The Holocaust

Hello, Jow Forums so I realize a lot of you think the Holocaust was fake, and im genuinely curios as to why you think that. I would like your side of things and what led you into thinking it was.

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Other urls found in this thread: berlin prostitution 1921&source=bl&ots=Pas2jDGadJ&sig=H1S1KAZuLEkKoHscVh958nPf3wE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjVo9mypsbbAhWGNJoKHW7-BOAQ6AEIUzAM#v=onepage&q=germany berlin prostitution 1921&f=false

•Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.

6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds. (LOL)

In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.

It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.

That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.

How can any Jew, Israeli, or Shill ever even argue this story when just simple math is enough to destroy the whole argument? Can any Jews respond to this?

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That's actually a very good argument, however what about all the documentation and witnesses?


Well they managed to kill 25 million Russians, and they were shooting back. When they had rifles.

Auschwitz had
5 crematories

still not enough if we use that math above

Jews hate math because it btfo the holocaust story.

There isn't a single piece of Nazi documentation that references gassing and any eye witness accounts are easily debunked.

Which documents? Everyone knows the Nurnberg trials were a farce. Witnesses? Do you trust kikes?
Get your ass out of your head.

They did not kill 25 million Russians with rifles, they deprived most of them of food which led to them starving to death.

Most deaths were due to the starvation in those camps once the food supply routes were bombed by the allies. The war obviously wouldn't admit collateral damage is acceptable and so they blamed it on "muh nazis"

Not that many were gassed, the majority of jews were killed on the eastern front.

The official story is 1 million at auschwitz, the 4 million is a soviet guess, stop being a nigger

They can prove that killing happened. But at what scale? To me the 6 million figure wad chosen for the symbolic value. But at least close 300000 died in the camps, according to the Red Cross.

None were gassed.

> Why you think muh holocaust is not compatible with reality ?


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'Memba when those mean Germans played soccer with jew baby heads and made em into soap and lamp shades and coats? Member when they forgot to keep records of the final solution and the *ocd* german records only recorded 300,000 jews starved in the camps at the end of the war? Memba when that matched the census numbas? Memba when jews said 6 million 100 times before 1940 in news papers? Memba when Germany was low on gas but had genius dr evil idea to hook the exhaust from tanks up to tubes to gas dem 6 trillion joos with the exhaust? Memba when only the soviet held (bolshevik jew) camps turned out to be death camps...after original claim was all German camps...but the allied held camps were all proven to NOT be death camps? Memba when Balfour promised Rothschild Israel? Memba Yinon plan? Do you 'memba? I 'memba. There are maybe 5% Hebrews in Tel Aviv.

>15 every 1.2 hours
So they were doing it 1 at a time, serially?
Shit, nigga everyone knows the gas chambers accommodated a hundred or so at a time.

It seems the 6 million number is bullshit and was out and about before WW1.
It seems the gassing of Jews in death camps is anti German propaganda.
However the Einsatzgruppen seem to be real and well documented.

Hur hur evidence this and that pro and con
Fact is Mongols killed 800.000 civiliziands in 1258 in a matter of days with just axes taking people shit and moving on.
While it took germans to kill 6 gorilians 5 years inside concentration camps that at best had only wire fences where they were fed and allowed to keep their shit
So all dem witness? In the industrial age, when you could have build a factory to chop people and burn them in just a couple of years OR you could have made it national wide legal to shot on sight ANY known jew. I personally find it retarded to keep the jew rats in camps, and gas like 2000 at a time and burn them ONE by ONE.
First off gasing 2000 people and those people KNOWING they are gonna die DONT rebel, dont do shit... well then the jew is the stupidest retarded faggots ever... Id rather get SHOT and fight together with 2000 and try to escape then hur dur get gassed...
If i refuse to go in the gas chamber... WAT ARE THEY GONNA DO?? SHOOT ME? ISNT THAT THE FUCKING POINT
fact of the matter is abuses of german officinals, german police, and some generals were real. All those deaths 1.2 milion jews are due to the german supply lines being bombs, and disses spreading throught the camps.
The fact that camps had ovens was to FUCKING burn their filthy fucking cloths and prevent and also to burn some who died from diseses and starvation.
Otherwise if the german nation actually wanted to kill 6 milion jews, they would have done it in less then a year.

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Read up on eastern front, read online about Majdanek camp.
Then go to Poland, go to library and research what really happened.
Germans killed jews in Lublin ghetto where this camp was located, that is true.
But camp was established later and grew in size with russian POWs.
It had one small crematorium, one delousing chamber, typhus epidemic and thousands of malnourished Russians.
Holohoax happened but its blown out of proportions.
Kikes are trying to claim every single war casualty for political purposes.
Netenyahu gets gibs from Germany and says Hitler did nothing wrong.
Poland refuses gibs and kikes scream about polish death camps.
Go figure

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GUESS WHAT NIGGA. If six garillion mufukahs was mad into ash the amount of gas chambers is irrelevant to the ability to turn bones to ash. Dem germanic niggas would have needed 29 years to dust out all six gariillion poor joos. Math can help you my niggggaaaaaa

Depends what you mean by "the holocaust", doesn't it? Are we including the Holocoaster, the wanking machines, and the floor-mounted electro-Jew-tor?

It's not about the killing.
It's about killing with gas and burning them to ashes.


So they can kill 25 million Russians without doing anything and can’t industrially slaughter 6 million Jews?

There are plently of witness of jews in contraction camps, that spielberg had interview with and some say that they had jobs, they had soccer matches, they traded with people from outside the camps
But nobody talks about what the jews in germany before all this happen.

The jews have been hur during about 6 milion since 1800s

World Almanty from that time shows that the jewish population didnt drop by 6 milion

Germany wanted to relocate most of the jews via Havaar agreement and Madagascar plan.
But towards the end of the war they couldn't maintain supply lines in a war they would have lost anyways.

>wants to holocaust the jews and other subhumans
>has plans to relocate jews especially to THEIR anscetral homeland but also Madagascar. berlin prostitution 1921&source=bl&ots=Pas2jDGadJ&sig=H1S1KAZuLEkKoHscVh958nPf3wE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjVo9mypsbbAhWGNJoKHW7-BOAQ6AEIUzAM#v=onepage&q=germany berlin prostitution 1921&f=false

Nobody talks about what the jews did to germany, either via the zionist goys like churchil to fuck germany economically because of muh 1st world war

or the jews who owned the banks, media and brothels in germany.
While the german people suffered, as bread went up 5 trilion PRECENT, the jews were enjoy good lifes, fucking 12 year old slavs girls in brothels
Telling me is ok to be gay and to bend over and suck jewish cock...

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Who cares. It's been pushed enough the general population will never be sure.

Regardless of if it was real or fake, the only living people who had actual involvement are almost dead. Modern Germans don't need to pay for it, and modern jews have no claim of victimhood over it.

If it hadn't been attached to Germany's expansion nobody but extremists and history buffs would care today, similar to other genocides in history both true and false.


Pretty sure the 25 million dead commies didn't disappear afterwards.
Good thing too, or the starvation figure would be even higher.

Who do you mean by "they"? And I'm not saying that it would be impossible to kill six million people, but it didn't happen.

There is literally 0 hard evidence that suggests that 6 million Jews were gassed with Zyklon B.

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>In an industrial germany
Wouldn't it have been MORE efficient to faster to make a factory setup where you feed in jews and at the end you have "ashes"
Convert a simple tank factory, have a big molten iron oven, and melt them in molten iron with converyer belts

I just made a system that is more efficient then nazi germany... hur dur im smart and shit

That's specifically murrican thing.
Like concentration camps were liberated by both soviet and allied forces and there is a plenty of docs to back that up.
Problem is that the number 6 millions is obviously incorrect and jews generally lied as much as they could to gain more victim points, so wandering researcher occasionnaly finds litteral bullshit wrapped in holocaust meme so it's no surprise that someone thinks it's just all s big lie.
If you combine it with obvious jewish agenda in american society and media it's kinda logical thing to a rightwinger or antisemite to deny holocaust completely as a marker of his views.

Actually intelligent people capable of data analysis are sure. Its ok if you are not. We have a cookie for you.

get deprogramed

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Don't forget the five million other non-people who are also alleged to have been exterminated, as well.

Goddamit, ive been avoiding the holohoax rabbithole redpill.

Why did i click this thread


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cool pic

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Israel is asking for 2.0

Guys we are asking the wrong question here. What about the 6 Gorillion foreskins that have been taken from goy for the jewess nose job? We need to found a nation state and a central bank and media outlets for our withered and repurposed foreskins to return to ZION!

That would make great blotter art.

I actually make art from old war pictures. Make them a e s t h e t i c because im edgy.

I'm fine with it either way.
Germany's mistake was trying to maintain expansion after the blitz and invading a country/population like Russia before winter.

Rude to talking about someone who died defend their homeland.

what do you mean?

Someone may talk shit about dead brits in ww2 too. Also Britain need to be great again.

Holy triples!

Why is the holocaust, as part of an ongoing war, more important than the genocide of innocent ethnical germans after the surrender?

I'd be pissed if commies got a shitload of my people killed as well. There's brave, and then there's stupid.

I agree, but this will be the last time.

>more important than the genocide of innocent ethnical germans after the surrender?
You forgot nuking japs m8. War is hell and germans open it and japs, No way in hell you guys whould win against whole world.

>Hello, Jow Forums so I realize a lot of you think the Holocaust was fake, and im genuinely curios as to why you think that.
No you dont, you're one of those religious desert niggers thats doing a barometer check on your shilling efforts.

Hitler still hasnt done anything wrong, according to Jow Forums