EU cracks down on social media

EU cracks down on social media and doesn't want people to check up on what the commission does. Communication could offset their corruption and end "democracy".

Germanys miniter of finance want EU countries to pay more money to the EU in a coordinated effort to help "unemployed" within the Eurozone. We can only guess who he's ctaully reffering to. ;)

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"regulator of tech companies"

how the fuck is this even a job, it's just being in the way

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Democracy = Jewish control

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Most of the positions in the bureaucracy of the EU are make-belief and serve no function other than draining economic resources.
Europe worked well without the EU, it doesn't work at all now, and they still expand the bureaucracy.

Its it a retirement home for corrupt politicians for a reason, they lobby though the EU, between the private and public. The companies pay the EU for deals and after the politician resigns as PM they are given a cushy job within the bureaucracy of the EU.
It's all corrupt.

Democracy is one of the worst forms of government just as Plato wrote 2,500 years ago. It’s mob rule that always becomes tyranny. Most people have no idea how to rule so why the fuck should they be given a vote? Especially when they’re are so easily persuaded by he authorities that they obey. Fuck democracy. I unironcially want to kill anybody who believes in and desires democracy

Not just Pm, any type of public office, That's why hundreds of these European former ministers work for the EU, while making millions.
They sold deals / special access to the market in their own countries, and the companies agree often owned by the same shit that sits in the EU, give them jobs in the EU, or broker deals for them to work as co-CEOs or something in the oil and gas industry or Green industries, as they like to call them these days anyway.

Yeah, "democracy", but not democracy as in giving people power.
They are currently stealing OUR power away from us. They have been doing that legislation by legislation for the past 70 years.

We need to END this nightmare once and for all, and get that power back to each respective country!

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they probably fucked some child and got filmed doing so. now they have to obey or they'll get exposed when the next "child trafficking ring exposed" news story appears.

Democracy is VERY overrated.

that's deep man, write a book about it and sell it to the father of your children.

>they probably fucked some child and got filmed doing so
I theorized that there is some type of collective ritual, like with gangs, where they all end up co-responsible. This will give them the incentive not to rat each other out.

A German already did it.

*an austrian

Then why didn't Hitler have a kangaroo?

kek, all Americans get that fact mixed up

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*British to apparently

I can see how you'd get us mixed seeing as how we're superior

>social media is evil and will destroy our democracy
>puts her children on social media with no parental supervision
these EU bureaucrats are uncontacted amazonian tribe tier stupid

Or boomerangs?

Free use of social media, uncensored is the most democratic thing modern tech HAD to offer. Now it's a tool of propaganda and the rich. Ever notice how these days if you want to be something like an author, you need to have a large social media following first? Combine that with the trend of having to be a lefty or else you got banned and you have a system which filters out dissonant thought. You have to be approved by the mindless masses before you can sell them something they already approve of.

There's a million other reasons why this is fucked up. Everything under the EU is turning to evil.

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Lol... eurotards

That's the point, they want to dictate the internet. Because THEY personally dont like something o the internet then it must be removed from existence.
They don't like us, or white people in general, and they are already oppressing us. Who knows how long its going to take before they outright applauds the extermination of the working class white.

It's weird to be living the 1984 prequel

Well, at least the EUkikes are making their best to make sure DOTR really does happen.

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You seen this yet?

>Hitler wasn't german
Lol at Germanics trying to cope with failure.