Croatian Paliment is something you must see

>HDZ is Cuckservative party(Socialist economy) created by ex commies and is corrupt to its core you wouldnt belive it

>SDP Renamed after collapse of YU from Communist Party of Croatia, also corrupt

>HNS Is party that always goes in pre-election coalition with SDP and
>their program is basicaly LGBT, abortion and deffending communism
>more corrupt than both above and they get under 1% of vote(this is probably last time they will get any seats)

>HDS-HSLS-HDSSB they all were in pre-election coalitions with other parties
>not interesting

Short explanation on minorities in croatian Parliment
They have 8 guaranteed seats no matter the vote they get (some of them have under 1000 votes)

>SDSS this is serbian party they get 3 guaranteed seats
>6 independents that support goverment are 5 from minorities seats

>BM 365 Basicaly local mafioso who is major of capital city
>litteraly wastes money (Croatian economy is centralized money is Distributed from capiital city) on social benefits and such

>MOST is newly created center right party, that is first relevant Capitalist party that croatia ever seen

>ŽZ(Human shield) are Nationalist social democrats, they are always talking about georg soros banks, ISrael... Against EU and NATO
>(They had 8 seats at start but some of them went to other parties)

>the rest are also all from pre-election coalitions

Polls from few days ago give
HDZ- 24%
no other party have more than 3%

Now timeline
HDZ gets most votes goes in coalition with MOST, MOST demands some reforms and stuff HDZ stall and stall, MOST leaves goverment and demand new electrions
HDZ starts buying seats left and right buys 1 guy from ŽZ buys 1 independent Buys whole HNS, witch resould in more people leaving goverment than they got.(Christians and Conservatives)
HDZ doubles down buys BM 365 (the persident of that party was triled for corruption and stuff) they get him off
Basicaly HDZ pays off Loans to one guy and he gives them support

Attached: Capture.png (277x608, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


After HDZ gets somhow majority of 76

People starts gathering signatires for refferendum that would limit voting rights of minority PM's (they wont be able to vote on Budget and Goverment majority)
Also they want to chose People by names from now on and not by Party lists

HDZ SDP and all other parties except MOST and ŽZ start to bombard them that they are fascist etc etc
>If you wonder why did SDP attack refferendum, its becouse Minorities are always the one that gives their votes to goverement, they were in every single goverment in last 26 yrs
there simply isnt enough votes for thease 2 parties to get majority without those 8seats

Fast foward to now
We got enought signatures (10% of total population in 2 weeks) they are now trying to preeamptivly change election system and refferendum system

The lenghts this goverment are going to stay in power is just amazing

And all that to safely get us into Eurozone

Attached: narod-odlucuje-vodice.jpg (1600x1200, 442K)

Even a president supported refferendum, and she is from HDZ

Its sick how they rape this parliment system she is probably so ashamed

Attached: slider_mala.jpg (650x375, 60K)

Who should I vote for

also HDZ and SDP local politicians Forbbid collecting of signatures in some cities and in other cities they demand that Refferendum innitiative must pay for using of public space (while gathering sigantures on private propety is forbiden)
Only for collecting in capital city we had to pay 80 000 Euros for using public space

All in the name of European values

Attached: eh_logo_protecting_freedom_0.jpg (384x245, 53K)

I alredy decided to Vote for ŽZ in Europaliment elections and probably for MOST in LOCAL elections

Isnt žz a meme though?

Well isnt EU parliment a meeme also?

I cant wait to see Pernar mocking EU politicians

Attached: H20170120012970-e1485340468350.jpg (1024x715, 134K)

good point

Is there any BASED party? OURGUYS? ZZ? MOST?

>SDSS is a Serbian party

Živi Zid

20% of serbs in croatia vote for her and rest vote for national lists, so basicaly serbs have alwayss 3 seats no matter what and they get to vote twice...

muh oppresion
MOST is ok
ŽZ is extreemly anti EU and Nato but are socialist and i am fucking sick of soclialist economy i just want to keep my money ffs


This is their campaign commercial.

Seems pretty Balkanized

wait for next elections no party will get 20%

user I see rainbow . Are croatians first 100% gay nation ?

Attached: 2000px-Rainbow-diagram-ROYGBIV.svg.png (2000x1000, 112K)

When we hanging the crypto-commies? We need a day of the rope to cleanse the politics of not just Croatia, but all of ex-yu.

Attached: 34064692_869512406573504_686780277246132224_n.jpg (496x640, 39K)

Hvala for the rundown Ivan.
Perfect summary of who does what and where they are placed.

Pavelic is worst politician in our history. singlehandedly destroyed Croatian centrist and right wing

Also puppet that is alone responsible for croatia loosing its land in bosnia.
shares responsability for Bleiburg massacre

Np i will prob post this in the evening to get a bit better discussion
Also not Ivan

Attached: banovina-hrvatska-1-638.jpg (638x479, 93K)

I would recommend Hasanbegović but he strands no Chance.

Therefore ŽZ. They are the only somehow normal party

I suggest to you to get a job and you will change your position

Hasanbegovic will go with HDZ on next elections couse Plenkovic wont be Leader of HDZ by that time

ŽZ says that they would lower taxes and raise Pensions and welfare and stuff (unrelaistic)

We need to Fucking Privatize Mirovinski Fond and everithing else (i would leave Helt insurance for now)
If i am paying 1500 HRK to Pension found and i will be paying for it next 40+yrs till 67(avg lifelenght is 72) basicaly i get pension of 3000 for 5 years like WTF?????

I would rather place that money in bank and see the world when i get old
And our Pension found is not amkeing profit they are loosing money ... ffs they invested in agrokor our Pensions

We need propper Capitalist Party thats the only way out of this

I only want to hold money i earned

The only way out i see for now is for refferendums to start cutting funding to NGO's and political parties and more voting by names nad not by parties

Is that a muzzie name?
What's the deal with Stipe Radić? When I go back to Croatia I see he gets a lot of love, who does that really come from? The left? The right? Everyone?

I have a student job already. Privatisation is bad. You should support protectionism and and merchantilism instead.

Also I doubt Hasanbegović would do that. HDZ is at the moment a death party

You meen stijepan radic?
the guy who got assassinated in 30'?

He was great politician He was Lets say Libertarian and was Nationalist (Everyone wants to claim him) His succesor was Vladko Maček who was also great guy but he refused Hitlers offer to becvome Head of NDH (Couse he wanted soverign Croatia)

Let me explain something to you we have corrupt politicians becouse they have opportunity to be corrupt, they chose head of national firms in fucking parliment
And than they start to employ people who vote for them to hold them hostage all that on money from people who work in private sector

And when you have those people working in public sector ofc it will be nonefficient

Privatization is the only way

Every nation have just as much corruption as they have opportunity to be corrupt

He will mark my words he can eventualy get 1 seat if he goes alone (in Zagreb)
Eventualy can get 2 seats of Diaspora (if glasnovic goes with him)

>Is that a muzzie name?
Yeah but the guy is based. He is aware Bosniaks are a pseudonation.

He was the leader of the agrarian party which was primarno voted by Croats back in the 1920 and 30s. He was left-wing and even symphatised with Soviet Union. Got killed in parlament by a Serbian radical and after that he got a cult status.

He is overrated in my opinion as the guy was a oportunist as well

Thank you for the info guys. Much appreciated. I have family in Osijek, I feel I can't ask them anything about history or politics without a heavily biased answer.

He was a capitalist
What are you on about
The Agrarians were fucking first enemies of commies the first people commies were after

Dont you know what happened to them in every communist nation?

please tell me that they are not HDZ shills

I have one like that in my family and its fucking disgusting what mental gimnastics they need to do to support HDZ

hasanbegovic should be hanged, filthy hercegovian turkish inbred

Here is Radićs position and political acrions
>wished to abolish the monarchy and create a peasant republlic
>joined his party to the Peasant International, a Soviet sponsored organizations for Agrarian partiea
>because of this he was accused of being a commie
>some HSS members went to fight in Spain

From the position of the Yugoslav nationalist and Serbs he was indeed some leftist

It was only Maček that shifted his party to be more mainstream friendly

>Let me explain something to you we have corrupt politicians becouse they have opportunity to be corrupt, they chose head of national firms in fucking parliment
And than they start to employ people who vote for them to hold them hostage all that on money from people who work in private sector

And when you have those people working in public sector ofc it will be nonefficient

Privatization is the only way

Yeah of there are 80 millions people living in Croatia you would be right. We have a market of 4 millions and the firms can hardly compete with international one. Therefore we need another approach besides privatisation

Kapitalizam i privatizacija je najbolja stvar koja se može dogoditi Hrvatskoj. Dokaži da sam u krivu. Moj savjet je da ne možeš.

In his books his position is strongly for private propperty, when youa re fighting Serb nationalism ofc you will go on the othes side of spectrum to get support

HSS Partisans were executed at the end of war becouse they didnt want Communism

You are wrong
Capitalism always leads to lots of medium companies, state intervention leads to mega corporations like Agrokor

The State owned firmwill always be less efficent than private firm. and Capitalism is working even better for small nations than for big nations couse there is clearer choice. and people can easily control market and evaluate their product

The only system we never tried
but lets give socialism one more chance

THis was literrary really never tried.

Economy based on corporativism.

To je fasisticka ekonomija

Kapitalizam danas postoji samo u mikrodrzavama i nekim manjim drzavama do 10 miliona stanovnika

Ali svaka drzava ima kljucne djelove kapitalizma a to je privatno vlasnistvo

I sto drzava ima vise kapitalizma to je u boljem ekonomskom stanju, to je statistika

Pogledaj koje ekonomske mjere su poduzele zemlje koje imaju veliki ekonomski rast

Nema rasprave da boljitak zemlje dirktno povezan s razinom kapitalizma

Ša zato sam stavio fašistička ekonomija nije nikada ovdje implementirana kako treba. Korporativizam je dao dobre rezultate u Austriji i Italiji. Znaš li primjerice da je austrijska Volksbanka osnovana kao vlasništvo zadruge koruških seljaka?

Hrvatska ima premalo tržište za pizdarije koje pričaš. Naše firme bezobziro koliko ti njih htio privatizirati nemaju šanse se natjecati sa strancima.

A da bi neka firma u Hrvatskoj uspjela, treba se širiti na strana tržišta. Jedino tko je u tome do sada uspio je Milnar, ali jbg ne može jedan Milinar pokrivati uplaćivati porez za cjelokupnu RH.

new member of žz here.

promising, solid dudes in it, pernar is over the top but watever. they are naive about foreign politics.

Attached: zivizid.jpg (780x222, 30K)

I u fasistickoj ekonomiji imaju elementi kapitalizma i to je onaj dio koji je pokrece

U svakom slucaju je bolja od socialisticke

To da je nase trziste premalo je glupost jer trziste nije pogonjeno radnikom nego idejom ako imas dobru ideju trziste ce to prepoznati

Koja je razlika izmedu firme koja je drzavna i koja je privatna?
Zbog cega bi drzavna firma mogla biti konkurentna a privatna ne? (I btw u fasistickoj ekonomiji su korporacije privatne, agrokor ti je primjer takve ekonomije)

>Naše firme bezobziro koliko ti njih htio privatizirati nemaju šanse se natjecati sa strancima.

to uopće nije istina, razlog zbog kojeg nisu kompetativne su totalna korupcija.
u hrvatskoj jos postoji tradicija proizvodnje, treba ju samo obnovit i kontrolirat krkandiju koja potkrada (ljevica ima svoje probleme, ali potkradanje nije njen opsu operandi, to dolazi od desnice).

The only thing i like about ŽZ is the foregin policy.

Not so much Anti americanism tho

I liek the ideo of leaving EU

The Pro russianism is stupid they are fighting against LNG terminal witch woulc be good thing for croatia, they are litteraly putting russian interest first

>The only thing i like about ŽZ is the foregin policy.

>The Pro russianism is stupid

make up your mind then. Pernar literally just sees the bad sides of americanism and thinks russians and serbs are our friends. totally naive.

ja uopce nemogu razumiti zasto on misli da je drzavna firma sposobna izvoziti a privatna ne?
pa sve sto drzavna firma radi radi losije nego sto bi radila privatna

Well I like the idea of Neutrality and Soverignity
Witch they preech
But than sometimes i think that their idea of neutrality is Russia

First step is leaving EU secound getting our shit with neighbours dine and than we can leave NATO and just stay out of the worlds bussiness
Economywise ŽZ is like WUT

Why are you in ŽZ if you dont like FP

THe foreign policy is the only thing what attracts me to them.

>Why are you in ŽZ if you dont like FP

zaustavili su porez na nekretnine prijetnjom o referendumu.

>First step is leaving EU secound getting our shit with neighbours dine and than we can leave NATO and just stay out of the worlds bussiness

its not that simple.

>u hrvatskoj jos postoji tradicija proizvodnje, treba ju samo obnovit i kontrolirat krkandiju koja po
Zapravo sama proizvodnja nema toliko veze s tim. Postoje mnogi faktori o kojima se nema pojma

Recimo, možemo složiti da recimo sokovi Pipi su bolji i kvalitetniji od Koka kole ili nekog švapskog gaziranog pića.

Međutim, za razliku od Pipi Cola ili švapska gazirana pića iza sebe imaju lobistiku i podršku svojih vlada, EU ili nekoga sličnog. Pipi nažalost nema

Varteks proizvodi bolju i kvalitetniju odjeću od kineskih uvoznih odjeća. Ali jbg upravo zato što su jeftini uništava Varteks.

Dakle, kao što vidiš nije problem u proizvodnji već ima još dodatnih faktora.

Sada bi ti ovo malo kaj je ostalo dao privatizirati, čime bi se još više riskiralo da li bi uopće opstali.

Imaš još na umu ovo. Tradicionalna tržišta za hrvatske proizvode je uvijek bila Rusija i Istočna Europa. Zbog šugave EU mi moramo Rusima nabijati sankcije i carine.

A ta ista EU i Zapadnjaci ne žele kupovati naše proizvode.

I cant understand where are they economicaly they want huge welfare state and they also want to cut taxes??? that doesnt work like that

Not simple but that is longterm goal

Which party is ourguys?

Sokovi PIPI se neprodaju jer ih ljudi nekupuju... ja osobno popijem vise PIPIja nego KOLE, vecina ljudi ne jer im je kola bolja njihov izbor... nemozes ljudima zabraniti da piju kolu

Ti si doslovno ko oni sto se zalazu da se pornjici zabrane a svaki dan ih gledaju

Ako zelis da varteks uspije kupuj njihove proizvode ako su bolji kupuj ih

to se zove trziste bolji prizvod pobjeduje

What do you consider /ourguys/

>I cant understand where are they economicaly they want huge welfare state and they also want to cut taxes???

true, I think they are libertrian leaning at heart. The welfare state talk is either just PR or Pernars unleashed autism.


to je moćna tvornica, a de ne spominjem građevinsku industrija od nekada... privatizacija je načelno bolja od drzavnog trzista ALI ne treba s njom biti naivan jer se često pod privatizaicijom prodaje kriminal, recimo ovako: treba ciljati na privatizaciju ako me kužiš.

Right wing, not too liberal, not libertarian, anti immigration

>to se zove trziste bolji prizvod pobjeduje
Onda dakle možemo se složiti da naše firme ne mogu konkurirati stranim i da stoga moramo nešto bolje smisliti nego da se odmah sve privatizira?

Kaj se tiče Pipija ja nisam niti siguran ima li ovdje kupiti u Zagrebu. Ne sjećam se kada sam zadnji put naišao na to.

>to se zove trziste bolji prizvod pobjeduje

to sto pričaš je sranje. bolji proizvod ne pobjeđuje, nego pobjeđuej onaj koji je pobjedio

razlog zbog kojih imamo toliko kineskih sranja na trzistu su niske uvozne tarife za sranje i visoke tarife za izvoz. tvoja usporedba nema veze s slobodnim trzistem.

Zapad=slobodno trziste

to je kao da igras utakmicu s timom koji nije na steroidima protiv tima koji je


Svaki covjek ima koristi od jeftinih proizvoda
Ali opet sladoled od leda je duplo skuplji a opet ga kupujem jer mi je deset puta ukusniiji
omjer kvalitete i cijene

npr ja znam neke ljude koji se bave proizvodnjom sira i mesa znaci seljaci imaju 50 ovaca i 10 hrava
zive ok od toga za dobar proizvod se nade kupac

Kina je vise kapitalisticka nego zapad, pa oni uopce nemaju nikakve regulacije na proizvodnju
I treca stvar je opsjednuti smo proizvodnjom, a proizvodnja je proslost Dizajn i IT su buducnost
Radije ostavi proizvodnju u kini a ne da meni zagaduje zrak

>Kina je vise kapitalisticka nego zapad, pa oni uopce nemaju nikakve regulacije na proizvodnju

trkeljaš gluposti, napusti sahranu.
odi na ebay, naruci nesto iz Kine i pogledaj cijenu shippinga. Njihova vlada plaća skoro svu poštarinu.

>a proizvodnja je proslost Dizajn i IT su buducnost

a, to je znaci (((put buducnosti))). nitko nista ne proizvodi i svi samo programiramo i bogatimo se? koliko je to odrzivo? koliko mudro?
postoji li ijedan primjer uspjesnog drustva koji nije imalo jak primarni sektor?
pogledaj oko sebe, postajemo siromasniji, ne bogatiji.

>proizvodnja je proslost Dizajn i IT su buducnost

jos ne mogu vjerovat da si napisao ovakvu pizdariju. ted talk level autizma.

>proizvodnja je proslost Dizajn i IT su buducnost

proizvodnja je JEDINA garancija autonomije naroda. dizajn, IT, odvjetnici, ekonomisti, liječnici, uč nadogradnja, mi trenutno (kao i sav zapadni svijet) imamo nadogradnju a nemamo bazu, zato i je svaki drugi posao totalno umjetno stvoreno radno mjesto.

>postajemo siromasniji a ne bogatijia
Evo gledam i cinimise da svaka obitelj zivi 10 puta bolje nego prije 10, 20,40 godina

Mislim da smo opsjednuti proizvodnjom u smislu da imamo fetis na proizvodnju i tesku industriju
U svakom drustvu treba biti primarnog sektora ali ne kao pokretac ekonomije, ali ne kao sto je to u kini ili kao sto je bilo u jugoslaviji

Firme koje nisu konkurentne jednostavno trebaju propasti. treba stvari pustiti da idu prirodnim putem i jednostavno bez drzavnog intevencionizma

To reci americi kojoj proizvodnja cini mislim 7-14% industrije

to sto si ti napisa ja mogu svesti na jos jednu razinu ispod

lov i ribolov su jedina garancija autonomije naroda, sve ostalo metalurgija, rudarstvo, bravarstvo, strojarstvo sve su to nadogradnje

>mi trenutno (kao i sav zapadni svijet) imamo nadogradnju a nemamo bazu

...što znači da nas drže za jaja.

>Oh, ne daš nam lakše tarife za uvoz? OK, nećemo ti proizvoditi ništa. Sretno s (((programiranjem))) u javascriptu!

obrnuto ne slijedi.

>To reci americi kojoj proizvodnja cini mislim 7-14% industrije

i amerika je bogatija sada s plastičnim toyotama i visokim cijenama kuća nego dok su drilali cadilacove napravljene od ČELIKA i kupovali kuće za kikiriki 1950-ih?

amerika tada nije morala placati socialu 30% njihovog stanovnistva
s svakom socialnom mjerom su postajali sve siromasniji

I btw japanski auti su miljama isprid americkih po svemu

>amerika tada nije morala placati socialu 30% njihovog stanovnistva

socijala je kikiriki za drzavni budzet. grdo izgleda, ali je kikiriki.
bez proizvodnje nemas nista, 1950ih bio je protekcionizam i drilaj, neda kina čelika i plastike? nema problema, imamo svoje. nemas struje za uvoz? nema problema imamo svoje...itd.

stari moj, cigle se danas uvoze. cigle.

>I btw japanski auti su miljama isprid americkih po svemu


ah kako je prije sve bilo bolje... nas kad bi s tim protekcionizmom moga kupiti mobitel za 2000kn? ili tv koji danas mozes kupiti za 3000?
ti bi danas zivija u slicnim uvjetima ko i 50 da nije bilo slobodne trgovine

inb4 da bar je ko 50ih

niko ti nebrani da otides ziviti na selo uzmes par krava i zivis samoodrzivo.... ah da drzava ti to brani....

>ah kako je prije sve bilo bolje

ja sam to rekao?

da sumiram-bez primarnog sektora, zaboravi na programiranje i IT.

bez ribolova zaboravi na industriju


ribolov je proizvodnja?

Who are the Croatian corrispondents of M5s and Lega?