Do you think liberals will ever be successful in taking our guns away in the US?? Theyre trying hard

Do you think liberals will ever be successful in taking our guns away in the US?? Theyre trying hard

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Free market. If several banks refuse to process transactions for gun purchases, then there'll be a huge marketshare available for one bank to openly accept transactions for gun purchases.

>every gun purchase is now a cash transaction
how does this help?

Nobody is taking your guns, schizo.
We just want common sense gun laws. That is all.

That's a great way for a bank to get shot up

Yeah because no one can buy a gun in cash. Fucktard.

No bankers realize that the one bank that will continue dealing with firearms businesses will gain a disproportionate advantage but this is just a journalist brainlet prattling on about things he doesn't understand.

This bank angle seems really stupid to me.... it’ll just push it toward cash. I doubt the government wants that.

Don't EVER let them take your guns ameribros

see I want to believe that but at this point liberals have proved that they have no common sense in any other field of policy
why should guns be different?

Shit b8 faggot

I'm sorry you feel that way, sweetie, but I'm afraid that isn't true.
Without liberalism, you wouldn't even have your constitution.

how about not doing business with subversive kike bankers

> assault weapon


Short answer: No.

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I'll just start a campaign to vote current management out if they try that. You all do keep your money in a credit union, right?

the liberalism of yesterday is the fascism of today
that's how progressives work
and it'll happen to you too someday

trade weed for guns

Public school indoctrination and brain washing is the plan.
It worked before by instilling Marxists and spreading anti-capitalist beliefs in the education systems over the last 50 years.

It's smarter to let you keep them, because other than muh guns you are perfectly ok with tyranny.
>be Burger
>neighbor calls the police on you because he is bored
>police dog gnaws off your face and pig cop tasers you for moving
>Burger thinks "at least I have my guns, so I can fight tyranny"

It's not about the individual purchasing the gun. It is about the store trying to sell a whole wall full of guns. Their money comes from the banks. And is only reimbursed by the consumer.

Yeah, each generation is less supportive of firearms. The 2nd won't be repealed, but expect it to be more difficult/tedious to get a gun and for the assault weapon ban to be reinstated.

Did liberals stop spitting on the racist law enforcement/military they need to collect guns from all the conservatives? Or improve their skills with guns beyond what was advertised by the GOP baseball shooter? Then no.

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Not an argument.
Do you know what 'amendment' means?
It means a change to the constitution.
You know how the 18th amendment prohibited alcohol and then the 21st amendment annulled the 18th amendment.



It makes it even worse in fact because now sales can even be under the table and off the books.

So, I guess all those other times gun laws were passed weren't "common sense". It almost seems like "common sense" is a moving target.

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>How (((banks))) could control gun sales if Washington won't

>one video that liberals will never acknowledge

>banks and credit card companies all refuse to serve gun sales
>one company comes out in support and allows gun sales bringing in all the money
It will never happen

Define "common sense"

you can write a law but that jest means i lose no sleep over killing you with my illegal guns because by writing that law you made yourself a hostile invading force just like being a chinese paratrooper. so go on do it faggot...get me hard.

Name an Amendment ever made to the Bill of Rights.
Protip: there are none.

Lefties have no interest in trying to amend the Constitution because they do not have the support and know it. So they try to fuck it in unconstitutional manners.

There's only so many of our children's lives conservatives can take away from us in school shootings before real people across the nation stand up and say - enough is enough. Gun reform is an inevitability - it's a question of when, not if.


stand up then faggot so i can gun you down stand up bitch fag cmon cmon cmon do it faggot stand up

You're right in that you.won't be taking anyone's guns away. You'll only be proving the point that only criminals will possess guns when the pendulum swings, & you turn half this country into criminals over night with your "common sense" laws. No worries, your lot has always been full of criminals, & your pushing so hard for felons to vote, it'll only be another cycle or two before we fix your insanity, & restore our rights. At that point, the black market will be so chok-full of belt-fed full-autos, that it'll just be "common sense" to let them be sold along side shotguns & hunting rifles, & we'll all wonder why we were stupid enough to fight the NFA & Hughes, & all the other stupid shit we "compromised" on all these years.

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Pffft ha ha... my 10 year old and everyone he knows is a gun encyclopedia

Not true.

When did you discover you were clairvoyant?

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No one with a criminal background or mental illness should be able to purchace a gun. I also think this should be expanded to racism and those who spout hate speech, but just the first two are fine for now.

The first 10 are amendments to the Bill of Rights, moron.

>corporations and banks are evil and have too much power! Break them up!
>corporations and banks should take away our access to guns, limit our speech and use private issues against us at work!
The current left ladies and gentleman!

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Keep your head in the sand

Look at gun ownership rates

The first 10 Amendments ARE the Bill of Rights, moron. Now name an amendment TO the Bill of Rights.
Protip: There are none. The Bill of Rights have never been amended.

Basically this. Liberals will be disemboweled and hung screaming from their still dripping entrails like fresh deer. They don't have the experience with guns or the police/military support to prevent it.

This is exactly what I thought but there's more to it than just that. Someone would create a line of credit that would get rich in a hurry based off just gun sales.

o rlly?

This response demonstrates exactly why you shouldn't be allowed to own firearms.

They don’t even realize what 2A is.
The amendments don’t “give” citizens any rights. They simply outline what the founding fathers believed (correctly imo) are god given, inalienable, and necessary rights. 2A doesn’t give citizens the right to bear arms, it establishes firmly that the government has no power to restrict a citizens explicit freedom to purchase, own, carry, and use firearms. Any government that violates the constitution is in direct conflict with what were designated as the rights and freedoms that every American possesses from birth, and those rights shall not be infringed.

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The current teenage and 20-ish crowd know more about licking buttholes and dildo lube... the are the worthless generation... I’m sure there’s a bunch of good ones, but lots of vocal shitty ones also...

Source your stats.

Typical behavior from an ammosexual

Are you actually this dumb...AMENDMENT...something that amends something....jesus

Have you ever filled out a 4473?


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>People who can't afford a home can't afford guns
Imagine my shock.

The Bill of Rights have never been Amended, which is to say, modified or changed. So tell me, how are you so positive that guns will be banned by repealing the 2A, when in over 200 years, the first 10 Amendments have never been modified?

This, the left has become the butt of jokes because they don't stand for anything other than hating straight white males. That's it folks, that's all they offer. No solutions, no vision, just hatred, jealousy, envy and misery.

Back then, and now outside of America, liberal meant liberty you absolute retard. The liberals of then are modern libertarians.

Ahhh, rivets.
Can't forget to ban basic hardware along with guns.

>The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution.

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Shut your (((lying))) mouth. If we give you inch you'll take a light-year.


>using ammosexual as an insult
I thought all sexualities were to be protected.

Opt-in isn't representative, retard.

0/10 kys

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When, if, and how. You personally gonna knock on doors and hold up a piece of paper demanding that gun owners surrender their property?

Cue the faggot German who gives his country away...

>Their money comes from the banks.

Yes. Next Democratic admin will pack the courts and rule on "well-regulated militia" in such a way that owning a gun will be nigh-impossible.

It's a moot point, the right to bear arms is taken to be reserved by the people, not granted by government. Repealing the Second Amendment wouldn't take that right away

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Surveys are not a reliable source of numbers on gun ownership unless they adjust for how many people report they own one vs how many people actually have one. The only thing they really measure is how paranoid the people in a given area is about the government.

There are so many problems with that graphic, it’s amazing

You pack em' we'll turkey snipe em'

Good luck getting 3/4 of all states to agree.

Hillary had a 91% chance to win based on exit polls.

I'm not denying that. Simply saying that claiming anyone is going to be able to modify, let alone repeal, an Amendment in the Bill of Rights, is legitimately a low IQ retard.

Oh look it's retarded.

people will just go to the atm, most guns are less then 500 bucakroos. i try to buy all guns in cash anyway just one less paper trail.

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>muh survey
I see.
What, if any, are the typical issues with polling?
How are they conducted?

Hey faggot, get out of my country...

You already can't purchase a gun if you are a convicted felon and there are already laws on the book to prevent ownership due to mental illness. Florida is the most recent case. Didn't stop it even after 47 calls to the police to report rash behavior.

>liberals, the party of the 99%
>readily allying with the 1%
Imagine having morals this inconsistent. Their lives must be absolute chaos.

>We're not trying to take your guns!
>Ban Assault Rifles!

So accurate and representative.

No one's sniped a judge yet, so I'm not expecting it to happen. INo one sniped the judge who ruled prop 187 in CA unconstitutional, so...

Who would waste the time in CA when they're burning themselves to the ground on their own?

Banks rubbing their face in self-defense legislation.
Implying Switzerland is not full of guns because people want self-defense

The New York Times, denier of the Russian genocide of 7 million Ukrainians should just go bankrupt.

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Just buy with crypto

I guess the liberals think guns are purchased with loans? Or dragging out payments on a credit card??

The only time I ever used a credit card to buy a gun was purchase one from the other side of the USA... they didn’t have any local.

You already can't buy a gun if you are a felon. Not that it stops them from buying one of the millions of guns on the black market that no "common sense" regulation will stop.