Why White People dont like helping others?

Study: telling white people they’ll be outnumbered makes them hate welfare more

White racism keeps hurting programs that help the poor.

>White people become significantly less likely to support welfare programs when told that black people might benefit from them.

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>I have no proof, so I’ll parrot a vice article that provides no proof.

There is not a single social program that doesn't benefit black people more than whites.

We really need to make abortion free for blacks though.

well, duh
Letting the government take your money just to give to niggers is some kind of indirect cucking.

LOL wut, Realize its turning into brazil


>People are disinclined to put up cash to support people who hate them

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Have you lived near black people?
Hell I hate most other white people, but if you've ever watched a neighborhood deteriorate you know what's coming.
MSM likes to pretend racists are insular and ignorant, when in actuality they tend to be the ones that actually have experience with other races.
The least racist parts of the USA have the least black people. Its just a fact.


Yeah I fucking need surgery and he pain/debt from the diagnosis fills me with hatred


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>Telling the people of a nation that outsiders will infest and consume the majority of their resources makes those people defensive and angry
wtf i hate borders now

Uh, going up to a random stranger on the street and announcing they're "outnumbered" is for sure going to put them on the offensive, likely rooted in a mix of anger, fear and confusion. Doesn't even matter who the person thinks they're outnumbered by. Them's fightin words historically

btw welfare is actually very dysgenic since it make it easier for low iq people to reproduce
In a multirracial country it's even worse

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You guys really need to stop getting so worked up over dumb articles like this one. Get off Jow Forums for a while and recognize that nobody on either side takes this shit seriously.

it reminds us what subhumans you are

>make abortion free for blacks though.
This. Abortion is pretty degenerate, if it isn't used as an eugenics tool.

As long as abortion is free for blacks but illegal for whites I'd be fine with that.

white men are now going to prison for helping white women from a nigger rape ritual
now tell me why i shouldn't have a raging boner whenever niggers die
>Clean your streets OP, you're better then this

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people don’t like being told they’re being systematically replaced because reasons

>People are less likely to subsidize their own destruction when you explain it to them in concrete terms

God damn racist wypipo

Farm subsidies.

>We really need to make abortion mandatory for blacks though.
Fixed that for you


Jews want even more welfare and affirmative action if they know it harms whites.

If anything what we SHOULD be discussing is how to undercut shitskin welfare even further and keep from contributing to the mudshit breeding program.

>Haha we will outnumber you soon in your own neighborhoods
>What do you mean you don't want to give me gibs?
What is this article even trying to say?

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we let all the most retarded and unemployable people from mexico and central america come here and have children for free. is anyone really surprised that their children are bunch of obese retarded brown goblins shitting out kids too?

Which YOU faggots do. We have controlled farm markets instead of flooding the market with milk, eggs and chicken no one needs we produce the needed amount and ONLY the needed amount. We use quota system farmers buy into giving Canadian produce actual market value. Our chicken and dairy farmers do MUCH better than yours or any other country that doesn't have quota. You farming system using subsidy is sick. The worst part is your target ours as a bad thing because you assholes do shit farming practice. Fuck off.


True, but I think as long as the dysgenic trend is reversed it is right and moral to offer welfare to the poor.

Reminder that the Jew and it's minority puppets are pushing for mass immigration and mass race mixing to destroy all whites.

"Anthony Bourdain: "In 70 years there will be no white people anymore""

>In, I don't know, 70-80 years, there will be no White people anymore, and only cappuccino colored people. It's good. It's good.
>(((Anthony Bourdain))): This is the only solution... It's our only hope is to fuck our way out of this...

"Bourdain said he was raised without religion, and that his family was Catholic on his father's side and Jewish on his mother's"

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>White racism keeps hurting programs that help the poor.
Telling any group that they are threatened will make them hate you more. This is not exclusive to whites.

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Translation: Be nice to them until we overwhelmingly outnumber them, then we can conduct a proper white genocide.

low income families of all races make babies to play the welfare/tax system

So when white people are the majority and are no longer able to sustain welfare, what happens then?

>70-80 years
What a retard.

>you are going to be a minority whitey
>we are going to outnumber you whitey
>you are going to go extinct whitey
>ayo hol' up the fuck you mean you don't want subsidize your own destruction fukkin raciss ass white boy?


Your country is working hard to make it happen even faster.

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>that headline
fucking lol. when the jew slavers need to reprogram their commoner goons because the goyim know.

>(((white racism)))

Farm subsidies are for cheap disgusting shit.
Who buys cheap disgusting shit?
Who benefits from it being cheaper?

The US and the UK are far ahead of us. Look it up.

and makes them be for abortion more.

Still killed him self. Imagine believing in your own bullshit that much

Wait, you're telling me 3/4 to 4/5+ plus of almost every minority household in usa is receiving food aide?

Tis' true. Don't follow our lead. At least we have guns to fight back with though swedefag.

What a great propaganda piece for us. Articles like these are extra strength red pills. Basically admitting that white people are tax slaves to their own conquerors.

>Whites do not want to pay jizya in their own countries.
Dem racist!

> Nobody on either side takes whites being outnumbered seriously
Yeah I know

But it is taken seriously, retard. What the most radical lefties are saying today will become mainstream progressive ideology tomorrow. The nonsense being taught in college today is the kind of stuff that would have been dreamed up by some idiot tripping balls in a field at woodstock

That shit still gets my blood boiling, and I've seen it all. Imagine what it does to conservacucks

yeah, this: Indifference means the agitators can further their propaganda without resistance

way too often actual directives get weakened because of nothing but "trends"

This is also why the Trump win was so important

Just white people? I think this pretty applies to anyone.

Vox is completely obsessed with anti-white racism. It's just a matter of time before they finally publish the Eternal White Man.

They kill the white people for not being able to sustain their unusually high standard of living given to them by white people. Clown show, coming to you soon.

>headline creates a division between "poor" and "white"
>ignores that a shitton of white people are poor, and deserve benefits WAY fucking more than people who aren't even fucking citizens

Yes, time to start dismantling the progressive marxist machine one piece and institution at a time.

This, and the fact that identity politics leaves white people voiceless. Representing their own interests is "racist" while every other race is encouraged to do so themselves

corporate welfare


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This.is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. White people will give anyone the shirt.of their back if someone truly needs it. White people aren't against helping anyone. But you can't help those who don't want to help themselves. And that's maddening

And retarded shit like this only.fans the.flames. white people don't give two shits about this fucking nonsense. Really. We have better shit to do like work and.raise our families piss off cunt flaps

I don't agree with this faggot. And a lot of his work has been discredited by other scholars. But, to be fair, some of his other quotes are less genocidal:

>We do not hate you or anyone else for the color of her skin. What we hate is a system that confers privileges (and burdens) on people because of their color. It is not fair skin that makes people white; it is fair skin in a certain kind of society, one that attaches social importance to skin color. When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category. Consider this parallel: To be against royalty does not mean wanting to kill the king. It means wanting to do away with crowns, thrones, titles, and the privileges attached to them. In our view, whiteness has a lot in common with royalty: they are both social formations that carry unearned advantages. - Noel Ignatiev.

we share our countries and "we don't like helping others" lol. if u r oppressed then gtfo.

Except you're completely wrong. There are thousands of people taking this stuff 100% seriously.

I should be forced to give up my paycheck cause some dindus can't get their shit together
They literally deserve to starve and die.

I have never liked the welfare state in my country and never will regardless of your skin colour. It pisses me off that i have to work 70 hours a week and then get a shit tonne taken away from me to pay for fat, unproductive, single mother, subhuman IQ cunts. I grew up in a family on welfare so i know what the fuck i'm talking about, my mother was a lazy cunt who took all my money after i finished school while collecting her welfare as well because 'muh depression means i cant work' , i left that shithole as soon as possible.

I drive by a welfare council estate shithole everyday and it really tells you something when they are all fat and obese - so much for living in poverty. We need to reboot our welfare system and give it to those who truly need it.

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That's common sense. No one wants to pay for unappreciative fucktards regardless of color. With that said, I don't see anyone offering to make a mortgage payment or pay for my kids braces, do you?

whites and asians have the highest empathy


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I'm all for helping the truly needy and downtrodden. But lazy pieces of shit including white lazy pices of shit cam go fuck themselves

So the memes about Chinese lacking empathy aren't real?

>White people become significantly less likely to support welfare programs when told that black people might benefit from them.

And that's a good thing.

Telling white people that they are evil because they don't want to be forced to be more charitable, makes me hate welfare. I'd gladly help my brothers out when they fall on hard times, because I trust that they'd do the same for me. Everyone is tribal like this. Why can't you just accept that socialism only works with an ethnically homogeneous population? Why should I want to help my neighbors when they are flying foreign flags, playing weird ethnic music, cooking food that smells like shit, and they can't even speak the fucking language to converse with me? Fuck that.

We pay enough of a nigger tax even without welfare because almost all niggers with jobs are being carried anyway

>What we hate is a system that confers privileges (and burdens) on people because of their color.
How right and oblivious to reality he is.

>one that attaches social importance to skin color. When we say we want to abolish the white race, we do not mean we want to exterminate people with fair skin. We mean that we want to do away with the social meaning of skin color, thereby abolishing the white race as a social category.
He’s the one concerned with skin colour and identity politics. I would love to see a colour blind meritocracy.

>Consider this parallel: To be against royalty does not mean wanting to kill the king. It means wanting to do away with crowns, thrones, titles, and the privileges attached to them.
Acknowledge your privilege white man and ignore the special privileges for everyone else because your the oppressor.

Oy vey goy, I wasn't being serious. Calm down, can't we all just get along?

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Yea, and who the fuck do you think PAYS for all those handouts to niggers, spics and useless shitskin pieces of shit like yourself?

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That's not a social program, that's corruption.

Someone said farm subsidies and that's also similarly corruption.

By social program I mean you are born and the government gives it to you automatically. Welfare, school which is then throttled to the lowest common denominator, affirmative action, etc

Welfare is not "helping others" it's government enforced robbery to blindly give handouts to people who may or may not deserve it. It's a broken system because it ensures that the taxpayer is at the mercy of the government and has no control over anything his money goes towards. Welfare is criminal in that it doesn't even solve the issue of why welfare is needed in the first place, rather, it attempts to put a bandaid on a severed limb. You aren't going to solve unemployment through welfare.

We're ahead of you but you guys are dead set to catch up in a fourth of the time at that.

Telling wipipo that their taxes will go to the 13 children of Fahad instead of education and development.

Wonder why would someone oppose this.

Almost any business subsidies

They'd reproduce anyway.

>one that attaches social importance to skin color.
By instinct, every society does this because people are tribal, violent, rapacious primates. The only people that don't accept this fact are kikes.

>social meaning of skin color
This is a biological construct, not a social one.

>do away with crowns, thrones, titles, and the privileges attached to them
This is a social construct, not a biological one.

You're trying to solve a biological "problem" with metaphysics. It won't work--even with a sufficiently brainwashed population, there are still people like me that know it's all bullshit. You'll have to kill us all first before you have a chance of

>abolishing the white race as a social category.

>telling whites that they'll be demographically reduced and forced to pay for shitskins makes them angry

Wowee who could have predicted this
When can we hang progressives?

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Let's look at the quality of life in South Africa where whites are actually outnumbered

>Whites pay 95% of taxes
>Have to live in nigger containment bubbles
>Pay for armed security because the Police is useless
>Still get targeted for racially motivated crimes
>Everyone ignores it
>No future
>All of your discretionary income not raped for taxes for welfare goes to private education for your children and private security for your homes
>Forget about traveling outside at nighttime, might as well jump into a volcano headfirst

Who wouldn't want that as a future?


Daily reminder: If you do not produce white babies you are part of the problem. No matter what - a country cannot run unless its populace is willing to set aside its duty to have children.

It is a social duty to pass on what we have learned to the next generation. If you cannot perform this function, you will be over-run by niggers.

In nature, mass + energy wins. Niggers are going to outnumber you until the end of time because we refuse to replace ourselves.

Business owners won’t say “Gee whizz! A tax cut. More money for me” they will be able invest more into the business and grow. Paying more tax to the government and employing more people to pay tax in their wages.
The business benefits first and then everyone else too.


>Business owners won’t say “Gee whizz! A tax cut. More money for me”

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No, you simply offer $10,000 for anyone willing to get sterilized. That's it, no mention of race, but it will work.

You don’t realize how stupid you look right now.

Muh RAY CYSTS!!!!!!!

You don't realize how naive you look right now.

No way that's a real article

Some fates are worse than death.

So you think if a business owner receives a tax subsidy he raises his salary to absorb it?

It's weird that White people resent being treated like shit.

(((Dylan Mathews)))
>pay for them to replace you goys dont be racist!

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