Can this guy stop screwing up for one day? Seriously he fucks up even on Saturday
Trump Says U.S. Will No Longer Be ‘Piggy Bank That Everybody’s Robbing’
Can this guy stop screwing up for one day? Seriously he fucks up even on Saturday
Trump Says U.S. Will No Longer Be ‘Piggy Bank That Everybody’s Robbing’
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nice spacing rabbi
Guess the jig is up. No more subsidizing the world, its a great thing.
I can’t wait until we stop subsidizing the entire world, especially Israel. A bunch of free loading lazy fucks.
That's not how any of those works, morons
>John Bolton on hand ready to free the shit out of anyone who so much as rolls their eyes.
I thought the US was in debt to the tune of 20 trillion dollars or more...
love it!
>U.S. Will No Longer Be ‘Piggy Bank That Everybody’s Robbing
>Except for Israel
Thats EXACTLY how that works faggot. B-but thats not what sime left leaning faggot told me so your wrong. Hur dur learn to economics dipshit.
This whole thing is based on the false assumption that imports are bad. If a company can get resources cheaper by importing them, that company has more money to reinvest. Imports cause economic growth. Tariffs are a net loss.
Kek, Trump admits to have been cucked his whole life. He should unironically KHS
fuck off kike OP
And yet he still giving money to Israel
Really makes you think
I like this. We are not the parent of the world. We are not the sheriff of the world. We are not the sugardaddy of the world. Let them try solving their own problems for a change. A little independence never hurt anybody.
Which is why We have tariffs placed on us but untill Trump, had no tarriffs on anything coming in. Do you see it now?
it is, but 64D chess makes debt not applicable to the US
Aren't we still shilling out tons of money to israel?
>The company will reinvest the savings instead of pocketing them.
Now who is making assumptions?
Trump is hurting Americans with the tariffs. The only people who win are the specific companies that are in direct competition with the imports, everyone else loses.
Israel is our greatest ally, Mohammed. G-d will punish us if we ever turn our backs on them. We will ensure that the Holy Land belongs to the Children of God.
No all it will do is incentivize more to buy American instead of buying that foreign part or item and it also incentivizes companies to manufacture open and manufacture in the USA to circumvent terriffs which is also a win for the USA
>get free shit from all over the world for made up bits and bytes and live way beyond their means
>they're robbing us
>gee I wonder where that debt came from
the left seriously has zero self awareness and cant even into basic economics
It's better for America if American companies get cheap imports. It means businesses which buy the imports have more money to reinvest, and consumers get cheaper goods. If country A has a lot of milk, but not enough steel, and country B has a lot of steel, but not enough milk, both countries benefit if country A trades their milk for country B's steel.
no more money for israel ?
>screwing up
only in some deluded lefty fantasy world is AMERICA FIRST screwing up.
oh wait, your some EU jew posing as an American I get it.
Its better for the short term, and it mostly benefits the already wealthy at the expense of low wage earners
We're primarily in debt to ourselves, and no one can really do shit about the debt we owe them. China may soon be the exception to this, but for now, our debt is symbolic at best.
Trump is making decisions that are bad for America because "America first".
>Can this guy stop screwing up for one day?
He pointed out that the US has trade deficits with virtually all other nations.
Why should a nation (like China) impose a stiff tariff on US-made items (like cars) and not expect the US to reciprocate?
Why should Canada forbid the import of US milk and expect the US to buy its softwood?
What does Trump have to lose by publicly asking for a renegotiation at least? Judging by the US employment trends (record black employment), the projected GDP rate (4.5% by some financial groups) and middle-class (manufacturing, industrial, agricultural) America optimism, Trump is not screwing up.
No its not you you dick licking little turd, no matter how many names you call me it won't change the fact of how it works you you kite bitch. I bet you heard that from the propaganda site "youtube" some actor or paid troll said that
That is based how is he fucking up
We can either have a trade deficit and have the dollar as the global currency or the other way around. Trump is undiplomatic and will fail in 'trade wars' and thus we will have a deficit and see a decrease in the use of the dollar.
Free trade is better for the short term because of cheaper goods, and better for the long term because companies that save money from the cheaper imports have more money to invest. Tariffs are bad for anyone who isn't directly competing with the imports.
And it's best for America if all countries stop taxing American products, preventing American companies from trading, and quit subsidizing their own corporations.
Trump literally said this today
China has already kneejerked and offered to take $70B more US imports, which Trump scoffed at.
Think about that.
This is easy, folks.
Not really, we've helped China in other ways and they've gained more trade as a result of our standoff with other nations.
>we will have a deficit
We already have a deficit, faggot.
Yeah we go in debt while providing security to europe, and food, medical aid to half the world.
Trump/Thread theme song:
Believe the media - Reeeeeeeeeeee!
Yes, really. China offered to shrink our trade deficit with them by buying more, but Trump says it's not enough. You tired of winning yet?
There is no standoff with other nations. South Korea already signed Trump's deal, and the others will follow suit soon.
This is easy, folks.
Trade deficits aren't bad.
Yeah - King Nigger added 10 trillion to the debt in 8 years (the same as the previous 43 Presidents combined). Let that sink in!
>Trade deficits aren't bad.
...And people agree to take our debt because we and our funnymoney aren’t going anywhere
It's good for America if tax payers of other countries subsidize cheaper goods in America.
God you're a power cuck 5000
They aren't. Why would they be bad?
OK if we aren't the world police then who is? You want to just have the biggest military in the world and do nothing with it? Or do you want to cut military funding so that China and Russia take over USA? We're in a bad situation where we are stuck with a giant military.
Some of that 10 trillion was QE, but over half was the result of Bush tax cuts continuing through his administration, reducing government’s income without reducing the governments’ spending
You don't have to put bait in the OP to spur discussion
...and even better for America if we force them to drop their tariffs and buy more American goods
>Trade deficits aren't bad.
>companies reinvent when they don't buy American products
>companies dont reinvent when they get tax breaks
That's pretty much a perfect metaphor for the US's trade balance. We are hemorrhaging jobs to foreign countries like crazy especially countries in asia.
How is that a screw up. Most countries take our money our protection then call us fat an stupid. No foreign aid only bombs. Sage
All of it came by Obama's hand, faggot. Stop making excuses.
The myth that trade deficits are bad comes fron the myth that GDP is a good measure of a countrys prosperity. If I break someones window, and they pay to have it fixed, the GDP had increased, but noone's better off.
>myth that trade deficits
Trade deficits means you are outsourcing all your jobs and industry overseas
typical academic hack, sow confusion and conflate arguments
stick to balance of trade, faggot, and prepare thine anus
Companies reinvest when they buy resources for cheaper. Companies also reinvest when they get tax breaks. Both imports and tax breaks are good.
post eye
Again, South Korea already found religion, and signed Trump's deal, which was quite fair and generous. The rest will follow suit soon.
This is easy, folks.
>the USA practicing austerity is a bad thing
Grow up commie fucks.
A trade deficit means you're importing more than you're exporting. This can mean cheaper goods for consumers.
S e e t h i n g
>that company has more money to reinvest
this is an inefficiency if that capital is reinvested into the (((global financial market))) or goes to expansion of employment in foreign lands.
>hiding your tax revenues offshore is totally legitimate
Yeah and the giant globalist corporations pass the tax burden to the working classes, wow what a great idea.
A trade deficit means you are outsourcing all your jobs overseas which means your country is losing jobs and industry.
fair enough
...and fewer jobs, less capital investment and less household income
i wish a niggah would
>cheaper goods
also fewer jobs and less money to purchase said cheaper goods
A trade deficit has nothing to do with jobs. It means you're importing more than you're exporting.
Very proud of Greatest President Trump. He's doing a great job thus far. Keep up the good work, sir!
This guy got so triggered he stuttered you twice. Stay triggered leftturd, you will never understand economics.
companies don't reinvest the money they gamble it on the stock market mainly through stock buybacks.
>A trade deficit has nothing to do with jobs.
>The company has more money to reinvest
>they "reinvest" it into economies that aren't america
>america is slowly sucked dry while everyone else in the world profits
>hurr why do you want tariffs????
Based AF. This is what I voted for.
>t. turd world parasite leeching off the west
we developed the world at our expense. now there are 7billion 3rd world monkeys replacing US.
I don't know why Europeans and white people in general aren't taking the yellow threat seriously, in the previous centuries there were heaps of people from Oswald Spengler to Lothrop Stoddart who warned against it.
In the book Man and Technics, Spengler warns against rabid technological progress and diffusion of technological innovations because the shitskins will inevitably adopt European technology and wipe white people the fuck out with it. And it's happening right now with China/India/Asia.
Spengler especially pointed to the tendency of Caucasoid technology to spread to hostile "Colored races" which would then use the weapons against the West.[2] In Spengler's view, western culture will be destroyed from within by materialism, and destroyed by others through economic competition and warfare.
Man and Technics - Oswald Spengler
The Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler
The Revolt Against Civilisation by Lothrop Stoddart
and impoverishing yourself in the process
A trade deficit has everything to do with jobs.
It means shipping jobs and industry overseas.
Don't let this retarded Kiwi (probably an asian immigrant) fool you as long as the US has a trade deficit it will continue sending jobs and industry overseas mainly to China.
Look up the Parable of the Broken Window. GDP is not a good measure of a countries prosperity. Also all government spending increases GDP.
Free trade is bad for the long term, traitor to humanity. It means the death of culture, and the genocide of whites. It means the reintroduction of slave labor and a drop in quality of life for everyone in the first world.
The only people benefiting from free trade are the oligarchs who are far removed from the immediate costs and consequences.
I don't want the brazilification of my country, or anyone's country. Traitors like you deserve rope.
Again, the chink warlords just offered to buy an additional $70B of American goods to shrink the $400B/year trade deficit with them. Trump told them to fuck off.
This is easy, folks. What do you think we can get when we actually get serious about this. Trump is smiling now, and glanhanding these globalist fucks. What happens when he gets serious?
This is easy.
>1 post by this ID
not interested in your academic distractions, faggot. The subject is the trade deficit. Stick to it.
Thats right. Enough of this nice guy bullshit, the era of nation building under past cuck presidents is over. Its off to the moon and mars from here on out. Any leaf, bong, a*stralian, chink, muslim, eternal kraut, poo, israhelli, that hates us and our plan gets the MOAB. Stay on earth, we're out to form the galaxy empire.
wages and living standards are the best measure of prosperity and ever since the US started outsourcing jobs overseas wages have stagnated and recently living standards have declined.
Bush era tax cuts worked in Bush era because he didnt ramp up spending to the tune of 10 trillion dollars. Obama maintaining taxes while jacking up spending to insane amounts is the exact reason for the debt.
This is what I find entertainingly laughable and frustrating as the same time talking to libtards about economics, because they have no rudimentary understanding on the matter.
King Nigger's QE (2&3) was money lent out to his banker buddies at a ZERO % interest rate that did not go to the American citizens nor help them in any manner, regardless of what trendy buzzwords you can drop.
One politician brought this up (a friend of Obama's), and what happened to him? Oh yeah, the (((MSM press))) demonized him and put him in jail:
no deal from what i can see that matters. i mean you just gobble up headlines. dont get me wrong hong kong has idiots who might jump at some "opportunity" to have their family members ransomed back to china after having gained citizenship. taiwan learned its lesson and the people who make the mistakes are ruined financially
but they cant give america what it needs. canada and mexico are the 2 largest trade partners. china has laws against any company doing anything that isnt in the best interest of the country. they cant fire people just because in order to increase profit margins. xi would be removed from office if he gave america some lopsided america first deal. his friends were removed what 20 years ago and he was left in place for a time but he can be removed with 1 simple corruption probe and the deal burned
The Bush era tax cuts were good, it meant more money for the working and middle classes
and the dollar is the world currency. please read 50 cent party poster
>that spacing
but no, I'm tired of funding chinese spy software as identified by the millitary, I'm tired of losing friends and sending hundreds of billions of dollars of trade to china in exchange for kickbacks and a shit offering, i'm tired of letting china tell NK to try to cancel the korea meeting and sending nuclear bombs to their fake islands