Forget about WW3, vulcan, climate change. We are all going die because BEES.

Yes, all bees around the world are dying. What this means? COLLAPSE OF THE ECOSYSTEM. Bees are the main pollinators of our flora.

So, are you ready to die because bees? THIS IS THE HABEENING!

Attached: im-dying-out-not-your-problem-the-free-thought-when-10172401.png (500x566, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bee scare ia disinfo slide thread sage and ignore.
>1 post by this ID

>all bees around the world are dying
Most bees are fine. The bees that are in trouble are honeybees who are actually shitty pollinators. The effect on the ecosystem would be minimal if every honeybee vanished tomorrow. Most pollination is done by solitary bees and wasps.

>he thinks we need insects to LIVE
LOL fucking hell, you globalists and your bullshit. Just like global warming, right? lol

Ubboated my friend I will share this link on my personal blog and my environmental blog

We are moving towards growing food using hydroponics. It's more efficient, and less dangerous (no pests, no need to use poisons to kill off pests, a controlled growing environment, no seasonal changes, needs less water etc.). Using GMO's and hydroponics the need to fuck up our lands will cease to exist. Bees will eventually grow in numbers again. Chill.

Poor little bees
I bet the flies were behind this

Bumblebbe trailer is out. Ohhh man Im gonna throw my money at Michael Bay.

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ten billion other insects

Yes you fucking need them moron without them most of plants wouldn't exist and without plants we're fucking dead. British education FFS read some books

Chinks pollinate by hand since they fucked up their bees. Yields are better.

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Good - bees are shit.


Bees are still shit.

This, then you can tarmac all the fields (Britain for example is 75% crop fields) which means more room for refugees!

>it's another Jow Forums doesn't care about the environment and just shits where they eat episode

UHUH. YEAH OKAY. Dumb pole.

white people are dying out, so why should i care about a world where we don't exist

bees aren't actually that important


Bees aren't dying. The European honeybee is stressed. That's because they're domesticated and trucked from commercial apiaries in Florida to farms across the country. They aren't given their own queens, but are super colonies with many artificial queens impregnated with pheromones. Their areas THOUSANDS of species of native pollinators which are doing just fine. This is a fake panic. The only impact here is on the bottom line of industrial monoculture farming operations and commercial apiaries. Stop and think. You're being manipulated.

t. Environmental Scientist

Bees are not the only fucking species that pollinates
Additionally, the european honey bee is an invasive species anyway.

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this is slightly incorrect.
the main pollinators among bees are wild bees; which are mostly doing fine.
the issue with bees is that bees are specialists; some subspecies have specialized on certain flowers or trees. in fact, some subspecies are endangered as of now. the consequences on the ecosystem are unforeseeable.

Fuck off, Monsatan.

I like bees and I think you're a faggot

I fucking hate those farmers

Additionally, there are literally over 10,000 species of bee. The only one having the problem is the common honey bee.

wrong. bees arent needed for pollination. tons of smaller insects do the job and dont damage the flowers as much

>the Right is better than the Le-

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Smaller insects that are dying even faster.

The fuck are you talking about?

It's the wild bees that are going extinct, not the honey bees.
Honey bees are also in decline, but they are doing relatively OK.

fuck you fagot, its habeening

>all that plastic
>all that transport
>all that lighting
>all that production
>loss of nutrition from false growth
Stop being a retard.
Or just KYS.

My contribution against this is that I often buy flowers that are known to be liked by bees and put them in my garden. I care about having a natural garden instead of a "clean" garden. I often have bees and bumblebees and other insects in my garden. Also birds.

Yes, a beautiful subway made with your money to no one to use and a fucking nigger neighborhood... good job making this pic.

I'm not picky, I'll take this.

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>The only one having the problem is the common honey bee.

Not true at all.

Make sure to buy local subspecies

No, you're literally being the retard.

Hydroponics is the future.
Why do you think my tine country is the worlds 2nd largest good exporter?

We need to stop growing crops outdoors where they are exposed to pests and where we expose nature to pesticides.

Fucking nigger honey bees

boomer here. bees shouldn't complain about dying out, they had it all handed to them and they did nothing with it. to all bees, work harder, save for your pension and live will be much better. stop waking it to porn all day and get a job.

had to google the term wild bees. that term is not used in burgerland. Thought it was some special species. not just generic bees.

Almost all bees are wild.

Problem is when media says "bees are going extinct" people assume it's about honey bees.
So you have to specify it's about wild bees.

Food web collapse is a pending disaster, yes, but retarded marketing material like OP does nothing to make anyone want to address it.

>hurr durr muh beez are dying plz help
There are thousands of other insects that can pollinate plants; hell, any animal can pollinate by eating and shitting the plant out.
Look at this hairy moth, he could pollinate 100x better than a bitch-ass beta bee.

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>Africanized honey bee

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colony collapse is a result of pesticides, moron. Bees concentrate low levels of pesticides and herbicides into their honey and then fucking die because the concentration reaches a level that causes sickness and death in the bees.

Many other insects are also in sharp decline.

In my country we have 80% less insects (in terms of total biomass) than we did 50 years ago.
I'm old enough to remember we used to have to wipe our car windshield every few hundred km. - none of that anymore.

>bumblebee still doesn't speak and acts scared of some 90lb woman
gay as shit.

Robots'll take their job too

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Bei der Erhebungen in 63 deutschen Schutzgebieten zwischen 1989 und 2016 ist ein Rückgang von 76 Prozent (im Hochsommer bis zu 82 Prozent) der Fluginsekten-Biomasse festgestellt worden. Die Verluste betreffen offenbar die meisten Arten, von Schmetterlingen, Bienen und Wespen bis zu Motten und anderen flugfähigen Arten, die praktisch ausnahmslos als Bestäuber von Wild- und Nutzpflanzen oder zumindest als Beutetiere für Vögel wichtig sind.

google translate
In the surveys in 63 German protected areas between 1989 and 2016, a decline of 76 percent (in mid-summer up to 82 percent) of the insect fly biomass has been detected. Losses apparently affect most species, from butterflies, bees and wasps to moths and other airworthy species, virtually invariably important as pollinators of wild and productive plants or at least as prey for birds.

fake panic???

I've been hearing about bees dying/going extinct for over a decade now.

Source, that isn’t you remembering wiping bugs off your windshield a while ago?

They've been saying this for a decade now.

Also, pollinating without bees isn't impossible, it's just not usually needed. It's not like we aren't capable of spreading pollen. Kek

This reminds me of the ozone layer shit from back in the day. Basically a Jewish plan to make us pay more taxes and ask for more government.

much of it has to do with habitat destruction. If you remove the damp thickets insects disappear because a manicured lawn and a mulched tree don't protect insects.

Same is happening here in Germany-inferior.


Africanized honeybees work less and sting more, they are quite literally the niggers of bees.

Yknow whos responsible? nigger(bees)

yay.. reddit.

I just spent the morning surrounded by the benefits claimants, pakis and turks that descend on my little market town from the surrounding cities when it's a sunny weekend.

Bring it on, in fact i'm going outside right now to kill some bees.

Dont they have some strain of super bees that will thrive in modern environments that they're ready to unleash in case they die out or something?

inb4 manmade ai bee pollinators

he grows crops in his STINKY SOIL
he a bad boy who don't know how to pollinate
i love to make him POOP HIS JEANS fuhuh-fuhuh

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This is just typical anti white people propaganda. Global warming Isn’t real, this’s isn’t real either. The world is 4000 years old and Obama’s is the devil.

Bees don't pollinate grass. So for livestock, we're fine.
Most grains aren't pollinated by bees either. So for most food things, we're fine.
Potatoes, carrots and cabbages, cauliflowers, pepper, beans and rice don't require bees to survive as well.

I don't see how this is equal to a nuclear holocaust.

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>thinking bees are the only pollinators....

They arent even dying out you retard.

Not all of us! I use bee-friendly pesticides and have killed a handful of these nasty foreign wasps in the past weeks.

>Steal someone's work
>Expect them to keep working

Ban the herbicide Jew and the Bee population would bounce right back up.

How the fuck is it anti white propaganda, when the main people losing from harsh anti climate change and pollution laws would be shitskins

Fuck off cunt it's real it's even in the (((newspapers))) that the remaining bees are being literally worked to death and they can't stimulate population growth of the colonies. Imagine having to hand pollinate every fruit and vegetable grown.

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That is some of the most plastic, soulless acting I've ever seen.

honey business is more popular than ever, there's a bee farmer on every fucking street

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> Our beloved western honey bee, Apis mellifera, is a pollinator, but it is one of just over 25,000 bee species.
>We don't even know how many there actually are because only just over a handful of bee species have hives and can be readily estimated.

So it's not the bees. It's A bee, more specifically it's not even that, it's our use of them in the agriculture industry.

>But domesticated honeybees are involved in the production of over 70 percent of global crops.


> Colony Collapse Disorder only became a concern because we rely on voluntary surveys from beekeepers, so as beekeeping became a fad business (to prevent die-off) and amateur beekeepers killed more bees due to inexperience, they reported those die-offs and those were linked to science. With wild local pollinators, any number used as a baseline is sheer speculation.

This topic is so fucking full of disinfo from all sides nobody seems to know what the fuck they're talking about. "Bees" aren't dying off. We may have a problem in the agriculture business, which may be directly related to bad business practices. It's not a mystery why they die, there's more where they came from and it's a matter of balance and getting more local pollinators rather than transporting hives cross country. Monoculture growth is killing local pollination so agri practices might have to change.


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Oh No No No No No No

I was mocking the anti environmentalism retards.

pls die bees

everything needs to die, we need a reset

desu I'd support continuously banning pesticides, insecticides plastic food packaging etc etc until we find out what's turning western men into faggots. Something is fucking up male development and turning them infertile like lead pipes did for the Romans

Sorry lad I didn't look at your flag, though I was talking to an amerilard

>>thinking bees are the only pollinators....
>Most grains aren't pollinated by bees either.
>Also, pollinating without bees isn't impossible, it's just not usually needed.
>There are thousands of other insects that can pollinate plants
>bees arent needed for pollination
>Bees are not the only fucking species that pollinates

You're all idiots.
70% of agriculture pollination is done by bees. There is no alternative replacement for this. There is no other insect that can be harnessed for the same job. You can't change all of agriculture to use local replacements without extreme production drop offs and cost increases.

However, the doom and gloom is hype too. They're making the hives travel too much, exposing them not just to pollution and pesticides, but one hive faces disease and mites from areas hundreds of miles apart as they travel the countries. There are relatively few companies and few hives that are responsible to pollinate extreme amounts of crops.

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>be 12
>"ill paint ya tomato flowers for 2000 bucks or 0.1 Butcoin Mr."

Still better than eating pesticides

This is definitely a problem... once the liberals figure out how to make money off the bee die off maybe they’ll mention it.

we need way more niggers and muds to starve to death.

>Most people dying of hunger
>A bad thing

Pick one

Whites vs multi cult

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>the consequences on the ecosystem are unforeseeable
aka there won't be any

the bee scare has been around for 50 years nigger op


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don't ignore the plight of the honey bee! :(

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Pollinator wasps are doing fine though.
I'm a hobbyist seedsman so I control the pollination myself and have to isolate my blossoms from the bees.
Then, there's this little meteorological event that occurs from time-to-time, maybe you've heard of it; it's called "the wind." does a bang-up job of transferring pollen all on its own.
Going to miss the honey, though. Can't deny that.

Its literally a mite that attacks bees, varroa mite

wind is made up by jewish media. it doesn't exist

Does the fact that it was named "Africanized" make entomologists red pilled?

We didn't even have the bees until euros brought them. Doing what they did today would be a federal crime and the government would kill the bees at tax payers expense.

>Yes, all bees around the world are dying
No, only in USA because of FREEDOM pesticides
Free market will fix it or some shiet

>being this propagandized


>there's no alternative replacement for this
>moths, flies, wind, humans, rabbits, dogs, gravity, cats, foxes, mayflies, birds, butterflies
Wow, I wonder who was behind this post!

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