Why does every populist movement in the West have such close ties to Russia?
Why does every populist movement in the West have such close ties to Russia?
because you suck your own dick to completion before bed
It's quite telling that prior to the 2008 primary there was only a slight difference in white support for the Democratic and Republican parties. After the inauguration of Barack Obama that quickly skewed to a 15-point gap, as a bunch of white people came to realize that if there was one thing they couldn't stand it was a black person in the White House. This of course gave rise to the great lie that it was Democrats "pandering" and "race politics" that was the real problem, as though the party that whites, blacks, hispanics, gays, and other minorities had all decided represents their best interests was actually the bigots, and better yet...they hate white people! The 60% of the Democratic party that is white probably doesn't agree, but what do they know? They let a black man be president, clearly they're brainwashed.
Democrats don't hate white people, Republicans hate people of color, and the post-2008 infusion of racists only made it more extreme.
Russia is obviously funding many populist movements, and troll factories work for them.
Ryssia is most powerful country on Earth xa xa xa xa you western countrys xa xa xa you will break before the GREAT MIGHTY POWER of Ryssia xa xa xa this you can well believe
>democrats don't hate white people
>cut to joe Biden talking about how whites becoming an absolute minority is a good thing
Why does the media work so hard to tie every populist movement to muh russia?
If only it really was true, so Trump and Putin could team up and save the world from degeneracy and globalism.
Russia is a big country and semi-western. It's not in any way more surprising to have ties with them than with, say, Italians.
Anti-Russian sentiments among many western administrations is the shocking thing.
You are no match with your skinny leg men in MILITARY with WOMAN WEARING SHOES xaxaxaxaxa I BET SHE GIVE LOT OF HEAD
Russia has been funding groups that decrease the stability of western countries since soviet times. They're still playing that game, not necessarily solely the populist right wing, but any group that might weaken a country. Crackpot radicals and identity politics is the general trend.
Nice whataboutism
Because it's ok to have ties with russia, they are not evil villains like the jewish zionist world order has been trying to convince you for years now because russia is a threat to their jewish zionist world order.
>Democrats don't hate white people,
Farage, Orbán, Le Pen, Wilders, and Conte have all openly called for the sanctions against Russia to be lifted.
>posting le secret code word that absolves you of all hypocrisy and double standards
Russia can barely afford to pay its own workers and government, where are they getting the money to fund oversees workers
Read about the facebook advertising that's been in the news so much lately. They don't solely fund populist right wing fake news, but anything destabilising.
And this is a problem why?
Interesting that the militantly "anti-racist" political faction resorts to blatant xenophobia to try (and fail) to persuade people.
Case in point, the left wing push for Scottish and Catalan independence. Russia simply want to destabilise the west.
>They don't solely fund populist right wing fake news, but anything destabilising.
>literally Jow Forums with a budget
Do the russians make your neighbor's dog bark at night too?
Those populist nationalists don't want to be seen as being played by some other nation.
Proofs? Something really juicy and blatantly untoward?
You are using meme words wrong.
All of these leaders have ties to the US and other countries. You are the one singling out Russia because it's supposedly obvious for you, but there is no reason to single out Russia. I hope you don't reply with >muh Putin.
>the democratic party is home of ethno-masochistic white people
>how could a party with white people who hate themselves and niggers who hate all whites hate whitey
Gee, jew. I dunno. How is such a thing possible?
They're advocating the same country that sponsored an attempted political assassination plus deployment of chemical weapons on our own soil, in addition to other acts and measures hostile to the UK’s interests, have sanctions lifted against them, and now Trump wants them readmitted to the G7. It's fucking obvious.
my god...
>British Intelligence didn't try that lame non-poisoning and then cover it up
You should have heard the US outpost of the BBC doing back flips and somersaults trying to raise a fuss about that.
>sponsored an attempted political assassination
Oh noes, surely America or Britain would never do something like that! Gaddafi and Hussein and Bin Laden and Guevara and all the rest were just victims of innocent yardwork accidents.
>deployment of chemical weapons on our own soil
>rubbed some shit on some dude's car door handle
>almost certainly a false flag anyway
>other acts and measures hostile to the UK’s interests
plz stop ...just stop.Dont do this outright lying.
You are not on some boomer forum.
>Democrats don't hate white people
I don't know about ther countries, but in the case of the FN the estiblishment tricked the voting system so that they have very few elected officials. Few elected officials means not much public funds, while they still have the expenses of a major french party (with presidential campaigns costing between 10 and 20 million).
They turned toward french banks to loan money but of course (((they))) ended up refusing them any more loan. So they turned to whoever might lend them money : russian banks with ties to Putin. So if you want to complain about their ties to Russia, complain about those who put them in this situation.
Russia doesnt support the populists enough.
We need more russian support.
We need more jews whining about being beaten at their own game.
>We need more russian support.
This. Why doesn't Jow Forums get russian gibs? We'd be a thousand times more effective man for man and dollar for dollar than the lame russian shit they've been fearmongering about.
They owe us for that time we helped them bomb that ISIS camp...
(((Russia))) is funding populist movements to try and destabilize the west, leaning on the failure of capitalism and the old, corrupted leftist parties.
We will soon become Middle East 2.0
>We will soon become Middle East 2.0
That one's on you. Russia and the populists aren't the ones importing sandniggers by the millions.
There is a reason for this. During the Soviet era, they invested heavily on cultural subversion of the West. This, as we are all very aware of today, was extremely successful. Problem is, the Soviet Union fell. It went through some major unbalance until Vladimir Putin came to power. From the 90's to the 10's China's power rose from the bottom, to the top. A successful cultural subversion of the West, White Identity and culture, will in the end also mean the end of the Slavic people, as they are our kin. Putin, a former KGB saw this and had to plan for a long term game that would turn the, what would be, to what will be mutually beneficial for US, EU and Russia.
If the Soviet subversion program is successful, it will not only be the end of the West, but it will be the end of the White Race as a whole, including then of-course, Russia & Eastern Europe...
Further reading: Yuri Bezmenov
>From the 90's to the 10's China's power rose from the bottom, to the top
kek no they didn't
China is controlled by the offspring of the old communist party machinery elevated into power by family connections.
think kim jong fatass
that's basically china except even more autistic
Because the sanctions are stupid and only weaken Europe. Lifting them is the right thing to do.
Read what you answer to you imbecile, I did not write HOW China rose, I just stated that they did rise.
1800 is never coming back, whitey.
You sound upset, and you fucking should be.
The brown people are coming in legions. They are progressive as fuck. Your women can't help but fall deeply in love with them even when black and brown wipe their motherfucking feet on your bitches.
They will vote to give us half your shit.
They will shit out our kids.
They will twerk, they will learn Spanish, they will recite the hadith and join the courts. Then they will give total immunity to every black and brown who ever attack, thieve, and kill whitey on the streets.
How many blacks serve less than 90 days for killing white tourists in New Orleans? The answer is A FUCKING LOT because we completely own your court system there.
We get more revolving doors by the day to wage scorched earth war on you white fucking cucks. the hate speech laws are coming as soon as Dems are in.
There's fuck all you can do about your dying race.
This, Finland lost shit tons of money because those sanctions, personally I couldn't give a fuck if they BTFO some Krimean ass, I want more money.
Yeah, they worked real hard to make your e-celebs like Southron and the rest suck Putie's dick. It's just a coincidence that Trump wants Russia back the in the G-7! And Jow Forums is a board of peace!
Give it up. We all know you're shilling, you LARP Nazi
That's not how China rose to power. That was doing of the rat kike Henry Kissinger and the rest of his Jewish Cabal wanting to get China into the Jew World Order.
Were you educated in some kind of dirt poor Chinese school, fed arsenic, lead, melanin, and bad chink memes?
Don't remind me.
How dumb are you really? Or are you high on American research chemicals? Read, I did NOT write HOW China rose to power. I only stated that from the 90's to the 10's they went from having little real power to now having extreme power. Fucking idiot
They don't even have extreme power. What are you talking about?
They have extreme power in eating broccoli?
They have extreme power in making blaisians with African sluts?
>I called them nazis again xD
The have power in making GREEN CHINA EMERALD DRAGON BUFFET where for desert you can have a heaping spoon of whipped cream emptied out into a stainless steel pan on top of your jell-o cubes that were flavored with crushed up vitamin C pills?
Why does every communist movement in the West have such close ties to Soros?
Are they great in flip-flop collections?
(srsly tho do they like buy flip-flops at each tourist destination where they go to take all their stupid pictures and that's like supposed to be a sign of how well-traveled you are because you need a pile of like 100 different flip-flops next to the door so people who come to visit know you're really the big shit?)
Pro Liberals have ties to the US
Anti Liberals have ties to the Russia
Russia is the (only) premier anti liberal force. If the US had its way, everyone would accept liberal internationalism and nothing else would even be considered a la “end of history”.
Well, ITT I can tell who's clearly not eating enough broccoli. And who's from plebbit, maybe you should look into a spacing tutorial faggot?
>ahhh I pain my door red fora goo ruck an also it a coror i can pronous
Most Democrats are white themself. Does this means they are self-loath in?
You know what Chyna also recycled? The 9/11 tower steel beams!
>Why does every populist movement in the West have such close ties to Russia?
First question would be: Why do most Western governments hate Russia so much?
It's because they are Nationalists and they want a multi-polar world, the West wants one global uni-polar world.
Look at Poland for fuck sake, the moment they said fuck those immigrants and went to the right and got a more nationalistic government the EU started crying like a little baby about them.
The real question would be:
Why does every populist movement in the West want to restore relations with Russia?
It's because they don't want to be a globalist puppet like most of the West. they want to restore their National sovereignty and Russia already has that.
Whats going on here? I write a couple of sentences, then you flood the board. You clearly did not understand what I ment with what I wrote either. Perhaps I should write it again since you clearly have an agenda here more than just personal. Just to clearify, I was comparing China's regional power over Russia compared to the days of Soviets regional power. If you didn't know Russia and China are quite close. I was not comparing China vs US as its quite fucking clear US is top dog. I was stating that Yuri Bezmenov, his revelation of the Soviet subversion program of the West, has a backlash on Russia if it fails. Because, if the West dies in degeneracy, then Russia will not be able to face China
>reddit spacing
Random tip: accusing people of being shills because of 'reddit spacing' is just about the most obvious way to out yourself as a shill (or at least fucking desperate)
>China's regional power over Russia
Yeah those pete bogs are greate amirite. Is this your first day reading Brzeznski and Kissinger you toadal mongoloid?
Now, read what i wrote earlier with this in mind, and read fucking slowly before you sperg out flooding the board acting like a blueshare shill. Embarrassing..
You know what's embarrassing is you live alone and your mom doesn't have a daughter in law yet.
No dowry!
Anything is better than sperging out like you just did on a random imageboard. Even gay pride is less embarrassing than your sudden burst of keyboard-warrior ejaculation... If you got any interesting arguments against what I've said I am all ears, but doesn't really seem like you got anything
Merkel does that same hand gesture
The random imageboard is
This, succinct and to the point. Well done toothpaste user.
Why are you a faggot? Who knows
It used to be called Anime/Random btw but m00t thought we should be more tolerant of the chinese cartoons as well.
One of my favorites is "Mother, I want to go up to the mountains to break rocks and become a strong man and work for the government" or at least that's the English translation. This board is mainly for the discussion of the Chinese cartoons.
Because Russia seeks to divide and conquer, weaken the Western states. Easy enough.
So, nothing then? If you feel like it after you are done getting shit out of your system, feel free to give me some interesting reading. Always shit to look through pol to find some nuggets between all the shitposting, so if you got any nuggets when your done post them
I dunno, what do you want to read about? I read this book once about the terrible plight of a poor Chinese girl who had to smelt steel in the back yard to please Chairman Mao but then it turned out it was Chinese Steel and it wasn't useful for anything anyway, so the whole country turned from poor peasants living in dirt to communism and poor peasants living in dirt so they had to liquidate a lot of people and figure out you could make more money harvesting their organs instead.
Or are you asking about white people books?
That's how it was in Red China. You know it was Kissinger who masterminded the whole idea (because he was a Jew) to betray that Chang Kai-Shek and install communism with that Chinaman Mao guy instead.
He was a real revolutionary thinker.
I never said China was a good country, but because you choose to maintain the idea that I somehow support China because I said it competed with Russia we will clearly not get anything out of this anyways
And beside which, did you ever notice how Mao was all like fat and he hunched over all the time with that big bald head and that really Jewish haircut?
Why do they all look that way? Is it a communist consipracy?
It's hard to understand how the asian women get much out of all those small dicks anyway, but I guess that's why they go for the money instead.
Common ground and a common enemy?
watching Western politics is like watching a madhouse.
the current geopolitics are weird. I'm guessing that Russia is currently allying with China, to survive the current Western political leadership, while hoping it will eventually be replaced, and can then again ally with the West.
China is not an expansionist power, though. they've repeatedly been completely demolished by the Mongols, Jurchens, Japs etc. in military terms, they're nothing to fear. what's more frightening is their unparalleled lust for money, and lack of morals when it comes to pursuing technology (although currently I don't think Russia or America is any better in the latter regard). if anyone makes the Terminator films real, I bet it'll be China.
Who is going to pay for your gibs when whitey vanishes?
Who will develop and maintain the technology?
Who will grow the food to feed your mouths?
Don't you get it, you stupid fucking ape? Niggers are literally too stupid to build (much less maintain) advanced societies. If niggers were to win the race war, it would ultimately be a pyrrhic victory.
>China is not an expansionist power
Maybe not in Russia if there isn't any money and important technology and state secrets and real estate and mining operations there.
no I mean, have you read any Chinese history? any at all? they've always been stuck on the Pacific Coast, in between Tibet, Mongolia, and Central Asia.
based putler is giving them funding in exchange for concessions to Russia, probably. this is a standard activity. if anything western progressives deserve it for funding Lenin's activities in Russia.
Russia is the one siding with gooks, chinks and sandniggers. They all want to see the west on its knees.
aaaaaaaaand NOW THEY'RE NOT!
>what's more frightening is their unparalleled lust for money
>if anyone makes the Terminator films real
Kinda sounds like a kind of merchant I am aware of. I wonder how much influence jewry has in China
the Chinese are yellow jews, basically.
If they can destabilize the EU by any means, they'll do it.
>Wilders being the only one not acknowledging the new evidence for Russia's involvement in MH17 for sweet PutinGibs
It's betrayal of the country, if anything.
They study the ways of the Jew. Ever been to SE Asia? They tell you it's "communist" in school wew lad. It's the small business capital of the world.
Why do you think they got such a reputation for buying cheap chinese shit on ebay? These fucking people even tried to buy fucking like 2lb gold+silver chinese coins and shiet.
no, Jews are concerned about saving money, not making money. Jews have never been rich until the last 70 years or so. Chinamen are on a whole different level. read any old books about Westerners living in China. or talking to anyone without a political correctness filter that trades with Chinamen today. particularly the small-to-medium sized merchants, not the big state-owned corps, which are more reliable.
as for making Terminator real, I know there's a lot of Jews working at these tech firms in the Bay Area and Boston, but I don't know how much are working on AI and robotics. that'd be something to look into.
>saving money
m8 did you just get reanimated out of an old burnt-out commieblock or smth?
>but I don't know how much are working on AI and robotics. that'd be something to look into.
m8 that's what I do for a living. Would you like to take a big fat wild guess how many fucking jews there are?
ever meet a Jew? or read old stories? usury was one of the only ways they could (or wanted to) make money. you don't get rich when you don't have land or a diversified skillset, even if your one-trick pony is a hell of a pony. plus they were often deported and had to start all over again.
Why does every leftist movement in the West have such close ties to jews?
you need to get out of that industry to save your soul. I'm not saying the Mark of the Beast will come out of there, it'll be pushed on those people working in that industry first. and most will embrace it.
>no, Jews are concerned about saving money, not making money
Maybe we have a language barrier here, Igov Igomirovich, but "making money" is LITERALLY what the Jews do. They invent it out of nothing and loan it out at interest. It has nothing to do with savings, except for the goyim; the goyim need to put the Chosen Money back in the savings bank so (((they))) can loan out even more money for interest, yes, yes!