>Communism in eastern Europe was terrible, my grandmother still tells me horrifying stories how she had to stay in line for 20 minutes to buy kielbasa for my fat uncle Tadeusz
Communism in eastern Europe was terrible...
Luis Gonzalez
Sebastian Williams
Jacob Collins
Zachary Wright
Jonathan Flores
Landon Young
My grandfather was murdered by the communist state police. Better not be a commie near me.
Leo Johnson
>t. pic
Ayden Powell
Did they forced him to eat doctor kielbasa instead of cervelat?
Oliver Bell
Well it was. While everybody had a computer a gaming console, a telephone and at least some decent music and clothes in west Germany, we had almost nothing, except some depressing commieblocks and cancer due to air and water polution.
John Stewart
Pic was the factory closeby. You were not allowed to criticize it, as criticism was seen as critics on your government. So you were essentially somebody who acted against the peoples, if you want to defend nature.