Here is a tale on how to not do politics

Here is a tale on how to not do politics
>germany 2018
>14 (jewish) girl get enriched by muslim (6 hours of rape with deadly end). just part and parcel.
>he flees to Iraq with whole family (lol)
>Afd surprises the lower house with a minute of silence
>left wing parties shit their pants, autistic screeching and applause for sperg out by the green president.

you will never see worse optics than this. this is literally the bottom of the barrel

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Other urls found in this thread:

Her reaction was ugly and autistic, but Afd doing a surprise minute of silence is also mostly just a power move. It's coercion using social conventions and the lefty broke the convention.
So not my kind of political game play either.

politics is all about optics. welcome to real life

no, its better to do things in an optical way

What was she saying?

They are doing everything possible to enrage people and cause chaos. In any situation, they they choose the option that fires up anger or at least prolongs the tension so they can heap on more fuel. Why do you think the EU doesn’t work and yet is so inflexible at the same time.

you can translate in Youtube, but the cunt was calling out a point of order that they should follow the programme.

This is not what our discussion is about

since your not talking im cutting your time short,

Someone from the cuck partys should come up and talk

>we should continue with the order of the day
>do you have something to say or i'm going to call the next speaker
>i call the next speaker from the SPD
>i urge you to leave the speaker's desk

>i can't understand German

was there any MSM coverage of this? any kind of outrage?

He will pay for this insolence

2D optics

only problem is that the Greens have full media control so it doesn't really matter what happens

idk i haven't watched tv in the last days, as far as i can tell there are some articles but that's it.

>the Greens have full media control

holy shit poltards are fucking retarded



Fuck criminal migrants/muslims. They deserve a fucklot of bad things happening to them. But AfD shouldn't pull cliché moves like this, because we all know it's just to upset and provoke the other inbred cucked parties. In the longer run AfD would attain higher public status by always being the sensible and modest party.

>instrumentalize such an event for politricks
is always ugly, no excuses

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Oh so Jow Forums is trusting polls when it suits their agenda?

Jow Forums truly is the nigger of Jow Forums :^)


Green party is the leading political affliction of journalists in Germany mate

it's fair game to pull something like this, the parliament shouldn't be a children's birthday party which brought to this misery in the first place

>Green party is the leading political affliction of journalists in Germany mate

Yeah that's why they did so well in the last election, eh? Because they LITERALLY CONTROL the entire media :^)

>it's another "Jow Forumscels embarrass themselves" empisode


there was a recent study that is the case literally in every single western country

with google translater:
>Yesterday, the first results of a Danish study were published that examined the political attitudes of media professionals in 17 developed countries, including Switzerland. The aim was to check whether journalists are in fact mostly politically left wing, as they are accused now and then. The study is based on individual country studies that have been consolidated into one overall study and compares the political attitudes of editors with those of the population. The data from Switzerland comes from a recent survey by, which interviewed 332 journalists.
>The first results of the Danish study underline the widespread prejudice. Most often, journalists are close to green ideologies, followed by feminism. There are on average three times as many Greens and feminists in the editorial offices as in the rest of the population. In third place is social liberalism, followed by communism and a pro-European stance. These three attitudes are twice as common in the media as in the population. The rarest is a national conservative attitude. It is around six times more likely to be represented in the population than journalists.

you sound fucking retarded and/or drunk

>you sound fucking retarded and/or drunk

That's because the Greens control Germany's alcohol supply!


you seem like a fucking idiot mate. time to stop posting

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>Her reaction was ugly and autistic, but Afd doing a surprise minute of silence is also mostly just a power move. It's coercion using social conventions and the lefty broke the convention.
It absolutely is. It's surprise attacks like this that you have to be ready for politically.

>So not my kind of political game play either.
So your kind of political game is the one you lose? There's no such thing as "upstanding gentlemanly politics", this is the real world, not a naive anime fantasy. What AFD are doing works.


>holy shit poltards are fucking retarded
says the poltard

wait, I guess it's true

Thanks for agreeing with me

Many of us actually have the rationality to evaluate polls and statistics from time to time. For instance, only a fool would belive the massive misleading US-election prognosis giving Hillary a 90% win chance. It does not mean we are cherry picking (of course some people here do that), but that we think.

don't bother, he's a retarded faggot troll

>Guys, I'm so rational and shit, I evualuate polls and statistics!
>but only from time to time!

I'm so impressed :^)

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the hell is your problem fucktard?

The AfD will do their jobs too well one day and get banned.

wtf, they don't look white

Ah, he's turkish.

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he's a self proclaimed gay bavarian but everybody knows already that he's really a larping turkish troll



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Like I said: AfD should act better than the rest. Cheap politricks only get you a short leap forward. In the longer run it pays off to act like the better part, the grown up.

>looks at the flag

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Because the media reported her rape and murder originally as a horrible antisemitic act done by "youths". It got leaked that a perp fled to Iraq and they could no longer claim they were German.

True dat

>if you coerce your enemy, your enemy wins

No they shouldn't. Once they hit 25% Merkel will ban them anyway. What they do now by lowering the bar makes it easier for the real NatSocs who will come after the AfD is banned.

The local Rabbi confirmed it

Jow Forums can formulate an argument and is reduced to impotent rage

typical lmao

it doesn't matter if the move was calculated. all that matters is that old parties stop having a comfy job where nothing ever stresses them out. i hope afd will only attract the most annoying people in germany who will then enter there and annoy the hell out of old parties.
they don't deserve chilled opponents, i want them to have unbearable, annoying opponents.

funny fact: the mother (or father) shared a post by the identitarian movement about the murder. it's like the perfect storm

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Jews are the most disgusting form of life on this planet, they have no problem sacrificing a few of their own to get their 2,800 goyim slaves.

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the real JQ is the Journalist Question.

Yeah, that one minute of silence really broke the whole order even if he used his time to address it. Next time a migrant get's killed by some nazi the AfD should scream austisticly .

afd is in german youtube trends every week now

this idiot german sperging out in the thread like a child

probably an intern from the schulz campaign. the same that run r/schulz

we can come to paris and teach you a second time

>this idiot german sperging out in the thread like a child


When will Bfn2G3wA apologize for his or her unacceptable behavior?

>t. newfag

what did she mean by this

That stupid cunt couldn't just shut the fuck up for one minute? How hard is that? Just give them a minute and move on. How have you not Louis XVI'ed your leaders, Germany?

>video is in German

Your military is a joke, you're not storming anything.

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Uhm maybe because murder is illegal? If you like breaking the law so much, maybe you should move back to Somalia

Oh we will SWEEP you off your feet :^)

bratwurst bratwurst gas the kikes lick mir am arsch

god damnit carlos

What manner of irradiated Hills Have Eyes Shitthole did this creature crawl out of

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AfD rustled all their jimmies and exposed those clowns for what they are with such a simple, harmless move. All those nervous feet shuffling like they are some sort of bamboozled kindergarten kids. Germany truly is a glorified banana republic now. Sad!

Are germans white? He looks paki tbqh

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You fucking cuck.
Our refugees can break the law, kill you and your family and only get 2 years of "reading the quran in the prison" because they didn't know that killing kuffars is illegal in Goimany (it isn't though)

>He looks paki tbqh

I think that's Alice Weidel's lesbo wife, she's from Sri Lanka.

>only get 2 years of "reading the quran in the prison"

uhm source?

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>can’t even mop up!

You are the worst poster ever. So is illegal border crossing (obviously illegal) and enforcing international laws results in catch 22(google it). Also what is legal and what is not is determent on the politics that enforce the law. For example if raped you and I am an opressed muslim faggot I will probably be let loose sooner than if I was an ethnic european faggot. You westerners have been employing double standards for some time now and your hypocrisy is finally catching up to you. In the near future you will either A) be forced to immigrate to poland B)get raped or/and killed by a muslim C) Killed for being a massive faggot either by your future nazi government or by your future muslim government.

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Its actually a really smart move. You don't like winning? Be CHAD for once mate

are you fucking retarded?

>You are the worst poster ever.

I'm literally the best poster ever. Deal with it. Your lies have no power here.

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>those comments
Germany awakens

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>getting baited by a turk

I lived here for 2 years now. Germans are huge pussies man. Their women are so fucking naive and easy. I see germans getting cucked left and right they just don't have any game. It's so fucking amazing to be a minority in germany. You get everything paid for and women are falling for you without you doing anything. Funniest thing is all that white power cuck trash never getting any puss while watching their whole country getting cucked. Get with the future white boys.

This.. Frauke Petry was modest. She wanted to fire Höcke, Poggenburg. In the polls she had 11%.
Alice Weidel is more edgy. And the polls are rising 16%

Don't listen to this liar, he's clearly got an agenda. They don't get 2 years in prison, they get 2 years of probation.

Lol thanks german bro

While we are at it, I found out about her on /pol, is she considered hot in Germany?

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oh my Christ you're such gigantic faggot

>boasting about himself with a random pic
The recent news on migrants sentenced properly were when a EU official's daughter was killed.

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>they were instructed to deal with it
>they fail to deal with it

I'm embarrassed for you.

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Meanwhile in Austria

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Meanwhile in Austria

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Großösttereich when?

>conducting politics over the dead body of a Jewish rape victim.

AfD is a pretty cool guy.

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Fuck off.

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>triggered koala cuntfucker


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Yeah ? Is that why Ahmed is dealing with your women instead of you ?

>Is that why Ahmed is dealing with your women instead of you ?

I know right? What do they have that I don't? I want Ahmed to deal with me too :^)

germans dont have problems digging up far-right crimes from 25 years ago and parade it around to paint a picture of how far-right extremism is still hurting and dividing germany today
not excusing the criminals but bringing crimes from 25 years ago to present day to politicize it and form an argument is showing how the german liberal government is grasping at straws feverishly
there was a big memorial day a few week ago
and yet the victims of the multiculturalism is ignored completely
thanks mutti

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