cringe

I thought SOAD was edgy because it had a song about aspartine.

Id take armenians over "swedes" any day

I like them a lot, but wouldn't say they're /ourband/

Atleast Armenians are not cucked by muslim invaders

They're lefties but I still enjoy their music

Fun fact:
70% of Armenians voted for Trump in 2016.
This is a big deal because 99% of non-white minority groups always vote for the democrat candidate in every election, even if they have traditionalist views.

Armenians are one of the original Indo-European tribes.


lives in NZ

Armenians are White, you dipshit.

Armenians need to denounce Kim Kardasian.
I think if that family didn't exist everyone would consider Armenians white. They're just so disgusting it's beyond belief.