I can't take it anymore guys. Everyone I know is retarded

I can't take it anymore guys. Everyone I know is retarded.

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>you aren't entitled to other people's work and money

It's such a simple concept, yet sub 80 IQ leftards can't grasp it.



OP here. For some context, she got into law school on a 4.0 with a philosophy degree. This is our future.

They are just being indoctrinated by MSM propaganda made by Jews. Jews fear an armed populace so they'll try to disarm the people.

FUCK me wtf, they're so shallow they literally can't form their own opinions they just absorb what's on the news and social media


How a philosophy degree leads to law school Ill never know. She'll probably fuck up hard in law, but then somehow get elected as a politician for some left state

Further cements her retardation. Only a fool goes until law school unless they get into a top school. Good luck getting a decent job otherwise.

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>What do you mean I have no money because I spent it all on marvel movies, funkopops, weed, and overpriced immigrant made food, and buy 60$ nintendo switch games?
Fuck you dad.

I am progun as anybody, but free heathcare is WAAAY more important as a right than guns.

Fucking please, free medicine can't cure bullets.

not suprised it is anti gun

Except it literally can.

>healthcare paid for by others
>something a human being is entitled to

I'll never understand how these people justify theft with these weird mental gymnastic moralities

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You wanna try? Give me an M240B, my favorite gun. You can have all the medicines you have.

If you believe in positive rights than this is a reasonable point. But positive rights don't exist, of course

*drives on roads*

Only positive right I really believe in the germanic ancient laws where every men ought to have weapons to defend his lord in case of need.

The right of self defense = inherently part of the right to live. Guns = enabler of self defense and levels the playing field by eliminating physical strength as a factor.

So gun-rights are directly linked to the right of self defense.

Stop following these idiots on twitter/facebook/insta etc. You know they're gonna make you mad and just raise your blood pressure. Just associate with people who make you happy bro.

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*pays tax money*

R u serius? Get real, guns are fun but fuck, you are prolly never gonna use them, but you WILL need heathcare.

roads aren't a human right

>4.0 GPA
Can someone post that Boys State thing? You know, the one with the extremely intelligent Harvard kid who saw a tyrannical government form right before his eyes and didn't comprehend it?

I pay for my healthcare, public healthcare is shit.


Never trust myself with a public doctor.

Are you 5? Typical single issue voter.

like these things are mutually exclusive.

Nigger, I'll pay for my healthcare instead of bullying others into doing it for me. Guns and the negative right that allows their ownership in this country are what separates us from the britons who are currently considering banning knives with pointed tips.

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Not everybody can afford private heathcare, but it is still a basin human right enshrined in th constitution.

I would be happy to off you with your bullshit.

See .

You underestimate my freedom

No, it ain't buddy boi.

>Not everybody can afford private heathcare
Not my problem.

There's no issue as to whether your right to healthcare is under attack. The issue the left and communist/socialists continue to whine and moan about is one of public healthcare paid from the taxpayer's coffer.

Prove my point more will you?"right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness''

Checked and Fpbp


You have the right to purchase guns if you want them. You don't have the right to be given a gun.

You have the right to purchase healthcare if you want it. You don't have the right to be given healthcare.

If your country wants to do a single payer type system, then you have an entitlement to healthcare, but not a right.

Your RIGHT isn't under attack. The shit you sub 80 IQ leftists bitch about is the fact that the government isn't subisidizing your life. This is separate from the right to life.

>negative rights are positive rights
the right to "life" means that nobody can kill you, not that people have to pay for your healthcare dumbass.

Not OP, but a lot of history students end up in law after they realize what a silly choice they've made.
Mostly has to do with memorizing little shit, I imagine philosophy may be the same.
She seems like a retard still though.

It is under attack for as long as it isnt free for everyone.

>can't afford 80-150/month
>has 80-150 cell phone plan

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Right to life, not ENTITLED to living, fag ass.

Idiots, anyone of you should GLADLY trade guns for FREE heathcare.

I guess we just disagree entirely on what constitutes a right. Should I be spouting that the fact guns and ammo aren't free means the 2nd Amendment is under attack?

I think this is ridiculous, and it's irresponsible. It's the kind of thing a child feels entitled to.

Move to Cuba right now, bitch.

Found the idiot. I'd trade everything for freedom, and so should you.

>""""free"""" college, healthcare etc
>get taxed to oblivion

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>80-150 a month

Your employer is paying 3 times that to cover the rest of the bill.

I have bare bones cheap shit insurance, and I Pat $250 a month. Healthcare costs are fucking stupid, and get more ridiculous every year.

Why? And it's not free anyway you chuckle fuck. Everyone pays even more taxes to support this "free" healthcare. And I use essentially none of it because I'm in good health. Why should I support some fatass who gave themselves diabetes?

The second ammendment means having fun at the range in 2018, that is miniscule bullshit compared to free heathcare that every developed country has.

>implying i would trade the ability to kill people with knives on my doorstep for the right to be medicated and strapped down on a bed for (((doctors))) to experiment on
no thanks, i'd rather not be helpless to stop people from abusing me again

Healthcare costs and the government/corporate collusion is a terrible thing and another matter entirely. The kind of disgusting State waste that comes about in any coercion based economy, and I agree that's a huge problem.

Free healthcare though? No, that's denying reality. Nothing is free.

I agree with you to an extent, but I believe wholeheartedly it shouldn't be that way.

I'd give up anything to move back to where it's supposed to be.

>willingly pay for healthcare
>receive immediate and exceptional service
>be taxed for "free" healthcare
>die waiting in line for basic procedures in a 3rd rate strip mall office

Free healthcare doesn't exist. If it did, there would be unanimous agreement that it be implemented. But it doesn't. This isn't some fucking black and white game where we have to pick AR's or magical free healthcare.

The 1% would pay for it not us.

I know a few people that live in Canada and their "free" healthcare (as well as their police, but that's another story) is an extremely bloated and corrupt system.

The doctors there do not give a fuck about you, even worse than American doctors. For anything less than immediate surgery, they just prescribe dangerous-ass opioid medication at the drop of a hat. They treat patients like they're boogers needing to be picked.

At least when I pay for private healthcare, I get good doctors that know I'm paying good money for their services. Public doctors couldn't give a fuck.

Bumping for this, I would like to save that greentext, it was a good read

Aren't the 1% already being taxed at like a 50% fucking rate?

you're one of those retards who thinks people like elon musk and jeff bezos have billions of dollars in a bank account somewhere, aren't you?

So were you guys paid by putin or just an IOU?

Like hell they would

Make it 90% then.

...? Because I'm against communist style healthcare?

Come up with boogeymen all you want, but I'm just a member of a dying breed, it seems.

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Congratulations you just chased them out of the country like every other failed communist state in history. Your reward is famine, 40% unemployment and gross inflation of toilet paper stock.

>Everyone that disagrees with me is Russian

Yes, 70 rubles per post.

Take ALL their money if they try to leave.

We should ban education and healthcare.

Now you just have a tyranny

>run the people starting and managing businesses out of the country
>take their money, that they don't have, when they try to leave

Worked for Venezuela.

Fuck no. Maximum income tax rate in the US is ~40%, but most people in the higher income brackets earn their money off of investments. Instead, they pay closer to 20%.


>Why rich people make money?
>Rich people should pay all their money to the government
>Why no free everything?

Absolute state of leftists...

1% ruined lives for the betterment of the 99% is not tyranny.

The worst part is how you can point to actual examples of governments doing just that and the hilariously consistent results.

>but that's ok because it wasn't real communism

>Instead, they pay closer to 20%.
user, companies pay that on gross income. that's just federal tax, too. most companies pay more.

most companies legitimately can not pay more than 20% without taking a hit to their bottom line so large that moving overseas is feasible. lowering corporate taxes actually helps the economy in a lot of cases, since money that would have been wasted in government instead goes to the development of products and services.

in short, you're retarded.

Every time without fail..........

> Implying societal inertia will just stop at 1%
When you guys the wealthy up against the wall, are you going to execute them with 5.56 or 7.62x39?

you do realize that the 1% have more power than the majority, right

that's why they're able to have so much fucking money. it's not like the government and the rich are two separate groups and the government cares about the 99%.

Can't afford. Use plastic bags like the Khmer Rouge.

Sorry guys, it was bait, wanted to ruin a blogpost thread, nearly killed myself when this fag agreed with me

Confiscation generally won't pay for more than a couple months of goverment spending. You need economic activity.

Kek. Aight, u got me m80

Healthcare isn't a fucking right. It's something you buy and sell.

Thanks for being good sport guys, is it weird a felt bad halfway through?

I'm not taking a side in your Hegel vs Marx shit fight. And I'm aware of payroll taxes, but we're discussing the individual and not the company.

> Most companies legitimately can not pay more than 20%
Not following you here. A company isn't paying this. This is the federal tax you or I pay on any earnings from stocks we liquidate.

> wasted in government
> goes to the development of products and services.
I'm not willing to buy that governments can do no good, and that companies won't relocate funds away from the cou try that paid them. It's a hell of a lot more nuanced than you've painted here.

In short, no u.

>When you hit him with the reverse trolling and it goes in just right

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>hypothetical scenario where all those things are made rights
>ugh why is owning a salt rifle 47 still legal in this progressive society
There is no pleasing anti gunners

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Succinct and accurate

Government doesn't create anything dude. Business creates.

This user gets it.

And they often get funding for the government, particularly in areas where the market will not support them. Our highway system, telecom system, communications networks, satellites, etc. were built with huge sums of governemnt money.

If you're worried I just want to suck at that governement titty, I don't. But the market does not always line up with a nation's needs, and markets fail refularly. When the invisible hand won't cut it, sometimes you have to reach for the spedge hammer of government.

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You've been reading some fucking dangerous literature. The free market IS the nation you dunce. People and business are the free market. Government coercion and regulation in the market only creates problems.

Damn. What the fuck are they teaching you in school nowadays.